Friday, February 26, 2010


UPDATE: (What started out to be a simple one paragraph rant, grew like cancer cells):

SCRAP THE CONGRESS of all Obstructionist Republicans!
Not ONE of them has a spine, they sell out their principals everyday, mostly to insurance companies.
They are bought and paid for. You loose nothing, but bad representation.

If we must go it alone, then I say get scrap happy, and get EVERYTHING WE WANT! SINGLE PAYER, everybody can have Medicare, that wants to BUY in early. Medicare, for those of you who don't know, operates on just %1, 99% is spent on health care! Your insurance company operates on 20-40%, and you still think it's the best deal?

Dan Lungren, the guy objecting and striking the words of Mr Wiener, is one of the California delegation. Doesn't that make you so proud?
The Republican Plan hasn't changed a bit, they like the way EVERYTHING IS! So if you get cancer, die quickly. That's their plan. It's not at all a good one!

Now the nightmare! Is it just Republicans, Randy? I'll let you decide:
The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Summit's Eve
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorVancouverage 2010

The GD thing is like a spy novel! Now complete with fake mustaches.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Recycle Recycle

This is an "unreleased" cartoon, starring Bugs Bunny and Hermann Göring. Clearly a propaganda film from 1942- Herr meets Hare. How it got here, was not the Politics you might be thinking. It's about how writer Micheal Maltese recycled ideas. And I wanted to see these two cartoons side by side, and I thought you might enjoy it too.

Now watch the Oscar winning cartoon that 1,000 animator's selected as the greatest animated cartoon of all time (1957- What's Opera Doc):

Yeah, you may have noticed that the horse gained a few pounds in her 15 year layoff. But see, you're not the first generation to recycle! We seem to have a lot of that going on right now, looking at what the new movies are that are coming out. Wolfy is back, what next Teen wolfy? Someone get me some flee powder, so I can get out of here before it bites! (har har har).

UPDATE: I guess WB found out about that flick, and shut it down? (I don't know the story behind that, I'm just speculating). Hope you got to see them, before the take-down. For those of us who are students of this stuff, and history, I thought it was fascinating, even though, most likely a copyright violation. Notice though, they don't care so much about the other one, but that may now be in the public domain(?), now. Pity, if you didn't get to see them side by side- I tried!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Week in Review and a Tiger sighting too!

Tiger popped his head up, and apologized for being married and having charities too. (I'm just kidding.) Do we really expect a man named Tiger not to be a predator? (Once again, just kidding). And instantly retreated back into (the privacy of) his isolation. Which I think might be at the root of his problems? However, I am greatly relieved to hear that he didn't use performance enhancers. wink, wink, nudge, nudge, you know what I mean? you know what I mean?

CPAC started, and condemned all conservatives to get in line in the GnOP, or shut up! And believe it or not, Sara hates CPAC? And Rachel Maddow went to and survived CPAC, and even shook hands with Liz Cheney. It's all jaw dropping good fun! Run Dick, run!

The Public Options is ALIVE! And the monster is trying to eat the Senate, whom falsely believe that it's what lost them the SUPER MAJORITY! Why, because dumbass Scott Brown said so? 60 percent of the public, likes the Public Option idea, so vote in fear, vote in fear! What to do? I'm getting mixed signals, oh what to do? It's the Senate after all, they just don't get this majority rule stuff, at all!

The REAL WINNER of the Winter Olympics is Curling. We're all talking about and watching CURLING for Christ's Sake! How crazy is that? Pass the Scotch, just slide it on down here.

Not that anybody reads this to begin with, but I changed the title- just cause! I didn't like the homonym, so much. I thought it reflected poorly on myself, rather than humorously. It was weak!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Repeat again!

God ______ the Senate of the United States of America for what it did on Health Care Reform.

Dear Senators,
when we come down to a final vote. How do you want that blank filled in, about you?

You do want the positive thing filled in on that blank, don't you? Because we the people of the United States of America will have our vote on this in 2010! Oh yes, we will! Oh yes, we will! This is not a normal election cycle, you better think of your future, and be sure of your actions. I'm watching, I'm engaged, and I will give the WHOLE CONGRESS to one party, based on this one issue. Killing reform is killing your own careers, it's not a normal session of congress.

This is a repeat of my message from 11/20/09. And again, nothing has changed?
Support the PUBLIC OPTION! or there will be a price to pay in November.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Over the top or how low?

My Republican friends and family are going to consider this too far. But it clearly exists in their party. There is this obsession with people who are totally anti government, with death or killing. Example, the only spending worth doing by BIG GOVERNMENT is the military. Glenn Beck thinks there aren't enough knives for Global Warming Scientists to commit hara-kiri with. Palin thinks Obama can win reelection by playing the war card on Iran. And I'm not even going to bring up this lust for torture, then tribunals, (which SHOULD still let somebody go, because of the Geneva Conventions, as well).

All of this is BLOOD LUST!
Peace loving, is not soft, it's good- and it's harder work than war!

Street Rule #1; Take responsibility for your own actions. Stop blaming others for your own failures! (Mexicans aren't to blame, Niggers aren't to blame, Arabs aren't to blame, Chinks aren't to blame, YOU ARE! And I'm being vulgar just to parrot you!)

A proud look, is in the 7 deadly sins! It should be called arrogance but we have to work with what we've got. Wait, wait, wait! The sins came to mind, and maybe it's because that's where this rant should be going about Blood Lust.

Open your Bibles to Proverbs 6:16 (These are the 7 Deadly Sins against God);

These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that are swift in running to mischief,
A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

It is the exact description of the Republican Philosophy of Politics at the moment- every single item on the hate list. Consider yourselves warned on the Wrath of God issues!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Can I have ten minutes of your time before sundown- make that twenty?

There is a reason that the conservatives HATE Rachel Maddow. Her attacks are too good, and too well searched. This is 10 minutes of MUST SEE TV about the abuse of the filibuster in the 2010 Senate of the United States:

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A Filibuster is not a light flaky pastry dough, or a breached Ravioli. But it actually does come from from the French. Imagine that, Republicans loving something French? The French word flibustier inspired the Spanish term filibustero (which means to Pirate). I found that too funny, myself.

The very first Filibuster was in the Roman Senate at the time Julius Caesar (it wasn't called a filibuster then). Senator Cato the Younger, knowing that all business of the Roman Senate ended at nightfall, would make long speeches near the end of the day as a delaying tactic. It should also be noted, that Cato was known for being unbribeble, and an advocate for reform against corruption, so don't be too hard on him.

The reason I posted this Rachel Maddow Show clip, was because of the CHART she used in the middle of this spot; Showing the number of times the Filibuster has been used in recent years. It really makes the point of why the Senate is totally dysfunctional, and useless.

This is not liberal agenda piece that I'm writing, today. This is about BROKEN GOVERNMENT, and why nothing can be fixed. It's not Obama that's to blame! It's not the House! It's entirely the Senate, that can't get the job done (particularly without interference of special interest). Republican's are not governing this country, they're not working at all. I'm not willing to pay for that!!!

In case you think filibustering, and delays, and scrapping the bill, is all justified. At the end of this, pick the Beohner video (or pick it from the play list), and listen to the Republican Health Care DEMANDS directly from their leadership! It's equally entertaining and educational and aggravating. [I decided to include it, so it's not lost in the playlist, after all.] Why do they want to recess and have more town halls before rushing into anything? Maybe so insurance company employees can dress in blue jeans be bussed into more Town hall meetings, to shout more lies, and more lies, and more lies, which an eager news media enjoys drama without substance? Open your mind just a little and watch the videos, and actually learn something about politics.

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As a side: Let's get one thing strait about Miranda Rights; Everyone arrested for anything from any Nation on Earth, here in the US, are told their rights, and what they are being arrested for. Miranda is not just for citizens of the United States of America, Mr. Gingrich!

One final thought for today: Holy CRAP! Maybe I'm seeing things?

Monday, February 8, 2010

I'm liking the preposal for Dumbfuckistan!

What Bill O'Reilly and Karl Rove, don't want you know?
The Daily KOS 2010 Poll of Republicans (A place you should never ever visit on your own, without their filter). They're living in fear that their own rhetoric is working, we guess?

In this article, they suggest setting a state in the Texas Pan Handle, wall it off, and naming it Dumbfuckistan. But the next thing you know, they'd be trying to get nukes, but it sure is an entertaining thought, none the less. (BEWARE OF LOW GRADE LOW LIFE F-BOMBS, or you might get entertained). It's like the older you get, the less likely you are to get the joke?

Well, you know I'm a proud "FOUR LETTER WORD BLOGGER". I just wish we had a font for flying the American Eagle, in a stream of text; something like this: t. But just in case, you want to read the poll without the offensive remarks and an explanation for the reason behind taking the poll (here yah go:)
Just the Facts (please)

Jesus will not be pleased (you can decide about what).
Oh, by the way, every time they cite the 'Research 2000 poll', guess which poll that is?

In other news: Andrea Mitchell mock Sara Palin for keeping crib-notes in her hand at the Tea Party Convention 2010, which Chuck Todd defends. But my amusement came from the comments posted by readers of ThinkProgress.Org:

dixie blood (sponsored by The Party Stop Stores) says:
If you want the truth about politics ignore Chuck Turd. He is a RePugniScum apologist who protects NBC’s position with the GNoP.

He has no problem laying into the President and his policies day after day but has a problem with telling the truth about Bible Spice Palin The Failin and her Bic moment.
February 8th, 2010 at 9:48 am

They are takin' SNARKY lessons out there someplace, for sure! "Bible Spice", I like that one!
However the official position of B/RS hasn't really changed; I'm not interested in analyzing Palin's handwriting.


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Political Retard Convention starts tonight

Pass the sugar and the cream, no you keep the cocoa for yourselves.

See that, told ya!

OBAMA CARE keeps grandma seeing and USING her doctor, morons! She already has socialized medicine, it's called Medicare- we want YOU to be able to get it too, before your old as shit on stick in a house of the crescent moon. I'll bet our old buddy Ray has a FREE Medicare Advantage Plan of his own, too- wish I had one, instead of the super expensive Major Risk Medical Insurance Program, that steals $450 a month from table (without seeing a doctor or getting a pill).

A recent poll asked people if they approved of spending on each individual item in the Stimulus. And they did, overwhelmingly. However, when asked if they approve of the Stimulus Package, they rejected it overwhelmingly. There a message in there, somewhere I'm sure?

Sister Sara wants me head. I want her paycheck for this event!