Tuesday, June 7, 2011


GOP demands "Off with his Weiner!"
Dems confused; "We've seen the photos. Clearly he is circumcised?"

I still think this is the smallest thing I've ever SEEN! (Sorry Anthony).

If the Elephant does it; "Oh naughty, don't do it again!"
If the Ass; "BOW DOWN BEFORE US AND CONFESS, AND RESIGN!..(and while your down there...)"

Facts are the Kochs are going to launch Drill Baby Drill 3. Blaming their oil and gas speculation price pain, as being Obama's problem for not Drilling enough. Hoping that none of you know that they are only drilling about 10% of what is currently available to them on leases. What happened to supply and demand based pricing? Speculation, selling FUTURES has advanced the curve, fucking the whole system up. But blame it all on Democrats, if you're a total retard, go ahead!

I do agree that it is Obama's Fault. But for not REregulating the FUTURES markets.
Think Progress- Kock Oil Speculation


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