Thursday, April 30, 2009

My opinion doesn't matter, and neither does yours

It's official as of today:
Republican = Irrelevant

Michelle Bachman (Sweet St. Irrelevant) seems to think that Flu is Judgement of God on Democratic Presidents. While each case she offers up, was under a Republican President. She is officially the clown of the Congress, now! Someone get her a red nose, and giant shoes, IF you haven't done so already.

Meanwhile, Congress still doesn't get it! If you thought there would be Credit Card reform right away, think again, which you know means never, not even next year, when the current bill goes into effect, should it pass- you'll be Grandfathered by then I'll bet! Tear up your credit card, already!!! No really!!! Which is why I warn you all, none of our opinions matter. Bankers rule, and you're a fool! We need to know who took the teeth out of this bill, and HOPEFULLY President Obama will recognize this for what it is, and actually VETO something. But I'm not counting on it, we been sold down the river on day 101- PROVE ME WRONG!

Is it time to talk Socialized Banking?

As a footnote: I wrote this before today's news cycle. I would like to think they read me, but I doubt it. There is no doubt that Trickle Down failed, not once, but every time it's been tried. You removed the rules of law, and lawlessness breaks out. They banked on that not happening, and it's still happening, and they just don't get it! Remember this about GOVERNMENT vs Private Sector- the government has an advantage, in that it never needs to make a profit, and business always must.

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