Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Chicken in Oyster Sauce

I was asked for my super secret recipe of chicken in oyster sauce. Which I laughed about because, it's not a secret at all, and it's not really one of my recipes either- even though I have Randized it a little. However the cookbook I got it out of is out of print these days, so I'll use that as license to share it with you, here.

Many people hate Oyster Sauce, call it the worsted of Chinese cooking, because they don't know how to use it- I think? Oyster Sauce is kind of like comparing wine to grape juice. So this article is about enlightening you to the deep dark secret of making oyster sauce, yummy.

1 hot wok with a little oil in it.
Pound and half chopped up chicken or wings
1 can straw mushrooms (drained- optional)
1/4 C oyster sauce
1 t brown sugar
1 Tbl soy sauce
1 1/4 C chicken stock (Note: I just put lid on my wok to keep the juices from evaporating, and then maybe add 1/4 C, instead of all this).
pinch of black ground pepper
If it's too soupy, you might ad 1 oz of water with 1 tbl of cornstarch mixed in, to turn it all back into sauce. Which was not in the original recipe, either.
pinch of coarse salt (kosher- even though this is not a Kosher meal)
1 oz of fresh diced ginger mixed in at the end.
Serve on a bed of white rice.

The secret is that oyster sauce gets OMG good, from brown sugar, soy sauce, and chicken fats. Then with extra salt, and ginger, it just push it totally over the edge in flavor!

I'm not a big mushroom fan. But personally, Straw Mushrooms are my vary favorite mushroom, and they are just awesome in this dish.

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