Thursday, September 3, 2009

The President of United States

The Presidents of the United States of America.
I remember LBJ portrait being on the walls of my school.
I remember Nixon.
I remember a picture of Ford being there.
I remember Carter's big grin.
After that, I was a voter!
Man, that was short, did I miss something?

The current President of the United States of America, wants to give your kids a school pep-talk. Challenge them to set goals, and do well, in starting this new school year.
We didn't have live satellite feeds, or I'm sure this would have been common.
Remember where George W. Bush was on 9/11/01?
Remember him trying not to scare the kids, as heard the news?
And somehow, a TV pep-talk, is spell binding indoctrination into evil, and let's face it, it's because he doesn't look the Presidents on our Money!

You've reached a new low, when we thought you couldn't get any deeper?
Do not support a sick outs, GROW UP!

It's one thing not to trust or even like the guy, it's another not to have respect for the office. I didn't like W. But he was my President. I have respect for him, even now, for being in that elite club. And you guys should too. Teach your children were politics is appropriate, by your own good behaviour.

What I don't get, is that kids are not partisan, until they're in their teens. So most of this is just crazy talk! Paranoid crazy talk!

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