Saturday, February 20, 2010

Week in Review and a Tiger sighting too!

Tiger popped his head up, and apologized for being married and having charities too. (I'm just kidding.) Do we really expect a man named Tiger not to be a predator? (Once again, just kidding). And instantly retreated back into (the privacy of) his isolation. Which I think might be at the root of his problems? However, I am greatly relieved to hear that he didn't use performance enhancers. wink, wink, nudge, nudge, you know what I mean? you know what I mean?

CPAC started, and condemned all conservatives to get in line in the GnOP, or shut up! And believe it or not, Sara hates CPAC? And Rachel Maddow went to and survived CPAC, and even shook hands with Liz Cheney. It's all jaw dropping good fun! Run Dick, run!

The Public Options is ALIVE! And the monster is trying to eat the Senate, whom falsely believe that it's what lost them the SUPER MAJORITY! Why, because dumbass Scott Brown said so? 60 percent of the public, likes the Public Option idea, so vote in fear, vote in fear! What to do? I'm getting mixed signals, oh what to do? It's the Senate after all, they just don't get this majority rule stuff, at all!

The REAL WINNER of the Winter Olympics is Curling. We're all talking about and watching CURLING for Christ's Sake! How crazy is that? Pass the Scotch, just slide it on down here.

Not that anybody reads this to begin with, but I changed the title- just cause! I didn't like the homonym, so much. I thought it reflected poorly on myself, rather than humorously. It was weak!

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