Wednesday, February 25, 2009

State of the Onions

Last night, I missed the unofficial State of Union address of our President, however I was doing something far more important, and that was watching the Lakers clobber Oklahoma City. And even the President understands the importance of that. ;) I didn't know last night was THE NIGHT- OK!

Today, I hear all the ankle biters are out. Doing what they do, complaining about pork, but sneaking off for sausages.

Once the damn Video wouldn't work on, I ended up having to read the Presidents speech, and it's a LONG one- but not much like a standard State of Onion Address. I guess the President feels we all know that everything is all FUBAR to begin with, so we need more pep-talks, than recap. Which even the old fuddy duddy; McCain had to call a good speech, before starting another rant about pickled pigs feet in the bills!

So far from the recap I've heard of all this PORK, they're all less than a million dollars each, so now we're down to complaining about pennies in the budget? Which kind of tells me, that we really need to clean out dottering old men from Congress and the Senate. No really! McCain was complaining about ASTRONOMY projects in Hawaii, for crying out loud.

See, they don't share our optimism of a better day being ahead of us. And that tomorrow is HERE NOW, and it's time to pay their bills, and retire them!!!! This is not a world for old men who don't understand the importance of Email, muchless Twitter. (And frankly, I'm not likely to "tweet" in the next year, either- but I at least understand what it is). And going back to being Anti-Science is not what we want, to secure our futures as leaders, either!

So anyway folks, we're all swilling around in shit soup. It's your fault, for believing people who told you they could salve all of your problems with borrowed cheap money. "90 days same as cash", "pay no interest until next year"! It was a fun ride, welcome back to reality, maybe you should have built up a saving account!!! That $3000 big screen wasn't such a great investment, now was it?

Near as I can tell, in the Republican world (rejected by the whole world), there is no Union, just an opportunity for more politics of division. Oh, that's going to work out just great for them in the end! And by the way, there is no pork for a Super Train from Vegas to Anaheim project- the bill only calls for money for high speed rail projects, but doesn't specify which ones. The important one, is to link the sprawl of LA together, and get cars off the road- not a train to Los Vegas- however, even if it did, do you think it would be run for Free? The Golden Gate Bridge was a folly of pork, folks- that only charges going one direction (today), which pays for the maintenance of the bridge. Think about it!

What I'm sure of, is that the State of Politics in America is as pungent as Onions.

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