Friday, July 15, 2011

Smart ALEC

You knew these wingnuts weren't using their own ideas to destroy America, because they're just not that bright. It's too universal (globally), there has to be a cheat-sheet, a script, a secret organization behind it. And guess what, there is! The Nation (were we get that liberal media bias you can't get anywhere else) has exposed the world to the very secret American Legislative Exchange Council(ALEC). Yes, they're cheating on the final, with a script of SUPER BAD IDEA's TO DESTROY YOUR DEMOCRACY, civil rights, and roll back American to the stone age.

These idiots have names (other generic Republicans). And you need to get involved exposing them! This is not a joke, these guys intend to corrupt the whole rule of law in this country using your fears as their leverage.

Are you ready for President Rick Perry to steal the next election away from your vote?


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