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A Filibuster is not a light flaky pastry dough, or a breached Ravioli. But it actually does come from from the French. Imagine that, Republicans loving something French? The French word flibustier inspired the Spanish term filibustero (which means to Pirate). I found that too funny, myself.
The very first Filibuster was in the Roman Senate at the time Julius Caesar (it wasn't called a filibuster then). Senator Cato the Younger, knowing that all business of the Roman Senate ended at nightfall, would make long speeches near the end of the day as a delaying tactic. It should also be noted, that Cato was known for being unbribeble, and an advocate for reform against corruption, so don't be too hard on him.
The reason I posted this Rachel Maddow Show clip, was because of the CHART she used in the middle of this spot; Showing the number of times the Filibuster has been used in recent years. It really makes the point of why the Senate is totally dysfunctional, and useless.
This is not liberal agenda piece that I'm writing, today. This is about BROKEN GOVERNMENT, and why nothing can be fixed. It's not Obama that's to blame! It's not the House! It's entirely the Senate, that can't get the job done (particularly without interference of special interest). Republican's are not governing this country, they're not working at all. I'm not willing to pay for that!!!
In case you think filibustering, and delays, and scrapping the bill, is all justified. At the end of this, pick the Beohner video (or pick it from the play list), and listen to the Republican Health Care DEMANDS directly from their leadership! It's equally entertaining and educational and aggravating. [I decided to include it, so it's not lost in the playlist, after all.] Why do they want to recess and have more town halls before rushing into anything? Maybe so insurance company employees can dress in blue jeans be bussed into more Town hall meetings, to shout more lies, and more lies, and more lies, which an eager news media enjoys drama without substance? Open your mind just a little and watch the videos, and actually learn something about politics.
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As a side: Let's get one thing strait about Miranda Rights; Everyone arrested for anything from any Nation on Earth, here in the US, are told their rights, and what they are being arrested for. Miranda is not just for citizens of the United States of America, Mr. Gingrich!
One final thought for today: Holy CRAP! Maybe I'm seeing things?
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