Thursday, February 4, 2010

Political Retard Convention starts tonight

Pass the sugar and the cream, no you keep the cocoa for yourselves.

See that, told ya!

OBAMA CARE keeps grandma seeing and USING her doctor, morons! She already has socialized medicine, it's called Medicare- we want YOU to be able to get it too, before your old as shit on stick in a house of the crescent moon. I'll bet our old buddy Ray has a FREE Medicare Advantage Plan of his own, too- wish I had one, instead of the super expensive Major Risk Medical Insurance Program, that steals $450 a month from table (without seeing a doctor or getting a pill).

A recent poll asked people if they approved of spending on each individual item in the Stimulus. And they did, overwhelmingly. However, when asked if they approve of the Stimulus Package, they rejected it overwhelmingly. There a message in there, somewhere I'm sure?

Sister Sara wants me head. I want her paycheck for this event!

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