Saturday, September 5, 2009


Now, Republicans want to offer their own Health Reforms. Are you kidding me? They want to call it Bipartisan because it was written by them, and not Democrats? If we listen, they will back out in the last hour, and give it not a single vote, same as before? So why should we listen even? They think we're this stupid? What have they been doing for 6 months on Health Care Reform? Do you think the agenda is suddenly changed? I don't! And what plan? They haven't got a single plan out there?

A Republican Plan = Give the Insurance Companies complete and total control over your life and business, and hope they never, ever, would screw you, like they have in the past. And if they do, oh well, you had it coming for being so demanding in a world of uncertainty. Bonuses all around guys- yeah! AIG IS AWESOME! Do you want another Doughnut Hole in health care? Something like, when you hit $25,000, the bill is now 100% yours, until it reaches $50,000, then we cover 35% again. Which is to say, the policy is "Don't get sick!" Health Insurance is only for the healthy.

WHY EVERYONE? Ever hear of TB? How about AIDS? How about the FLU? Cover EVERYONE!!! This is all worse than waiting to see a doctor.

Unless you want to go completely SINGLE PAYER FOR EVERYONE, which is same outlawing private insurance, as it currently is. The Public Option is your only other choice, that is TRUE REFORM! The Government is only one player, among many private insurance choices then. This gives them the leverage to control costs (WHICH MEANS SAVE YOU MONEY!), without mandating regulations into the market place on price control.

Should this fail, I think we consumers should be able to opt out of ALL Health Insurance, and go with something more like Credit Unions (non-profit collectives). Local Health Banks were we are all members (are owners) of the insurance company, where we can have accounts that actually build EQUITY, and can negotiate pricing for health care from doctors and hospitals and pharmacies, gym membership, and even weight control services. All in one package, and forget the failed PPO and HMO systems all together, and their private death panels!

I'm thinking something where membership is instant with paying your dues, with no one turned away- even retroactive to bills that occurred within the last 90 days- would help all be insured, and would help prevent most bankruptcies. Who cares if it takes 20 years to pay off your bills, if your going to live another 20 years- trust me, that would stop most bankruptcy! Which would save states and counties millions, annually.

Minimum accounts are like $100k lifetime, but you can pick up to a million dollars lifetime coverage if you can pay that kind of dues. This idea is more like Banking for health care than it is insurance. It's not a handout, it's a hand up. You buy in, and hopefully build equity, and have a good health advisor that assists you in keeping costs down, by having a healthier lifestyle with plenty of preventive coverage. The difference between this and a bank through, is that while you can quit, you can't really can't cash out, except maybe a much lower rate- the whole idea is buying 'personal health building', not 'personal wealth building'. So your equity is not really liquid and portable. But you can pay off your policy and have free health care to end of life, with just dues payment each year, with no copays. Like Auto Club, for health!

There my dream system, for all it's worth. I just don't see that happening anymore than Single Payer, because of the trouble it would caused the insurance industry. However, banks seem to find ways to complete with Credit Unions every day? That why I think that would be a good plan. It allows us socialist to sit in our own little pools sharing expenses, while watching you suckers get screwed, because you refuse to pay dues, and have collective bargaining.

Dr. Howard Dean thinks this kind of idea is just a target for takeover, same as Blue Cross was. So the Public Option, was the only option for true health care reform and he may be right.

I have one thing to say, to all of you who stood in the way of reform. I'm the angry voter. I'm not going to sit quietly. And God Damn your opposition! May God Damn you personally for it, racist mother fuckers! I'm not joking, this is WAR if we fail this time! I'm that fed up with greed and politics and the racism!

Look there are problems with Medicare, nobody disputes that! But there are far bigger problems caused by a system that require insurance, (get sick without it), then has no safe guards for consumers, or price controls. We all pay for my (and many other's) bankruptcy, and it's stupid! It's not what I wanted, and I just don't understand how you can support a system with no equity being given. Since that time, I've paid $100,000 to insurance companies, and you think I've drawn that much in services, really? You are trusting someone to have your back, that not required to cover your illness at all. Are you kidding me? This is working for you? Really? It seems to me, to be money just flushed down the drain- and that's why I have such passion for this. Without insurance I'd be dead. With it, I'm in the poor house, at least- I want my life back, my dignity back, and to rejoin the American Dream! God damn you that stand in my way! God Damn your greed! God Damn your racism! God Damn your elitism! Get the fuck out of the way of progress, because there is a price to pay for being an idiot. You deserve it, I don't, so I'm fighting mad!

Now, let's get to a smarter guy than me, who can get elected just because he's a much smarter guy than me! (I'm not embedding the video, because this is getting much too slow to begin with with all the videos.) Look out, Tea Party-er's, Al's Got Answers, Logic, Politeness, and far more of the right stuff than me, who would rather meet your violence with my violence! If you don't agree, maybe you should meet my...erhf!

Damn it Al, I'm really, really mad, why can't you be too? This clown is making me look bad. Yeah, that's it, it's his fault, all his fault! See, I can think like a Republican, too!

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