Monday, April 20, 2009

100 Days

100 Days of Obama.
What? Is the honeymoon suddenly over? Hardly with public approvals in the upper 60s!
I'm not going to GRADE the President, I frankly am not qualified.

What I love about this President, is when he speaks, I actually learn something. That hasn't happened with any other President, that I can recall.

I didn't care for him getting kissy with Chavez, and I'm a bit concerned about Cuba. Ok, maybe I exaggerate a little bit, it was just a joke! I personally think it's encouraging to see Chavez so eager to get his picture taken with our President. Because it doesn't matter how he tries to spin it, the world knows who is the bigger man- to put it in Macho Terms. It is interesting that these oil producing nations think they are the ONLY oil producing nations on earth, like we couldn't survive without them?

CDC and Swine Flu:
I really want to thank the CDC for picking the wrong flu strain again, this year. What, you've picked right once in the last 10 years? As a person who needs flu shots, that's not at all encouraging. I believe in the vaccination, and just can't believe that... I don't have words! I'm hoping once I have had that strain of flu before in a flu shot, and the flu back in the Ford administration, that should I get this one, it will be rather mild for me- I hope! I get a shot each year, so that my mind and body are not so bothered! I've done my share of flus in my life, I'd rather not ever have one again. My question is; Do you really think CDC will be there to protect you from Biological or Chemical Terrorist Attack, with a track record like this?

You know, my Republican readers (it's a good time to address you); That I didn't agree with Pres. Reagan, but I always listened to him. I didn't agree with Pres. (HW) Bush, but I would listen to him. Frankly W was too much for me to stomach, it was actually painful to listen to him speak in public, so I did stop listening, as rude as that might have been. My point is, lower anger rhetoric, and try to listening to this President, because he has a lot of thoughtful things to say, that aren't all party spin, like your use to. We are in a time, when the issues are far too important for gamesmanship, and it's why your loosing ground, and loosing your hold. The only way to avoid ramped corruption is to have a strong two party or better system, so I don't want Republicans to fade away- just get a clue! And you clearly, still don't get it, with your politics of fear and panic. We stop listening to Sky is Falling, and Wolf! My concern is that sometimes you behave like a cult, and that really turns people off.

I horrified to see, that this is the talking point of Right Wing Media, right now. First of all, I'm not a raciest, who blames others for anything that effects my life. Unlike many of those who want seal the border air tight, so there are no people left, that don't sound or look like us, anymore. Illegal immigration is a problem- but the bigger problem is those employing them. We don't need migrant farm workers, we have teenagers! And not being able to find US citizens willing to dig ditches for $35- oh, come on, you liars! There is no way, that you tried very hard to find people, if that's the case. What makes me mad, you should be able to lie better than that!!!

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