Monday, June 6, 2011

Weiner owns his Wiener

Mr Brightbart,
well? He guilty of flirting, that's not a crime, no matter what kind of picture of his winky are in your position.

Anyone who think they can silence these men, by catching them being MEN had better think again. Prudish old ladies is a bigger con-job than dirty old men. Two and Half Men is a popular TV show, because it exposes men being MEN! We are no longer shocked, and honestly never were.

Most women have sex with men out of pity. Men respond; "Whatever!"

I'm glad to see Anthony come clean, and own his online (game) flirting. I do expect an extrovert like Anthony to do these dirty little things in secret. It's men being men. Which is why I wanted him to own it. I'm even more proud of him now. It's embarrassing, but it's human and it's not illegal.

I still like Anthony Weiner, and I think we should be understanding and forgive. This is a good man.

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