Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Senators are trying to take the fight to Republicans

Democratic Senators want you to know that Republicans in both houses, are out to screw you and your families this year, to win political points by secretly engineering a bad economy, so you'll electing a Republican President.

I have one question to ask? Where is Joe Biden? Senators are only going to get coverage on cable. You need your message out network morning shows to be noticed by the masses. That is the job the VP! Taking the battle to the other side, is the job of the VP. Not playing let's make a deal. That is the job of the President. Where is Joe Biden to dish this shit back at the Republicans?

Once he will not do it I will:
Republicans want you to eat shit for the two year (starting the one we're in) so you will vote for a Republican President. Are you really going to vote for a guy that strips good business apart for profit, like Mr. Romney does? Does that really sound like the best road to recovery?

A vote Republican is against Medicare. (We decided two generations ago that good health care was too expensive for seniors, why would we change our minds now?).
A vote Republican is against YOUR Social Security. (Did you not notice that we HAD TO BAIL OUT AIG?)
A vote Republican is against ALL public education.
A vote Republican is against all science, except engineering (particularly social engineering).
A vote Republican is against fair labor practices and good paying jobs.
A vote Republican is against job security, and keeping jobs here.
A vote Republican is against collective bargaining, and for weakening unions.
A vote Republican is against (YOUR RIGHT) to joining or forming labor unions in the first place.
A vote Republican is against not only abortion but birth control. (They are declaring HUMAN LIFE to begin when the sperm enters the egg- that makes all birth control methods illegal, but we don't give certificates of conception for a good reason-ew!).
A vote Republican is in favor of the Government deciding the best medical treatments for you.
A vote Republican is against the American Dream for anyone under a million dollars a year.
A vote Republican is in favor of raising your taxes while giving even bigger breaks to Billionaires (the so called Job Creators)!
A vote Republican is in favor of endless war.
A vote Republican is against nearly all Veteran Benefits (you patriotic suckers).
A vote Republican is against Nurses in all places they are employed including your kid's school.
A vote Republican is against having enough Cops and Firemen.
A vote Republican is for not knowing UP from DOWN in trickle down.
A vote Republican is for high prices in food and energy from Derivative Trading rather than Supply and Demand.
A vote Republican is for NO REGULATION for Wall Street, and EVEN MORE BANK BAIL OUTS!
A vote Republican is for Selfishness Doctrine of Ayn Rand, and against Christian Charity, and the Protestant Work Ethic.
A vote Republican is for lower wages by abolishing the minimum wage.
A vote Republican is in favor abusive child labor (right here in your country).
A vote Republican is FOR FULL EMPLOYMENT, in China.
A vote Republican is for defunding the EPA, so there will be no safe drinking water in America (not even in a bottle).
A vote Republican is to kiss Grampa good bye- no more Meals on Wheels, he have to beg strangers at the market like they did in the old days.
A vote Republican is in favor of turning us into a Third World Nation, so we can be sweatshop workers, with no social safety net.
A vote Republican is for defaulting on our debit, which will cost you thousands of dollars in your mortgage, and on your next car, even your credit cards.
A vote Republican is in favor of voter repression (anti-democracy cheating, which is all they got in ideas).
Why the f**k aren't I the Vice President?

Now you want proof? Read the HEADLINES in a REAL NEWSPAPER! Etrade is already running TV ads telling you to invest in Chinese Bullet Train, rather than in new rail HERE!


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Countdown is back

Countdown with Keith Oberman is back on cable. Where are you?
If you can't get Current TV, Daily Kos has our backs! They have a petition to put Current TV into EVERYBODY'S lowest cost basic package.
Nice to see you again Keith!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Get in your poll position

This article should be a poll.
The question is, does the Netroots have any pull in the upcoming election?
I sure hope nobody will look to me for advice- I think we're all FUCKED no matter what!
However, should Republicans STEAL another election and then call it mandate, we're all TRIPLE FUCKED, seeing what they've done to the whole Rust Belt and New England (this year), with ginned up crisis after crisis.
Back to question at hand though; I believe that Blogs (such as this one) are only a reflection of the public, and not a persuader. There are very few people I'm going to stir to anything other than anger. I'm just launching my opinions from the darkest spot of my soul; yeah it really kind of sunny down there, but angry. Keeps my blood pressure up so I don't freeze.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Hot Dog, NO meat!

Another fine male has been castrated today.
Mr Weiner committed no crimes, didn't even have SEX, and yet is forced to resign for flashing his wiener at some strippers, that were willing to play with him online. I just don't get it? It's still called FLIRTING.

I think that it was good that Mr Weiner's compulsions were exposed (pun intended), before he did get in REAL trouble. But the nonexistent crime does not fit any prescribe punishment. The embarrassment has always been enough. But today we have to go TOO FAR, and demand his balls too!

Once this is nothing but politics at it's most stupid level, I say: One Hot Dog please, hold the wiener.

There is another footnote here to be added:
My brother was 100% right, when he said; "The kiss of death to a politician is to become the joke." And that's all we've got here.

PS: I don't like the war on women, anymore than the war on men! We have got to stop being so stupid about trivial things.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

GOP debate?

I didn't bother to watch the GOP debate, and I sure hope you didn't bother either.
I mean the GOP dog and pony show.
And it's still the same old, same old... What year is this again?

All these guys seem to think they're already running against Obama already. Their not! They are running against EACH OTHER first. Those guys last night gathered to have a large group hug, and cry. There wasn't a single NEW IDEA thrown out there by anyone of them.

Which is why, I didn't bother.

Footnote: Bachmann can't seem the figure out that the GOP war on women; Does include her as the enemy. Personally, I'm not so sure God told her to run. You'd think he could find somebody smarter, who is just as loyal.


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Enough is enough?

MSNBC today reports that people are so tired of politicians behaving badly.
Are you kidding? This is GOOD SHIT! They all NEED to be taken down a notch by something, and sEx is the most trivial something there is, with PEOPLE this powerful.
Some say the answer is MORE WOMEN in Congress- SURE!
You mean more ugly middle age/senior women, with repress lesbian feelings, don't you?

Understand the social nature of men.
Understand the excitable nature of men.
Understand the extrovert.
Understand the emotion addiction and compulsion control (or lack thereof).
Understand the new tool (social networking) which lets like-minded people connect- almost privately.
Understand this is only the beginning of Sexting Scandals.

Enough? I want details with lots of "Ah!" and "Ew!" which I expect to get from Professional Politicians. Anthony Weiner is the first of a new generation of LIVE WIRES, that are eSocially connected. In a few years, this scandal will be as common as mud; and you will wonder why a man's flirting drew so much attention and scorn.

PS: When any man gets away with something, he normally either feels guilty or escalates the THING farther, sometimes both. Hopefully AW will learn from this, and be a better person, rather than a sneakier person. We hold out hope. Still though, Sexting is got to be the biggest bunch of fuss over flirting, I've ever seen. Resign? For needing a little play time, they can't be serious? This is bullshit politics of making mountains out of mole hills. I just don't understand how the Heat on his Bone, makes any difference, when he's chatting with a woman 3,000 miles away?


Tuesday, June 7, 2011


GOP demands "Off with his Weiner!"
Dems confused; "We've seen the photos. Clearly he is circumcised?"

I still think this is the smallest thing I've ever SEEN! (Sorry Anthony).

If the Elephant does it; "Oh naughty, don't do it again!"
If the Ass; "BOW DOWN BEFORE US AND CONFESS, AND RESIGN!..(and while your down there...)"

Facts are the Kochs are going to launch Drill Baby Drill 3. Blaming their oil and gas speculation price pain, as being Obama's problem for not Drilling enough. Hoping that none of you know that they are only drilling about 10% of what is currently available to them on leases. What happened to supply and demand based pricing? Speculation, selling FUTURES has advanced the curve, fucking the whole system up. But blame it all on Democrats, if you're a total retard, go ahead!

I do agree that it is Obama's Fault. But for not REregulating the FUTURES markets.
Think Progress- Kock Oil Speculation


Monday, June 6, 2011

Weiner owns his Wiener

Mr Brightbart,
well? He guilty of flirting, that's not a crime, no matter what kind of picture of his winky are in your position.

Anyone who think they can silence these men, by catching them being MEN had better think again. Prudish old ladies is a bigger con-job than dirty old men. Two and Half Men is a popular TV show, because it exposes men being MEN! We are no longer shocked, and honestly never were.

Most women have sex with men out of pity. Men respond; "Whatever!"

I'm glad to see Anthony come clean, and own his online (game) flirting. I do expect an extrovert like Anthony to do these dirty little things in secret. It's men being men. Which is why I wanted him to own it. I'm even more proud of him now. It's embarrassing, but it's human and it's not illegal.

I still like Anthony Weiner, and I think we should be understanding and forgive. This is a good man.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Palin Tour

Who cares?
A: Mass Media.
A: Cause it beats doing REAL WORK of digging into and trying to understand issues.
Will she run?
A: Who cares?

Weiner's Wiener
He doesn't know if it's his wiener? ??? What about the underwear?
I don't really care if he did it or not, or if it is as he claims, a prank. But come clean, and own the situation. Frankly, I'm a highly sexually charged guy, but I really don't want any picture of my wiener. We have pretty faces for a reason, which is why the media is chasing a bus around, with a quitter inside.

So that's what Palin is up to!
She out to steal Romney's thunder, and clearly the Koch bros are paying her a lot for it too, to drive through killer tornadoes to do it! I don't know if that's greed, craziness, or both- but man, that is devotion! Didn't zackly work though, local news says; "Romney continued to call Obama a failure, while declaring that he's running for President." No mention of Palin at all. Nice try Kockys!

So now we know who's behind the big bus (what is with them and the buses?). I joking said; "I might have support Romney for a while!" Lmao.