Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Enough is enough?

MSNBC today reports that people are so tired of politicians behaving badly.
Are you kidding? This is GOOD SHIT! They all NEED to be taken down a notch by something, and sEx is the most trivial something there is, with PEOPLE this powerful.
Some say the answer is MORE WOMEN in Congress- SURE!
You mean more ugly middle age/senior women, with repress lesbian feelings, don't you?

Understand the social nature of men.
Understand the excitable nature of men.
Understand the extrovert.
Understand the emotion addiction and compulsion control (or lack thereof).
Understand the new tool (social networking) which lets like-minded people connect- almost privately.
Understand this is only the beginning of Sexting Scandals.

Enough? I want details with lots of "Ah!" and "Ew!" which I expect to get from Professional Politicians. Anthony Weiner is the first of a new generation of LIVE WIRES, that are eSocially connected. In a few years, this scandal will be as common as mud; and you will wonder why a man's flirting drew so much attention and scorn.

PS: When any man gets away with something, he normally either feels guilty or escalates the THING farther, sometimes both. Hopefully AW will learn from this, and be a better person, rather than a sneakier person. We hold out hope. Still though, Sexting is got to be the biggest bunch of fuss over flirting, I've ever seen. Resign? For needing a little play time, they can't be serious? This is bullshit politics of making mountains out of mole hills. I just don't understand how the Heat on his Bone, makes any difference, when he's chatting with a woman 3,000 miles away?


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