Monday, February 8, 2010

I'm liking the preposal for Dumbfuckistan!

What Bill O'Reilly and Karl Rove, don't want you know?
The Daily KOS 2010 Poll of Republicans (A place you should never ever visit on your own, without their filter). They're living in fear that their own rhetoric is working, we guess?

In this article, they suggest setting a state in the Texas Pan Handle, wall it off, and naming it Dumbfuckistan. But the next thing you know, they'd be trying to get nukes, but it sure is an entertaining thought, none the less. (BEWARE OF LOW GRADE LOW LIFE F-BOMBS, or you might get entertained). It's like the older you get, the less likely you are to get the joke?

Well, you know I'm a proud "FOUR LETTER WORD BLOGGER". I just wish we had a font for flying the American Eagle, in a stream of text; something like this: t. But just in case, you want to read the poll without the offensive remarks and an explanation for the reason behind taking the poll (here yah go:)
Just the Facts (please)

Jesus will not be pleased (you can decide about what).
Oh, by the way, every time they cite the 'Research 2000 poll', guess which poll that is?

In other news: Andrea Mitchell mock Sara Palin for keeping crib-notes in her hand at the Tea Party Convention 2010, which Chuck Todd defends. But my amusement came from the comments posted by readers of ThinkProgress.Org:

dixie blood (sponsored by The Party Stop Stores) says:
If you want the truth about politics ignore Chuck Turd. He is a RePugniScum apologist who protects NBC’s position with the GNoP.

He has no problem laying into the President and his policies day after day but has a problem with telling the truth about Bible Spice Palin The Failin and her Bic moment.
February 8th, 2010 at 9:48 am

They are takin' SNARKY lessons out there someplace, for sure! "Bible Spice", I like that one!
However the official position of B/RS hasn't really changed; I'm not interested in analyzing Palin's handwriting.


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