Friday, February 26, 2010


UPDATE: (What started out to be a simple one paragraph rant, grew like cancer cells):

SCRAP THE CONGRESS of all Obstructionist Republicans!
Not ONE of them has a spine, they sell out their principals everyday, mostly to insurance companies.
They are bought and paid for. You loose nothing, but bad representation.

If we must go it alone, then I say get scrap happy, and get EVERYTHING WE WANT! SINGLE PAYER, everybody can have Medicare, that wants to BUY in early. Medicare, for those of you who don't know, operates on just %1, 99% is spent on health care! Your insurance company operates on 20-40%, and you still think it's the best deal?

Dan Lungren, the guy objecting and striking the words of Mr Wiener, is one of the California delegation. Doesn't that make you so proud?
The Republican Plan hasn't changed a bit, they like the way EVERYTHING IS! So if you get cancer, die quickly. That's their plan. It's not at all a good one!

Now the nightmare! Is it just Republicans, Randy? I'll let you decide:
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The GD thing is like a spy novel! Now complete with fake mustaches.

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