Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Taggless Tshirts

How do you guys, buying plain taggless tshirts figure out which way is forward in the brain-haze of the morning? We don't have tags anymore, and I kind of miss that! I can find mine still, because I insist on a breast pockets on all my shirts. And while it might be kind of handy to have that on the shoulder while working bent over, it's not that comfortable to drive on. But without that pocket, I wouldn't have a clue these days. Although, I don't understand why these necks are turning into Hula Hoops, so quickly?

Let's blame this nonsense on the moon? As a computer programmer, telling time has been an important part of my career. But one thing, I've never gotten to work right were Lunar calculations- I always ended up off two days for one month out of each year, then it would correct back on target. Puzzling? Never figured that out, it was my bane. So I put this moon phase thing on this blog, and even it puzzles me. Basically, it's about a week per quarter cycle, and yet just the other day, I watch it change from Waning to Waxing, a new moon- that's moonless night, start of the new cycle, and in one blink of the eye, what seems like two nights later- tonight I see it will be 70% full? ALREADY? 70%? Is that right? Just seems to fast. It makes me wonder what in my life, besides this, I take for granted each day?

Thank god, there a tag still sewn into my drawers, or I'd be Bass Ackwards every morning.

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