Friday, June 17, 2011

Get in your poll position

This article should be a poll.
The question is, does the Netroots have any pull in the upcoming election?
I sure hope nobody will look to me for advice- I think we're all FUCKED no matter what!
However, should Republicans STEAL another election and then call it mandate, we're all TRIPLE FUCKED, seeing what they've done to the whole Rust Belt and New England (this year), with ginned up crisis after crisis.
Back to question at hand though; I believe that Blogs (such as this one) are only a reflection of the public, and not a persuader. There are very few people I'm going to stir to anything other than anger. I'm just launching my opinions from the darkest spot of my soul; yeah it really kind of sunny down there, but angry. Keeps my blood pressure up so I don't freeze.

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