Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Time for the big come back?

Set your clocks for next Wed Sept. 9, and we'll see, if Obama can pull a rabbit out of his ___.
This loosing ground, loosing ground, loosing ground, we can't take it any more, where is he, big come back is getting to be kind of an annoying habit! I honestly didn't think I'd turn on him this quick, but I'm getting annoyed, very annoyed! YOU OWN CONGRESS- if Republican's don't want to play, they are irrelevant.

It's not NO we're afraid of, it's irrelevancy. Somebody had better get a better game plan. The public does get it, but does the electorate? We are the party of NO recovery, No Health Care, NO everything, is not going to play well. Not for long?

I like real conservatives. Maybe it's because I grew up with so many catholic friends? But when you've turned Nixon, and Reagan into Leftest, you've gone over the deep end! It's time again, to stop pandering, and kick some butts out of your party. Crazy people are not welcome, in either party! They drag us all down with them. Time for some house cleaning.

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