Friday, September 4, 2009

Sucker Punches

We want to thank O's for bring this issue to the forefront. I'm taking about sucker punches, and not just the one you've seen the highlight reel on.

Yesterday, before this even, we were talking about a guy who (admittedly) through a punch at a protester, and in the process got his finger bit off! He's parading around like he's the great victim here. When first of all, he was out to disrupt a rally. And secondly, he started throwing punches? And who's the victim here, again? And oh by the way, it was Medicare that is picking up this guy's hospital bill, who happens to be against government run entitlements? He said he wasn't there to protest anything, so how then how did he get in a fight?

Then we get to the protests of Obama addressing school kids. Which qualifies as a low blow!

Have low-life's really taken over politics this much?
Where are you decent people? Why aren't you outraged?
We all getting bitch slapped, and sucker punched, by idiots for having our own opinions, that don't agree with THEIR HATE SPEECH and SPIN! Point is, chill out! Most of this is started by shock jocks, and pundits, are you kidding me? Nobody is fooled, it's all started by racists!

I remind everyone to take a deep breath, and step back, and look around the room. Is this the way you want your children to act, to a debate? This is insane! Now, throw me the Jello would you?

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