Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Where's the President's Plan

I woke this morning to this rhetoric?
Ok, where did we start? President Obama wanted a strait vote on raising the Dept Ceiling. But THE REPUBLICANS again try to take it hostage, saying; "NO CUTS, NO RAISE".
Which started a hostage negotiation.
The only agreement was; Unless EVERYTHING was AGREED TO, NOTHING WAS AGREED TO.
The REPUBLICANS said we want 2 Trillion Dollars in cuts, the President said; Let's make it 4. We'll even cut MEDICARE in exchange for some TAX REFORMS.
Everything dealing with TAXES has to start in the HOUSE, which is under Republican control, who refuse to even close Tax Loopholes (not create new taxes)!
So it's true; The President has no plan!
But who's fault is that?

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