Friday, February 19, 2010

Repeat again!

God ______ the Senate of the United States of America for what it did on Health Care Reform.

Dear Senators,
when we come down to a final vote. How do you want that blank filled in, about you?

You do want the positive thing filled in on that blank, don't you? Because we the people of the United States of America will have our vote on this in 2010! Oh yes, we will! Oh yes, we will! This is not a normal election cycle, you better think of your future, and be sure of your actions. I'm watching, I'm engaged, and I will give the WHOLE CONGRESS to one party, based on this one issue. Killing reform is killing your own careers, it's not a normal session of congress.

This is a repeat of my message from 11/20/09. And again, nothing has changed?
Support the PUBLIC OPTION! or there will be a price to pay in November.

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