Friday, July 22, 2011

Outreach and Rehabilitation

Hey BRICK WALL, get out of the way of my HEAD!!!

A lot of this blog is just PURE HATE and RAGE, coming from me. Things are just so outrageous. Fact #1: Mitch McConnell has said, and so has John Beohner; "When it comes to a Democrat President, we just wont let him be a Democrat." That wouldn't be a bad strategy if that's what they were doing, but it's not. They taken gridlock to a whole new level, to total irresponsibility with their partisan ideology.

When Democrats had the majority in the House, there was nothing they could do there to disrupt. So we got to learn that ANY senator can stop everything with a "secret hold". So the senate was totally dysfunctional during that time, which lead to voter outrage. Which the republicans did a SUPER job of misdirecting.

The midterms came, only old Republican voters were motivated (by lies) went to the poles, so Republicans won the House, at the worsted possible time. Now that we're over the tough stuff, it's time to wind down the wars, and pay for the dept. Which means raising taxes revenues. It an issue that by the Constitution has to start in the House. So we have not only Tea Party Zealots but Grover Norquist's Anti-Tax Pledge standing in the way. You want AMERICA to pay it's bills off, but you don't want them to 'take away private jets tax breaks'? Yes, I hate to be such a parrot about this, but it's the perfect example, because we weren't offering new taxes on anyone, just doing away with breaks for second homes, planes, ...

I woke up this morning realizing that my dreams all night were trying to tell me one thing about this stupid BUSINESS FIRST philosophy embraced by the Republicans. Rich people think that money outweighs voters. They don't want a system of One Man One Vote, because voters can say NO to them, and NO is never acceptable. Human decency says that "No means NO!" But these are truly spoiled children, misbehaving. 'I have a billion dollars, how dare you tell me what I can and can not do?' is their attitude. So they picked one party, and used it to nearly totally take over Federal Courts, and the Supreme Court, with rules that favor Business over Citizens. Which has ruled that Corporations are People too, and who can now give as much money as they want to a political campaign. Their last crazy ruling was that some law suits are too big to sue. Which is the craziest ruling of all time!!! So nobody can have a class action against a multinational? What about People vs... (such as criminal cases)? To many plaintiffs? We are already over the slippery slope.

Yeah, yeah, yeah! I've lost my point here, because this is a full rant unto itself.

We're already over the slope, and holding onto each other by the ankles. Yet the Republicans are continuing their war on unions. Now not just Kindergarten teachers, but also anybody who works for an airline. Are you kidding me? What's it going to take to get the message out, and understood?

I am exasperated. We are still ruled by One Man, One Vote. How do we stop the shouting back, and get good people to understand they've been had? " a system that sold them down the river 30 years ago."- George Carlin.


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