Bad old joke deleted!
Bank of America says it's needs more tax payer's money- yeah, so do I! Carve me up some TARP funds will ya, first? What happened to that accountability? SHOW ME THE MONEY! I'm thinking, maybe they'll have better luck convincing the Chinese that they are too big to fail? Because if they're not over the line, they sure seem awfully close to it. I thought they had the money to buy Country Wide, didn't you?
GM got into the mortgage market- that seems to be some kind of secret, so don't tell. Ford is not in trouble, because they didn't? Toyota is hemorrhaging just as much money as Ford, but is nonunion, so it's ok?
funny vintage art print deleted
They seem to think it's all about financing. Who wants to tell them, that's only 20% of the issue, the 80% issue is job security. The States are bankrupt, even they will have to lay people off. Mom and Pops are near extinction, and there's no money for startups in the first place. We are in the deepest fasting moving part of the spiral down. It's not about loans, anymore! It's about JOBS, and JOB SECURITY!
There I just told them for you! Can we get on with making jobs now, and putting cash back into circulation? This bust is brought to you by the ending of the Cold War, and tax breaks for those who didn't need it, while starting two new wars. It doesn't Trickle Down, it Capsizes- Some of us have been trying to tell you that for 30 years! Ask yourself this question; What does Government do? How about making life fair? I can be quite happy with my little slice of pie, it sure beats starvation!
Footnote: Some of you may remember this Check joke as an old Gracie Allen joke. To the rest that see it as purely sexist, I'm sorry! It was sexiest thing I could find that matched the theme is all- it does not reflect MY opinions of women, in any way!
UPDATED (1/16): Bank Robbery has a new definition, in my opinion! We the USA, now own how many billions of Bank Of America? WHO gave them the money out of the TARP at this date? I smell rats! And I'll bet I don't get a vote in any new bank policies!
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