Thursday, June 16, 2011

Hot Dog, NO meat!

Another fine male has been castrated today.
Mr Weiner committed no crimes, didn't even have SEX, and yet is forced to resign for flashing his wiener at some strippers, that were willing to play with him online. I just don't get it? It's still called FLIRTING.

I think that it was good that Mr Weiner's compulsions were exposed (pun intended), before he did get in REAL trouble. But the nonexistent crime does not fit any prescribe punishment. The embarrassment has always been enough. But today we have to go TOO FAR, and demand his balls too!

Once this is nothing but politics at it's most stupid level, I say: One Hot Dog please, hold the wiener.

There is another footnote here to be added:
My brother was 100% right, when he said; "The kiss of death to a politician is to become the joke." And that's all we've got here.

PS: I don't like the war on women, anymore than the war on men! We have got to stop being so stupid about trivial things.

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