There is a simple answer, but it's gross and disgusting.
The modern woman (emancipated) is normally shocked to learn that she hasn't got a soul, only her husband does. It sounds so very sexist and it is, that is why it's something we no longer teach it, but every rabbi and clergyman knows it.
Before the age of special effects and idea of photo-realism, ghosts were formless translucent clouds. And once clouds rise high up into the sky of blue, that was heaven. And from heaven falls the rain and the snow and the ultimate judgments of lightning and hail! And the gods and ghosts became temperamental, doing things to excess, and turning blessing to curses. On the other side, was the season of souls, it was snowy and white, and all was dead but a few, but soon the whiteness would be soiled by the earth, loose it grip and corrupted it would fall, and would be washed away. So now you know about the afterlife ghost, and the time of the ancestors. Let's move to progenitor ghosts.
What is soul, the spark of life?
There you are ahead of me already, aren't you?
Only man has soul, and it's white and it's translucent, the GIFT of the God, a symbol of his purity as is the snow.
In Genesis, you will find many descriptions of soul. One boy claims of his rape victim; that she has taken his soul hostage. But to really rewind back to the beginning, you might be shocked on how it all began 2:7:
And the Lord God formed the man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
There is clearly a rewrite here, he blew snot into his head? The rewrite to support the homophobic view against the Greek armies. The Progenitor BREATHED into him, and made him a living soul? I'm afraid the Bible starts off with a homosexual encounter, anyway you want to slice it, from a French Kiss or Sodomy, it's all starts male on male! And God wasn't interested in making woman that way, that was a mistake wasn't it?
No I didn't write this to piss you off, these are the facts about SOUL from a Biblical perspective. But none of it's right to begin with. The EARTH is not 7000 years old, it's 500,000,000 years old, not even man is 7000 years old, we have cities that 12,000 years old. Man appeared about 128,000 years ago. The story of creation is not science, it's an allegory at best, get over it!
The point is that even the Biblical writers got caught up in an allegory from Plato who lived 350 years before Jesus. It's called the Myth of Er. And it speaks of afterlife judgment based upon your life actions, where your rewarded with bliss in heaven, or punished with a term in hell (to put it in modern terms). (Yes, yes, I know there is an even older myth in the Egyptian Book of the Dead, but the foundational philosophy is not the same, as it is with Plato.) You thought that was all Christian didn't you? Jesus took that and made it more than just a term in hell, he added no redemption at all, except through him. The Myth of Er also allowed for reincarnation, souls could try again as anything they would like. Do you suppose there could be an ant who is Plato?
In 1962 man managed to do the impossible, that God would not allow in Genesis. Man escaped the earth into the heavens, and still God did not come tumbling down, now did he? Everyday, people still pray to the Father in Heaven, Jesus or Mother Mary. Everyday, sportsmen point to sky to celebrate victory with God and their lost loved ones. Even though we know it's 3D space, and they aren't just over head all the time.
My point here is not offend you. But to make you smarter, and to make you rethink these juvenile and silly hard lines, that many think you MUST EMBRACE. Would God suffer fools who know better? Some say Yes, that's FAITH! That's foolishness, plain and simple. Faith is the belief that you through being the better, will overcome in the end, even if you die in defeat. It's a matter of principle. (and very very Plato).
I only want you to know what your talking about, rather than just making it up all the time.
Recently a man in Yellowstone was mauled to death by a bear. Men in there judgment decided that the mother bear was only protecting her cubs, and therefore not a threat humans, and therefore was acquitted of any crime. Their judgment was that MAN needed more training in wild life, and they setup a Bear Safety Lecture, which was not only a little late for the dead man, but was interrupted by a black bear. Still think God made man in his image, I'm beginning to think that God looks like a bear!