Thursday, April 9, 2009

A bad day, after all!

Today started with horrible news, but I'll start this story the night before.

Television is as horrible as ever, and no Laker game, so even though I'm just not ready for it, I ended up watching the Angels baseball game. The report on rookie pitcher that took the mound for the Angels was less than full of promise and optimism, so we nearly circled the scorecard as a loss anyhow, bases on such glowing reports we heard. 22 year old, Nick Adenhart took the mound as the Angles #3 man this year, and did very well. All went well, until the 5th inning, where he experience some trouble loading up the bases, and then like a seasoned pro, he managed to get out of it, leaving the inning scoreless. So he was left in game for another inning, which he shut the Oakland A's down in order, only to then have bullpen give up a 4 run lead, and loose in classic Angels style. But this kid went out a winner, and we were impressed, and looked forward to watching him pitch again.

Now the bad part of this story, that we've heard all to many times before. We will not get such an opportunity, because later that night, a red light runner, crashed into his Nissan convertible, killing the young pitcher, and two other people in the car with him. Our house could not be sadder today.

It's April, a time the CHP seems to go on a feeding frenzy. I watched two automobile accidents happen in just the last week, so maybe there a very real statistics behind this ticket writing frenzy this time of year. But it's so sad that a young man with such promise, should be lost to a red light runner.

People: Slow the fuck down! Your being really stupid, and deserve that ticket, right now! It's better to get there late, than to not to get there at all. And regardless to say; don't ever drive drunk! And you could even end up killing someone important, who was having a great day.

This is public service reminder in memory of Nick! It's the least, I can do.

According to LA Times, it was drunk driver, driving on a suspended license- figures! None the less, please slow down, obey the traffic laws. Even sober, it only takes an instant for things to go very very wrong, when your driving too fast!

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