Saturday, February 28, 2009

Color Laser Printing (cheap?)

I'm going to make this brief here: Samsung CLP 315, retails for under $200. You'll have to setup printer sharing the old fashion way, in the operating system, it comes with only a USB port, which I'm sure is what keeps it cheap. Toners cost less that $40 (the second I wrote that, prices went up to $46) each. Keeping it in the price range of inkjets. Some complain that it's a stinky printer, and it does "Fart" (brand new), that is it's only down side, I've found, and I was up all night playing (and didn't run out of starter ink)! The smell really isn't any worse than ANY BRAND NEW laser printer.

For a more complete review, see My Linux Blog; Penguin Petting Zoo.

The only big box retailer that has it in stock, was Office Max. The others you'll have to order it mail order from their websites. Pity, because Best Buy did have the best price, but not after shipping was added. Besides, I couldn't wait, I needed color printing in Linux, YESTERDAY- and last night I finally got my wish!

Life is good, we just a have to develop patience for it!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

State of the Onions

Last night, I missed the unofficial State of Union address of our President, however I was doing something far more important, and that was watching the Lakers clobber Oklahoma City. And even the President understands the importance of that. ;) I didn't know last night was THE NIGHT- OK!

Today, I hear all the ankle biters are out. Doing what they do, complaining about pork, but sneaking off for sausages.

Once the damn Video wouldn't work on, I ended up having to read the Presidents speech, and it's a LONG one- but not much like a standard State of Onion Address. I guess the President feels we all know that everything is all FUBAR to begin with, so we need more pep-talks, than recap. Which even the old fuddy duddy; McCain had to call a good speech, before starting another rant about pickled pigs feet in the bills!

So far from the recap I've heard of all this PORK, they're all less than a million dollars each, so now we're down to complaining about pennies in the budget? Which kind of tells me, that we really need to clean out dottering old men from Congress and the Senate. No really! McCain was complaining about ASTRONOMY projects in Hawaii, for crying out loud.

See, they don't share our optimism of a better day being ahead of us. And that tomorrow is HERE NOW, and it's time to pay their bills, and retire them!!!! This is not a world for old men who don't understand the importance of Email, muchless Twitter. (And frankly, I'm not likely to "tweet" in the next year, either- but I at least understand what it is). And going back to being Anti-Science is not what we want, to secure our futures as leaders, either!

So anyway folks, we're all swilling around in shit soup. It's your fault, for believing people who told you they could salve all of your problems with borrowed cheap money. "90 days same as cash", "pay no interest until next year"! It was a fun ride, welcome back to reality, maybe you should have built up a saving account!!! That $3000 big screen wasn't such a great investment, now was it?

Near as I can tell, in the Republican world (rejected by the whole world), there is no Union, just an opportunity for more politics of division. Oh, that's going to work out just great for them in the end! And by the way, there is no pork for a Super Train from Vegas to Anaheim project- the bill only calls for money for high speed rail projects, but doesn't specify which ones. The important one, is to link the sprawl of LA together, and get cars off the road- not a train to Los Vegas- however, even if it did, do you think it would be run for Free? The Golden Gate Bridge was a folly of pork, folks- that only charges going one direction (today), which pays for the maintenance of the bridge. Think about it!

What I'm sure of, is that the State of Politics in America is as pungent as Onions.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Recession Proofing America

Recession Proof Industries NOW in Recession:
  • America Porn Industry
  • Los Vegas Gambling
  • Beer Industry

And nobody could careless about the Academy Awards, either?
Holly CRAP, what is this world coming to?
What are you people doing anyway, praying?

Good News people, the stimulus bill passed without a single Republican Vote (3 in the Senate). But the condoms were left out, just to get those House Republicans on board. So don't get too stimulated!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Another Stupid Piece of %#&*?

I wasn't going to publish this here, but I changed my mind, because we all need a good laugh from this profanity laced video. Who here hasn't done exactly this, taking something out of the box for the first time- it's never as easy as it sounded, and when you master it...

I sure hope Sony has a sense of humor about this clip from Onion, because I'd hate to loose the profanity laced thing. Not that any Linux user can relate to this level of frustration! ;)

My brother has often said; The Language that Programmers know best, is profanity. I have to agree, but we learned it from you trying to figure out what we did.

Will the Stimulus help you?

Will the Stimulus help you? Sounds like a poll question, doesn't it? But it's a commentary, this time. This is one for my Republican Friends, which I have more of than you might think. It's why I often feel alone with my opinions, even! And why I take it out on you, here! Meanwhile, this issue has us all talking, joking- but the truth be told: No, the stimulus is not going to help me, directly! Except to have something to talk about.

The people that build roads and bridges, are not my friends. I wouldn't know those people from Adam. I've never seen a familiar face holding the stop sign in the middle of the street, so I don't even know who gets those jobs or how? They don't seem to be from around here. They appear in our community for a week, and then are gone forever and ever, who ever the heck they are?

As for schools, well drive up another foam and fiberglass traitor and dump it on blocks, and call it a new classroom. I have no idea where they are made? Or who that plumber or electrician might have been, that connected it to my earth- it most likely will not be a local business man!

Let's examine the bottom line issue on Solar Power. I have no idea who makes Solar Cells other than oil companies? They tell me that there are local companies (meaning in California), but who? The trouble with Solar is cost, they are VERY expensive!!! Meaning that a roof will cost about $24k to cover, and will take 18 years for pay back, and will break down in 10. ??? ???? ?? Somebody must be getting a deal someplace, but it's not consumer!

Infrastructure spending: The point is that I in favor of this investment, only because it's mostly work that HAS to be done, that is not going to get done, by local government, on the state or manciple level. This level is totally paid for by property taxes. And while the property didn't disappear, the value is worthless when there is so many empty, and falling in value.

What do I want to see?
#1 Very Low interest, SMALL BUSINESS LOANS- if not GRANTS for starting new businesses!
Get the money where the rubber meats the road, and I'll create new jobs. What troubles me, is how rich we are making Wall Street. Are you ready for the collapse of Home Depot, now that there are no local hardware stores, and lumber yards?

What I fear most, is that the WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTION CHAIN of products and services has disappeared, and been squeezed out of existence by the MEGA-CHAINS. I can't find anything wholesale anymore. But the markup still exists.

I'm just a high school grad trying to find a way to make a living that fits within the bounds of my own health problems. And there's no money in blogging, but I don't know what else I can do that's not a burden to society? We need help down here in this hole in the ground place, but I don't see that happening any time soon. I love Lowes and Home Depot, but rebuilding America for me, means returning to the days when nobody is too big to fail.

Getting people back to work is a noble ideal. But I think the best method of doing that is to downsize America, not with plant closures, but by breaking big business up, and rebuilding supply chains. Realistically, I don't see that ever happening, so get ready for a really rough ride everyone! All of your good ideas, are just shit on the shoes of Wall Street, but maybe they'll open a new Wingstop close to you, as a consolation prize?

Shovel Ready; Well that kind of leaves me out, I can't do that kind of work anymore!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Post it Note this:

Yesterday, because I'm writing in the dark again, at very very early hours of the day, or very very late hours of yesterday, depending on your perspective. The point is that NOW I'm a day late, as usual. Late for what? Well, Darwin and Lincoln, both turned 200 years old. When asked for comment, neither replied. However, Chucky does email from time to time, just to weird me out.
President Obama seemed to be showing up everywhere, to sing the praises of Abe, except at the haunted White House, were the two could have taken quiet council.
Anyway, these two great men seemed to be completely unimpressed to turn 200 years old, once neither of them is alive to see it. But just maybe, the way science is working these days, we might actually get to gum down a birthday cake on our 200th. Now how weird is that thought?

Happy VD and BD day tomorrow, the day after this evening, to my friend Gary. Oh and happy VD to all you couples too, hope you get some.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

That tired old lie again?

Yes, it's EVEN more politics that I'm going to talk about.

I get so sick of hearing; "We in the United States pay the highest Corporate Taxes of any other nation in the world!" It's a lie, and a boring old one! Why do you think, people with MONEY want to invest here, instead of the Netherlands (just for example)? What do you think floats, a half a billion dollar golden parachute, anyway? Those poor over taxed corporations?

Next, Alexander of Tenn. and Hatch of Utah, seem to think there some great conspiracy by Democrats, to RE-SOCIALIZE America. You mean, more that George Bush did, buying up Banks instead of bad mortgages? Bank Of America is trading for $5 a share, which means your tax dollars are in the tank, and near complete failure! Socializing the banks was the MOST un-free market thing you could have done! Alexander and Hatch's claims are down right laughable!

It's hard ball season, and this has nothing to do with Chris Mathews. We're talking pure lies that the those other guys haven't a clue what they are doing to our free and honest system, except to turn us into a socialist police state! Like George Bush did?

The idea of Stimulus, is to pump money into local economies. And Alexander is upset because his state Tennessee is going to get too much money. Ah, the idea is to put more than whats needed so you to get you to spend it, on new things, not just to pay off old dept, isn't it?

How is it a waste of money to fix roads, schools, and insulate homes, and put solar cells on roofs, demand higher gas millage out of cars? All of these things, are investments for the future. The idea is that you will have a trillion dollar worth of savings down the road, to offset the trillion dollar price tag of the Stimulus bill. The whole idea is to let the States decide where that money needs to be spent, and who it helps the most. The whole idea is to get the money in pockets of Americans, so they do what they do best; SHOP! So then the whole world can breath a sigh of relief.

So, once again Republicans, pull you heads out of your butts, and stop playing politics with our recovery. Near as I can tell, the Republican party want us to become a third world nation. It's that simple, and it's that shameful. You are going to need new bridges to sleep under, with their plans, and you need to remember that come midterm elections.

Because of my hard right wing hacker; right now it's kick the blog, not kick the dog! He wants me to shut up- NO! You made me speak up and speak out! It's about ending your stupid world and making one that honest and true to our values. Not one that sets the bar low, so you claim success in stepping over it. Trickle down is a total failure. Figure it out. Tax cuts for big business do NOTHING, when your standards of living are in a free fall! The only way I'm in favor of that, is that there are conditions set on the savings, to create jobs here at home!

Maybe someday, I'll rediscover my funny bone. Right now, I'm very very angry! I'm not the kind of guy you bully, ever. Many people ask my opinions because they know I have one, based on logic and principles, and rule of law.

Mark my words, next the Republicans will blame the poor for all our problems- they always do. And their wrong, and raciest in doing it, don't let them get away with it (again). Remember this one: "What are doing with all that equity in your home going to waste?" Saved money is money not in the stock brokers hands, and a bad thing. Maybe we needed pay raises, and not more loans!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Why you don't want the President to visit

President Barack Obama continues his Jinxed America Tour, to whip up support for his stimulus plan. If there is anything you don't want right now, it's him visiting your town! Today he was in Fort Lauderdale Florida which has the highest foreclosure rate. The first thing I was struck by today, was the redundancy of the message. My particular favorite being; "Putting the acceptance letter for college back in the envelope, because you can afford it." Welcome to another generation, that has to put off- mine feels your pain, because we lived it too- but it was less important back then.

First of all, I would like to thank the Carl Roe, for the perpetual campaign. If there was any thing we as American's needed most, it was even more partisan politics in our lives, daily! How can you get enough? Ugh!

I think our biggest concerned, as ordinary people is Wall Street admitting; "My drug of choice is money, and I really NEED (Joneing dude) more of the public's share!" And our answer is NO! You've sucked that tit enough, time to earn your own food. That's our fear, but I don't really think it's our reality. I do think think it's kind of irrational.

I've been preaching that you can't make mega profits forever. And everybody is aware of that, but hopeful that the good times aren't going to end soon. And guess what? They did, it's over! And now the WHOLE WORLD, is trying to figure out, how not to starve, how to stop homelessness? Welcome the failure of globalization 101. The first big stumble.

Again, I'm not an economist, I just play one on the Internet. I'm just a guy hoping that the advice is good, and the plan is good, and that it will sometime soon, help me. It's optimism that leads me here. I don't want to be disappointed... we need help. This is not good. My optimism is based on the fact that this is a man that studies problems, get the best advisers, and makes multiple plans. That's how this guy got elected, he's smart. And the party is over, we need smart men for smart times ahead. Please don't home school your kids, they need a diverse and rich education, and not a narrow frame of mind, or you can't handle problems like these. That's my concern, more than Wall Street wanting to return to the trough, over and over.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Picture a cold night in December

I left myself a post-it note, to get back to taking more pictures- I haven't! I also left myself a post-it note, not to keep looking so ugly, and haven't! But besides that, cleaning up my hard drive, I discovered that I have a secret stash of Winter pictures, yet to be published. So maybe I can throw that first note away, then?

Do you know what those white spots are? Hint: not stars! (I see from my other system, this image is too dark for a lot of you to see- sorry about that!)

That's the moon, impaled on icy trees.
Try to keep warm!

Make sure to visit my Cafepress shop. Currently will get you there! You need a ground squirrel pad, I mean mouse pad, you know you do!

TG: I'm not an economist, but I play one on the Internet!

President Obama, that crass comedian jokester, cracked everybody up this morning with; "...even though everybody thinks they're an economist today!" He's a funny guy!

Mr. President, I can assure you, I'm not one of those people!

I couldn't argue why I didn't like "Trickle Down" the right way, because it's a greed issue! How do you argue your own fear of irrational behavior, and greed? It doesn't make sense to me. So there was a wish and a prayer, that really smart people somewhere, were making laws to prevent a top heavy situation from forming, and capsizing the economy. Then all we heard about was Mr. Bush, executive ordering rule after rule into oblivion. And now collapse. Now, I'm no economist but think it's all connected?

The world I grew up in: The airwaves were free! TV and Radio, were all free! Newspapers cost a whole $0.25 a day. Premium Gasoline was about $0.77 a gallon, and dangerous, but not considered deadly toxic! Most of our electricity was used by steel plants, and aerospace, which we now have none of, and a shortage of electrons too? My TV set was 300 watts, now it's 70 watts, and my light bulb is now 23 watts doing the job of a 100 watts, but there is still a shortage. I'm not even 50, and the world is now that TOP-ENDED! And you know what, they keep taking my share and not trickling it back.

Republican's blame the government. But Republicans are like birds seeing themselves in the mirror- they don't seem to understand that's not another bird invading their space! They continue to argue for less government, while they lead the largest expansion of government in history, as well as the largest power grab for the executive branch in history. And we all see how well that worked, except Mr Cheney, who is telling his people to keep attacking that mirror, we'll defeat it yet!

Today (this very day Feb 09), they (Republicans) want local government to build new schools, and fund education programs. It's not a Federal Issue, so they want it out of the stimulus! So why do they run on it, every election? Education is paid for by Property Taxes mostly. You see, there is only so much Earth, and many more people all the time. So Property Taxes have been the backbone of local government, since we stole this land from the Indians. So what part of POPPED Real Estate Bubble, and Toxic Asset, are they missing here??? Do they all need a tour of the Gulf Coast, perhaps, to see how well recovery is working (I mean from Texas to Mississippi)? Meanwhile, State Universities want more "out of state kids", than locals, to make up for the lack of money coming in from the State government, from the added fees.

Not being an economist, I don't know how a tax break for businesses is going to help create jobs? I do see how employers might be able to buy one more new fancy laptop, but I really doubt that tax breaks are going to create even one new job for anyone. Bet it gets the BOSS a new Lexus, that is owned by their company, but I'll bet no new jobs are created with it. Just doesn't fit the model- whatever that is?

Now, on the other hand, to be fare! I hear a lot about creating jobs, but I'm hearing nothing about creating careers.

Oh yeah, and back in the day. We all had saving accounts, even businesses did, you know, for rainy days. They were considered safer investments than AIG. And why, I don't know, once they are too big to fail, and still are.

But, I'm just a funny guy, and not an economist. So I'll shut up now! These aren't laughing matters at my level. I need help (now), and I know who's playing politics with it- I'm watching- I hope you are too, all of you expert economists! OG, it's still funny, lol!

As a footnote to things I don't understand; Why is it BLACK HISTORY MONTH, and not African American History Month? And while it might be rather extensive contribution, does it really take a whole month to teach that white guys like me, are assholes? I'm sure I'm full of shit or somebody is, because God keeps using me as toilet paper!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Public Laundry

Let's get dirty, or should I say come clean?

I thought you might like to see me for a change. I took this picture to show a friend my hat, which it was a bad picture of, from not that long ago. I Photoshopped it a bit to give it some personality, however with Gimp, which is about all you really need to own (it's free)!

I uploaded it to the sidebar once I don't like the header options. And at that time, it rescaled the picture to a particular width- which was ok! Then I decided to add a caption to remind you that it is me. Which shrunk the image down to this postage stamp size, changing it from scaled by width to scaled by height. So I did away with the caption, but it didn't bounce back. It's still being scaled by height, and now I can't seem to fix it?

This was so annoying, I decided to post it again to a message, so you can revel in my ogreness. You know, you wanna!

Google; why are you rescaling me so dang small? I have enough on my mind, without it being mushed into a smaller package! Sorry to have to share my unmentionables like this in public, but you need to be aware, that it was not by design. That reflects poorly on me, when I had nothing to do with it- story of my life.

And who drew that mustache on me?

Dirty bits

If you can take your eyes off me for a minute? Yes, I know how hard that is to do, with something so hideous. But look at the wall behind my right ear, and you will see two 8x11's, which happen to be my favorites, of my own pictures. The rest are just posters, to breath some life into my stale environment.

I'm pointing out the pictures, because they don't look so bad here. Not that the pictures are bad, but the printing of them is. I have a Kodak all in one printer- does an ok job on 4x6 inch prints, but not 8x11s. They are streaky. Like an inkjet doesn't work right. I'm sure it's a bug in the software, once it doesn't happen (often) with smaller prints, but it happens frequently to larger ones. Over all the quality of this printer is what you would expect from it's cheap price! Which is a pity. The ink is cheap, but is a richer pigment ink than many others, if it would just print right! Frankly 4x6 does crop tops off of images, while the classic 4x5 would have been right to the aspect ratio of the camera, so I don't understand? And then, these printers are only network-able with Windows XP machines, or as PC-less kiosk. But there are bugs in Kiosk to, now that Flash RAM cards are so big. There are no 98 drivers, or Linux Cups drivers- it's useless, it's junk! Buy a good Canon printer, and skip their nonsense, is my advice.

Notice, in the blue berry flowers picture, the vertical lines (top to bottom)? This is picture of a print from the Kodak printer. Even reduced this small, they are still quite clear. How annoying is that?

I have one of the better models of a HP Deskjet as well. But who can afford their INK? It's why I bought this disappointing Kodak. Mine is a good 6 months to maybe even a year old, so understand that my review is not in the Honeymoon phase. The scanner is good, and the fax seems to work, it just isn't a great printer. If only we could combine the HP and Kodak together taking the best traits of each, then we'd have one awesome printer.

Here's the whole picture (digital). Looking at this, maybe some lines did come from the camera- which is a Kodak product too. But it's not nearly as pronounced as the print out. At 7.2 Megapixels it shouldn't look like that, lower yes, this high, no!

Mind you, I have owned Brother, Canyon, HP, Kodak, and Lexmark. I've used a lot of Epsons at work. And only the Canyon printers did I actually use enough to wear out, which is why I recommend them- over my cheap junk, made in China Kodak! It's just insulting to me that an American Photography Icon can't produce a high quality product, at an affordable price, that preforms better. Clearly it's still all about the money, and not the quality that the BRAND or consumers deserve.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Chicken in Oyster Sauce

I was asked for my super secret recipe of chicken in oyster sauce. Which I laughed about because, it's not a secret at all, and it's not really one of my recipes either- even though I have Randized it a little. However the cookbook I got it out of is out of print these days, so I'll use that as license to share it with you, here.

Many people hate Oyster Sauce, call it the worsted of Chinese cooking, because they don't know how to use it- I think? Oyster Sauce is kind of like comparing wine to grape juice. So this article is about enlightening you to the deep dark secret of making oyster sauce, yummy.

1 hot wok with a little oil in it.
Pound and half chopped up chicken or wings
1 can straw mushrooms (drained- optional)
1/4 C oyster sauce
1 t brown sugar
1 Tbl soy sauce
1 1/4 C chicken stock (Note: I just put lid on my wok to keep the juices from evaporating, and then maybe add 1/4 C, instead of all this).
pinch of black ground pepper
If it's too soupy, you might ad 1 oz of water with 1 tbl of cornstarch mixed in, to turn it all back into sauce. Which was not in the original recipe, either.
pinch of coarse salt (kosher- even though this is not a Kosher meal)
1 oz of fresh diced ginger mixed in at the end.
Serve on a bed of white rice.

The secret is that oyster sauce gets OMG good, from brown sugar, soy sauce, and chicken fats. Then with extra salt, and ginger, it just push it totally over the edge in flavor!

I'm not a big mushroom fan. But personally, Straw Mushrooms are my vary favorite mushroom, and they are just awesome in this dish.

Taggless Tshirts

How do you guys, buying plain taggless tshirts figure out which way is forward in the brain-haze of the morning? We don't have tags anymore, and I kind of miss that! I can find mine still, because I insist on a breast pockets on all my shirts. And while it might be kind of handy to have that on the shoulder while working bent over, it's not that comfortable to drive on. But without that pocket, I wouldn't have a clue these days. Although, I don't understand why these necks are turning into Hula Hoops, so quickly?

Let's blame this nonsense on the moon? As a computer programmer, telling time has been an important part of my career. But one thing, I've never gotten to work right were Lunar calculations- I always ended up off two days for one month out of each year, then it would correct back on target. Puzzling? Never figured that out, it was my bane. So I put this moon phase thing on this blog, and even it puzzles me. Basically, it's about a week per quarter cycle, and yet just the other day, I watch it change from Waning to Waxing, a new moon- that's moonless night, start of the new cycle, and in one blink of the eye, what seems like two nights later- tonight I see it will be 70% full? ALREADY? 70%? Is that right? Just seems to fast. It makes me wonder what in my life, besides this, I take for granted each day?

Thank god, there a tag still sewn into my drawers, or I'd be Bass Ackwards every morning.

In the fog, again!

It's not the weather condition I'm talking about today. I'm talking about political opinions. And not yours, but rather mine! This is a rant about me, and my opinions. I could careless, about vetting cabinet appointments. Doesn't mean a thing to me, at this point in the game. Yeah, some guys look real good until they are under the microscope. Mr Daschle for example: His sin is not the tax thing, it's who he decided to lobby for, vs. the position they wanted him to fill. (I'm going to skip all background on that, once it's not the focus of this article).

I don't care about Tax problems. Tax problems, if you hadn't noticed, are nothing unusual. Why do you think that is? If you've never been self-employed, you haven't a clue! The tax code evolved into this monster, which even your tax professional have a hard time figuring out sometimes. And scary thing is, that even they (tax preparers) have become quite dependent on third party software like Turbo Tax. Problem is that if anyone ever made a profit anywhere at any time, fluke or not, there is a tax on it! And may of these things, are not graduated taxes, either. So, you did something, and now you owe $1000 to the government, even though you only made $3000, which is well below poverty on that one thing. Welcome to the real world, of a broken tax system!

Point is that we are seeing these things, more with this President. Maybe because, Obama has a higher standard? And what the reactionary public is over looking, is that it takes time, to really figure out how and why good candidates ended up on the bad side of things, and if it's actually important, or just fodder for partisan politics?

Bush found little problem with any appointment, because he never looked for problems!!! He wanted Anti-Government people, holding government positions, to make the laws ineffective. George never cleaned any air, like he claims. What he did was lower the bar for what is considered clean air! Lower standards means higher compliance, and therefore cleaner air? If only it worked that way, everything in life would be easy, wouldn't it? Instead, it is in our interest as people as a whole, to not want our industrial base to profit at the expense of your health. Meaning the air we breath shouldn't do bad things to us, should it? Lowering standards means you just don't get it!

To me, failures along the way are not the important issue. The issue is, who is going to be a good public servant? Who understands, and will keep that trust? So I think the President is doing a great job so far, which is why it puzzles me that he's taking the blame? For what, vetting people, to a higher standard, publicly? I think that breath of fresh air, for government, even with a disappointment or two.

But once they are aware of the problem, why can't these guys, get it together, and PAY YOUR TAXES? That is another issue all together!

Here a clue to the Republicans: Pound the issue tax simplification (based on what your seeing, there is clearly a problem), dump this stupid TAX-CUT nonsense that nobody buying anymore. The real issue is taxes being too complex, for anyone to get RIGHT, including LAW MAKERS! You want smaller government, draw a road map to getting there.

Meanwhile, I'm not understanding the fuss over capping bonuses. I don't like the government having to do that, but clearly those who call themselves too big to fail, need to get a clue, and there was one delivered! Personally, I think we should break them up, so they aren't too big to fail. So I think they got off easy. Particularly, once there seems to be a lot of things, now guarded as trade secrets, that should be sending people to jail, for what they have done to manipulate markets, and cause this crisis.

There are the things I find important. Not a few candidates that didn't quite make the grade. But I live in fog. Or is that SMOG?