Sunday, July 31, 2011

Basic Soul 101

What is the ghost?
There is a simple answer, but it's gross and disgusting.
The modern woman (emancipated) is normally shocked to learn that she hasn't got a soul, only her husband does. It sounds so very sexist and it is, that is why it's something we no longer teach it, but every rabbi and clergyman knows it.

Before the age of special effects and idea of photo-realism, ghosts were formless translucent clouds. And once clouds rise high up into the sky of blue, that was heaven. And from heaven falls the rain and the snow and the ultimate judgments of lightning and hail! And the gods and ghosts became temperamental, doing things to excess, and turning blessing to curses. On the other side, was the season of souls, it was snowy and white, and all was dead but a few, but soon the whiteness would be soiled by the earth, loose it grip and corrupted it would fall, and would be washed away. So now you know about the afterlife ghost, and the time of the ancestors. Let's move to progenitor ghosts.

What is soul, the spark of life?
There you are ahead of me already, aren't you?
Only man has soul, and it's white and it's translucent, the GIFT of the God, a symbol of his purity as is the snow.

In Genesis, you will find many descriptions of soul. One boy claims of his rape victim; that she has taken his soul hostage. But to really rewind back to the beginning, you might be shocked on how it all began 2:7:
And the Lord God formed the man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

There is clearly a rewrite here, he blew snot into his head? The rewrite to support the homophobic view against the Greek armies. The Progenitor BREATHED into him, and made him a living soul? I'm afraid the Bible starts off with a homosexual encounter, anyway you want to slice it, from a French Kiss or Sodomy, it's all starts male on male! And God wasn't interested in making woman that way, that was a mistake wasn't it?

No I didn't write this to piss you off, these are the facts about SOUL from a Biblical perspective. But none of it's right to begin with. The EARTH is not 7000 years old, it's 500,000,000 years old, not even man is 7000 years old, we have cities that 12,000 years old. Man appeared about 128,000 years ago. The story of creation is not science, it's an allegory at best, get over it!

The point is that even the Biblical writers got caught up in an allegory from Plato who lived 350 years before Jesus. It's called the Myth of Er. And it speaks of afterlife judgment based upon your life actions, where your rewarded with bliss in heaven, or punished with a term in hell (to put it in modern terms). (Yes, yes, I know there is an even older myth in the Egyptian Book of the Dead, but the foundational philosophy is not the same, as it is with Plato.) You thought that was all Christian didn't you? Jesus took that and made it more than just a term in hell, he added no redemption at all, except through him. The Myth of Er also allowed for reincarnation, souls could try again as anything they would like. Do you suppose there could be an ant who is Plato?

In 1962 man managed to do the impossible, that God would not allow in Genesis. Man escaped the earth into the heavens, and still God did not come tumbling down, now did he? Everyday, people still pray to the Father in Heaven, Jesus or Mother Mary. Everyday, sportsmen point to sky to celebrate victory with God and their lost loved ones. Even though we know it's 3D space, and they aren't just over head all the time.

My point here is not offend you. But to make you smarter, and to make you rethink these juvenile and silly hard lines, that many think you MUST EMBRACE. Would God suffer fools who know better? Some say Yes, that's FAITH! That's foolishness, plain and simple. Faith is the belief that you through being the better, will overcome in the end, even if you die in defeat. It's a matter of principle. (and very very Plato).

I only want you to know what your talking about, rather than just making it up all the time.

Recently a man in Yellowstone was mauled to death by a bear. Men in there judgment decided that the mother bear was only protecting her cubs, and therefore not a threat humans, and therefore was acquitted of any crime. Their judgment was that MAN needed more training in wild life, and they setup a Bear Safety Lecture, which was not only a little late for the dead man, but was interrupted by a black bear. Still think God made man in his image, I'm beginning to think that God looks like a bear!


Friday, July 29, 2011

Once a week, at least

If there was something I wish I could do, it would be to get YOU ALL to watch Dylan Ratigan once a week. No he's not leftist nutjob, or tighty righty. He's a guy that knows exactly who's to blame, and it's BOTH SIDES! He's an analyst for Bloomburg, who just got totally fed up with the crap being peddled by Wall Street and the Bankers, who decided to create a show that would take them to task. He hits both the left and the right as hard as they can be hit. And no, I don't think anybody can take him daily, but what he has to say is worth it in understanding why it's going to take maybe generations to fix what's wrong with America. It will take that long to unspin and settle down.

Frankly, I want to stream the whole show from today (7/29/11) to you. The important thing was where it all started, with deregulating the banks under Clinton. How that got more screwed up under Bush (adding Prescription Drugs, Wars, and Tax breaks), and how now, they've totally corrupted Obama with this bad bad burrito of bad ideas, that he can't seem to end, but is finding a way to stomach. I'll embedded it as soon as I can find it.

The point is, that yes I'm angry with Obama. More so, that those who just hate him because he's a Democrat (and black). I'm annoyed, angry, but I have to vote for him again. See 'Best o' if you don't know why! He's too much Wall Street's president, and less so mine! I have all the influence that I'm afraid I have. But getting Democrats back in power is our nation's best HOPE to effect true reforms to set this country back on a solid footing.

Dear Mr and Mrs America; Please stop voting for D students, who will not simply and routinely raise the credit ceiling, like it has always been done before. There is a point where you have to stop politicking and have to start governing. 25 people have this fucked up for Republicans. 25 people can fix it by crossing the aisle.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

to fight the unbeatable foe

Yes, Don Quixote has come to mind. In the World of Imagination today, nobody prays or goes to church, they are pulled and prodded into perdition, doomed! Worthless bastards!

This is nonsense. I've never seen a generation that is MORE CHRISTIAN! But because you don't have 1000% compliance to YOUR WILL... There have never been so many true believers.

Why, because everything else in life has been a lie!!! You are in quicksand praying that the neighbor goes under first so you can stand one his head for a while. Yes, we are now that desperate, and it show in EVERY MEGA CHURCH that is built.

However, while they profess Christ, do they actually serve him? Jesus of the gospels is a rebel, a progressive, a reformer, and a hater of hypocrites. Instead of condemnation he brought redemption to even the worsted of sinners. But once they are kind to each other, so they think they are to all men. As long as their not a Democrat.


Mega Churches will come, and they will decline and go. It is an ebb and flow, same as the tides, and business, and politics, and ...

What I don't understand is; Why the paranoia?

Facts are that we are at a turning point in human history. The science is in, and it dispels the myth of creation (so what?). It dispels the myth of Noah (so what?). It dispels the myth Tower of Babble (so what?). I can go on and on. Faith doesn't need these things as FACTS, only fundamentalist do, and they've already lost that fight to science! Church leadership has never been more stupid, and less educated, which might be why some churches are empty. Smart Churches know that none of that is important to the message of the Gospel. Jesus doesn't need to ever really walk on water. The older I get, the more I become convinced that maybe Romans are right, in that God's Law shouldn't come from a book, but be as living as the times we live in, and even as diverse (which is something they don't embrace). Christianity can not survive in it's current state of hardheadedness and denial. Eventually it will adapt to the new reality, as much as realizing that the world is round like the ball, so there is no underworld. We do not live in a giant snow globe on God's knee, get over it. Your building your house on sand. Jesus wouldn't, he would be progressive, a reformer, he would embrace truth first.

If Churches are failing it's not Christ that has failed...

To dream the impossible dream.
Crazy people, why am I so surrounded by crazy people? What annoys me most is, they all know better, but crazy is acceptable.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Under Review

Imagine that, I deleted a post!
Why?  I'm no fan of Amy Winehouse, and I while I would like to make a positive point from her, I honestly feel for her parents.  And I feel deeply for her parents.  So, I'm eating what I had to say.  Never mind.  I was totally wrong.  She's gone, RIP.  Not my place to judge.  Forgive me? 

I don't spend a lot of time on the Debt Ceiling crisis.  Other than to say get it done!  The reason is that I'm not economist.  Frankly I haven't a clue what it's about?  I do know that this is about money we already spent, and not money we're going to spend, which is how it's being presented by the Republicans.  But what I understand in this; is Politics.

Bush failed.  There is no spin that can be made for that, it crashed because of his policies, and at the end of his watch.  He wanted to be the President that put more people in a home, than any other in history, and he did.  Even if they didn't have a way to pay for it.

Politics at it's worsted acts exactly like a spoiled brat.  Our guy failed, no way, you failed, YOU failed!!  Then they start engineering failures.  So far, President Obama always lands on his feet.  And there's still the 14 Amendment, which he can invoke the privilege of, so the Republicans in the House really can't win, except on one issue; Taxes.  All Taxes must start in the House.  Which is a fight for another day.

Republicans, YOU CAN'T WIN!!!  Stop being stupid, and hurting any chance you have in 2012, and get THE PEOPLES WORK DONE!  Breaking unions, is not in the public interest- cut it out!  Get the debt limit done, and start a jobs bill!  Or just be LOOSERS!  I SMELL LOOSERS!  There's loosers in the House!  Loosers in the House!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Outreach and Rehabilitation

Hey BRICK WALL, get out of the way of my HEAD!!!

A lot of this blog is just PURE HATE and RAGE, coming from me. Things are just so outrageous. Fact #1: Mitch McConnell has said, and so has John Beohner; "When it comes to a Democrat President, we just wont let him be a Democrat." That wouldn't be a bad strategy if that's what they were doing, but it's not. They taken gridlock to a whole new level, to total irresponsibility with their partisan ideology.

When Democrats had the majority in the House, there was nothing they could do there to disrupt. So we got to learn that ANY senator can stop everything with a "secret hold". So the senate was totally dysfunctional during that time, which lead to voter outrage. Which the republicans did a SUPER job of misdirecting.

The midterms came, only old Republican voters were motivated (by lies) went to the poles, so Republicans won the House, at the worsted possible time. Now that we're over the tough stuff, it's time to wind down the wars, and pay for the dept. Which means raising taxes revenues. It an issue that by the Constitution has to start in the House. So we have not only Tea Party Zealots but Grover Norquist's Anti-Tax Pledge standing in the way. You want AMERICA to pay it's bills off, but you don't want them to 'take away private jets tax breaks'? Yes, I hate to be such a parrot about this, but it's the perfect example, because we weren't offering new taxes on anyone, just doing away with breaks for second homes, planes, ...

I woke up this morning realizing that my dreams all night were trying to tell me one thing about this stupid BUSINESS FIRST philosophy embraced by the Republicans. Rich people think that money outweighs voters. They don't want a system of One Man One Vote, because voters can say NO to them, and NO is never acceptable. Human decency says that "No means NO!" But these are truly spoiled children, misbehaving. 'I have a billion dollars, how dare you tell me what I can and can not do?' is their attitude. So they picked one party, and used it to nearly totally take over Federal Courts, and the Supreme Court, with rules that favor Business over Citizens. Which has ruled that Corporations are People too, and who can now give as much money as they want to a political campaign. Their last crazy ruling was that some law suits are too big to sue. Which is the craziest ruling of all time!!! So nobody can have a class action against a multinational? What about People vs... (such as criminal cases)? To many plaintiffs? We are already over the slippery slope.

Yeah, yeah, yeah! I've lost my point here, because this is a full rant unto itself.

We're already over the slope, and holding onto each other by the ankles. Yet the Republicans are continuing their war on unions. Now not just Kindergarten teachers, but also anybody who works for an airline. Are you kidding me? What's it going to take to get the message out, and understood?

I am exasperated. We are still ruled by One Man, One Vote. How do we stop the shouting back, and get good people to understand they've been had? " a system that sold them down the river 30 years ago."- George Carlin.


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Self indulgence


Yes, it's just a stupid Bangles song! But there's just something about Susanna Hoffs. That girl's gaze could start wars and light spot fires. Looking at them as an old man now, their all awesome to look at. So it's here as candy, must be nice to be twenty something forever? Not that the giant smile of Michael Steele was something you could ignore. Thankfully, in my early 20's they were a "Chick band", and easy to ignore, or I'd have been scarred for life!

Rock on Susanna!
(SOB she's older than me? Whatever she's pickled in, get me a vat of it!)


Burning Down the HOUSE

Times up!
This is no longer a crisis, it's on fire.
How long will you let it burn out of control? And TAINT the Faith and Credit of your country, over BULLSHIT?

Not one of you deserves another term. You deserve your rope for treason!
Dear America; Why did you send so many D students to Congress in the last election?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Where's the President's Plan

I woke this morning to this rhetoric?
Ok, where did we start? President Obama wanted a strait vote on raising the Dept Ceiling. But THE REPUBLICANS again try to take it hostage, saying; "NO CUTS, NO RAISE".
Which started a hostage negotiation.
The only agreement was; Unless EVERYTHING was AGREED TO, NOTHING WAS AGREED TO.
The REPUBLICANS said we want 2 Trillion Dollars in cuts, the President said; Let's make it 4. We'll even cut MEDICARE in exchange for some TAX REFORMS.
Everything dealing with TAXES has to start in the HOUSE, which is under Republican control, who refuse to even close Tax Loopholes (not create new taxes)!
So it's true; The President has no plan!
But who's fault is that?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Smart ALEC

You knew these wingnuts weren't using their own ideas to destroy America, because they're just not that bright. It's too universal (globally), there has to be a cheat-sheet, a script, a secret organization behind it. And guess what, there is! The Nation (were we get that liberal media bias you can't get anywhere else) has exposed the world to the very secret American Legislative Exchange Council(ALEC). Yes, they're cheating on the final, with a script of SUPER BAD IDEA's TO DESTROY YOUR DEMOCRACY, civil rights, and roll back American to the stone age.

These idiots have names (other generic Republicans). And you need to get involved exposing them! This is not a joke, these guys intend to corrupt the whole rule of law in this country using your fears as their leverage.

Are you ready for President Rick Perry to steal the next election away from your vote?


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Keep it moving

I found this thanks to and if it wasn't so damn true... Prepare to be big time offended Right Guys!


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

College students need to get smarter

College tuitions are being raised all over the place, and it's the same old useless failed war plan students are trying to pull off against it. Which is about as effective as 'praying away the gay', it doesn't work!

College students need to organize, and let California Colleges know, they aren't the only game in the world. It is laziness that locks people into the current location. And to counter such raises, you have to raise the stakes, with boycotts, not just screaming and shouting and carrying signs. Let them know, you will leave, and get your education elsewhere! And not only that, but you will have personal grudge against them and their graduates all of your life for it. You are the future, you have to leverage THAT! Rather than; "Please don't pee on me, tuition should be free!" - Big Whoop, peon!

You need to let them know, you can cause them greater financial pain, than what they are solving by hurting you. Let them know, your grouping up and applying elsewhere. If they are loosing chunks of students, they will notice, and trim the fat, rather than screw the students.


Republicans not true anarchist

The Republican Party use to believe in the power of government. Today however, they have completely lost their way, to the cult of Ronald Reagan; "Government is not the solution. Government is the problem." And so they are fumbling around in the realm of anarchy. Anarchy is never the true goal, when what they really need and want is Oligarchy (now I sound like Glen Beck, but hang in there with me):

The trouble with Democracy from the very beginning is the lowest common denominator wins most of the time. Which make for really stupid government. Which is why everyone hates mud slinging, but yet, it's effective at getting the smarter guy elected. So your rarely ever going to see an election based on ISSUES! Name calling works!

Socrates was put to death for basically arguing that Might does not make Right! A mob is not right, simply because they have numbers to force their will upon others.

Plato however found a solution in democracy of the elect, for the elect, and by the elect. Basically Oligarchy. Today we have both; where we elect people into the oligarchy to run the government.

After 2500 years of flailing around in democracy, today we have a elected government that only pays attention to interests of Wall Street and Billionaires. Corporations are grinding clear air and water standards into the ground for what purpose? And both parties are on the payroll. Democrats want to fix what's been broken, by growing government to do it. And Republicans are just out for Anarchy. Let the mob think they have the rule, while we do it in our secret Star Chambers.

The reason Democrats act as they do, is because while those responsible for destroying our health should be held accountable, you can win judgments against them. But they never pay out or make it right, until the (now purchased and useless) Supreme Court rules in their favor, overturning justice for everybody. So if you can't get the bastards to do what's right (protecting everyone's health), then you have to do it: Super Fund, etc. THAT WHY THE GOVERNMENT HAS TO DO IT ALL!

Todays Republicans believe totally and completely that there is no reason to save the planet. God has already promised a new heaven and new earth. So waste this one! Never mind the fact that man's first divine job was taking care of the environment around him- and that which was before 'the Law' is not nullified by 'the Law', from their own religious edicts.

That is your choice, so choose wisely. The good news is that it's still One Man, One Vote! If you can win elections with this bullshit agenda, then you can laugh at me!


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

All Tea Parties = Delusional Minority

Enough said!

UPDATE: Today a dear (misguided) friend joined a group; "One million people against Obama". Which is hilariously delusional. 1/300 of the population, big whoop! It just shows how informed they are.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Human Right to Employment

Article 23 of United Nation's Universal Declaration of Human Rights deals with your employment:

Article 23.
(1) Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.

(2) Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work.

(3) Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection.

(4) Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.

Why am I bringing this up?
We are dealing with Multinational Corporations today. Knowing your rights under your state is nice, but I see clear violation of International Human Rights Law in everything Wall Street and the Capitalists are doing (to us).

Where is justice?
Workers in China and India and Mexico, who stole our jobs, should have OUR PAY SCALE (#2 & 3) and be able to join the VERY SAME UNIONS (#4) as not only their right to employment, but also as our right to protect ourselves from unemployment (#1-4).

Who knew we had a RIGHT to protect our employment this way internationally?
See, you need to know ALL YOUR RIGHTS!


Without a crisis nothing gets done

Isn't the title of this article, a description of a broken system and dysfunction?
Thank you Republicans.

Yet another crisis?
You must be kidding?


Friday, July 8, 2011

The Unemployment Culture

Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again?
Some facts you need to know about unemployment.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

The gist of this video is, that once your unemployed your earning are retarded for the rest of your life, you really don't ever fully recover. But why would you? Are you going to continue to bank on a loosing horse? So unemployment is a system fail, one that there should be more compassion and understanding about.

That they are going to have to give back all that PROFIT they've stolen out of this economy. They are going to have to create jobs, beyond those job's ability to pay for themselves, to prop this WHOLE Economy back up, to spread prosperity to all. Yes BANKERS fucked this up again. We can't do without them, so they are getting away with it again, but it's everybody's problem. Everybody has to work to fix it. Or we are over as a super power.

What I just said is true, but is unrealistically idealistic. I still have faith that truth will win out in the end.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Broken Markets, and Loonitics

I am not economist. But I am convinced that the whole FREE MARKET is broken, on every level. Supply and Demand are no longer driving laws of the market, it's all based on Futures, and nothing more than Magic, Spin, Smoke and Mirrors, Pink Flying Unicorns, and Blind Optimism. Yes, I'm saying there is NOTHING REAL about it.

The magic solution according to Washington DC is Education.
How much sense does it make, that a 4 year degree should cost $120,000? Starting your life and career $120-180k in debt? So let's add in a modest 3 bedroom home, at $400k. Now your looking at $520k? Oh, but you need 2 cars too, for another $80k. The ROCK SOLID FOUNDATION TO START A LIFE (the American Dream): $600,000? That is a broken market! Yeah, a small percentage of people will make that, but not many. You are doomed!

Corporate America has the capital investment, but isn't making jobs because of Tax Instability? Or crooked cooked books? More and bigger and better Enrons?

I am seeing the same war plan (spin) from Conservatives Around the World! It's not just America that has gone insane. What is this new global economy based on? Really, what drives it? Where is it going? It seems that people at all levels, have no value anymore, and we haven't even been taken over by robots, just idiots. That are making TONS of money, that isn't really worth anything?

I am trying to survive this. But that's really hard to do, when it's all based on lies.
I'm scared.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Smoke and mirrors

We're all shocked that Bachmann's husband would be The Gay Curer. Are you kidding me, it is my option that guy is fruiter than kid's breakfast cereal. Clearly another one of those that hates himself for his sinful nature. But what does that have to do with anything? I wonder why anyone would focus in on him, when she's such a wingnut.

Bachmann came on the scene claiming that "Obama was Anti-American, and so was the Congress." Which I disagree with her about. Her and her party are only against 90% of us. How dare the mother fucking government ever find investment in good health, honorable and worthwhile? How dare you anti-Americans demand CLEAR AIR AND WATER! And how dare you want health care to fix you afterwards?

Still Bachmann is nothing. And I do mean nothing at all. She wants power, but is too stupid to ever get it, or know how to control it.

More importantly is the Anti-Americanism that is running ramped in the Republican party. Now, I don't think I've ever brought this up before? I could be wrong, but I really don't think so. Because it was meaningless rhetoric, until we got to the Debt Ceiling; Mitch McConnell has said, "It is the Republican party's soul goal to see to it that Barrack Obama is a one term president." Even to the point of crashing this country into a GREAT DEPRESSION? That man should be arrested and thrown in jail for the rest of his life for treason, along with anyone that would follow him.

Never have I seen a generation so out of control with selfishness and greed, and dogmatic partisanism. I know your better than this, but what's been sent to Washington is retarded.

The Republicans and congress had no problem at all raising the Debt Ceiling something like 37 times for 'W', but now have a problem doing it? This is the same as raising your Credit Line Limit, it has nothing to do with what you borrow, but how much is available to borrow. You need to stop being so cynical. We're all on the same side here, and crashing down is not the best way to bring things down. Just Republicans want to hurt poor people in the process for some unimaginable vulgar reason?

Do you realize that we live in peace in this country, because we create peace through the hope of prosperity, and through social programs (including public school) and taking care of one another. The darkest thing in my imagination is OUR need for FOOD BANKS!

As my brother rightfully says; "When the votes are taken away, the only other option is bullets."
I've never been more scared for my nation. Light that candle this weekend, and say a prayer to restore sanity.
Senators trying to be heard over the noise:

Yes, I heard Chuck say "very inefficiently", stop splitting hairs, you know what he really meant. Costs for Medicare have gone up about 400% since the 1970's. However, Health Care overhead for private insurance is up over 700%. We know he meant 'efficiently'!