Ok, you're a fantastically interesting person. And for some strange unexplainable reason, you just can't keep that to yourself, anymore. The world must know about YOU, then you're BLOGGING! Well that's fun, now can I get paid for doing it?
Most writing websites, assume you are a good writer to begin with. Well, I'm a freak, I guess? I found that writing websites aren't much fun, because once you post, it's carved in stone forever. This is the problem with most Writing sites, that have contests and shared advertising revenue concepts. I've never made a dime off of them honestly (meaning check in hand / money in the bank). My brain defect gets in the way, too much! I'm dyslexic for those of you who don't know. So writing things right the first time, rarely happens for me. So the writing websites, are like High School all over again.
So, once you decide the writing sites are too restrictive, and don't really make you any money, what next? Well, now you need a revenue stream. And on the Internet, nobody pays for nothin', unlike the ads you see in magazines. You are now in an interactive media. Which means, you have to make somebody else's sale for them. It's called Affiliate Marketing.
Ok, google "affiliate programs", now wasn't that fun? There are several services, that most companies that Affiliate, use as brokers. The big two are Linkshare and CommissionJunction (cj). And joining these services, still does not make you an affiliate to your target company. They forward your request to be an affiliate, and someone at the marketeer then checks your website out. You can be rejected, and frequently are. The number one reason, is that lack of traffic to your site, which is really hard on start ups. Second reason is generally vulgarity that offend your marketeer. Some companies don't like me promoting Vintage Pinup Girl posters, and bikinis. Even though, I think them quite harmless myself, and just fun art.
Once you are accepted as an Affiliate, now you have to convince your family and friends to hit that banner or link, and actually buy something. You don't get paid for the ad just sitting there. Piece of cake, right? Ha! Not even your direct family will buy a calendar from Amazon, through you! When you start out, it's just as depressing it can be. Just be glad you have no money at risk in this. It's mostly just a waste of your time.
That said, YES, I have actually made money doing this. Not much, and sure not a profit, but I've had checks show up. But it takes time, and a lot of it! You have to keep working it. Finding new things to say, and new content all the time. And after a while, you start focusing in on a particular group, and it's out of a silent group of strangers that you'll start making money. But everything you do, you got to swallow all pride, and put the pressure on them, to support you. Yeah, it sucks! Welcome to professional blogging!
There are click-pay services, such as Google Ads. Don't cheat, they're not stupid! And another thing they're not, is their not all that lucrative either. Getting paid for clicks, isn't much easier than getting a commission on sales. You still have to be working at it.
Now, making sales is not always enough either. You normally don't get paid for EVERY SALE! You get paid for making your minimum commission! WHAT? That's right. I've made sales for Amazon, and CJ clients, but I've never gotten a penny from either. CJ even did the lowest thing I've seen done; they raised the minimum on me. Of them all, the only one I can recommend is Linkshare, because they do pay without a lot of games about minimums.
Driving traffic to your website is another issue all together. Ironically, the same pinup girl posters that drives some marketeers away, also brings a lots of new clients to my site, thanks to them being found by Google Images. They come, they read, they laugh, they buy a poster for their boyfriend/husband. It's my hook, now go get your own!!!
There is PayPerPost, which I've not explored at all. However, it sounds too good to be true... So, I'll get back to you on that sometime. Any blog with more than 10 hits per month, almost always ends up with a Spammer, and I'm sure PayPerPost has a lot to do with that. Which is why you can't post any comments here without my approval.
Are you in a hurry to get paid? Affiliate Marketing has got to be about a slow as it gets. Some only play quarterly. Most it's 60 days after the month is over, because your going to loose commissions on returns and canceled orders- like somehow it's your fault!
The very best way to blog for money though, is to have a product of your own to sell, such as crafts, photos, or artwork. Here's a hint, talk to your friends and family, because there are a bunch of people with no tech savvy out there, that have a lot of talent, that could use a good copywriter, and salesman.
Blog on (for profit?)!
Most writing websites, assume you are a good writer to begin with. Well, I'm a freak, I guess? I found that writing websites aren't much fun, because once you post, it's carved in stone forever. This is the problem with most Writing sites, that have contests and shared advertising revenue concepts. I've never made a dime off of them honestly (meaning check in hand / money in the bank). My brain defect gets in the way, too much! I'm dyslexic for those of you who don't know. So writing things right the first time, rarely happens for me. So the writing websites, are like High School all over again.
So, once you decide the writing sites are too restrictive, and don't really make you any money, what next? Well, now you need a revenue stream. And on the Internet, nobody pays for nothin', unlike the ads you see in magazines. You are now in an interactive media. Which means, you have to make somebody else's sale for them. It's called Affiliate Marketing.
Ok, google "affiliate programs", now wasn't that fun? There are several services, that most companies that Affiliate, use as brokers. The big two are Linkshare and CommissionJunction (cj). And joining these services, still does not make you an affiliate to your target company. They forward your request to be an affiliate, and someone at the marketeer then checks your website out. You can be rejected, and frequently are. The number one reason, is that lack of traffic to your site, which is really hard on start ups. Second reason is generally vulgarity that offend your marketeer. Some companies don't like me promoting Vintage Pinup Girl posters, and bikinis. Even though, I think them quite harmless myself, and just fun art.
Once you are accepted as an Affiliate, now you have to convince your family and friends to hit that banner or link, and actually buy something. You don't get paid for the ad just sitting there. Piece of cake, right? Ha! Not even your direct family will buy a calendar from Amazon, through you! When you start out, it's just as depressing it can be. Just be glad you have no money at risk in this. It's mostly just a waste of your time.
That said, YES, I have actually made money doing this. Not much, and sure not a profit, but I've had checks show up. But it takes time, and a lot of it! You have to keep working it. Finding new things to say, and new content all the time. And after a while, you start focusing in on a particular group, and it's out of a silent group of strangers that you'll start making money. But everything you do, you got to swallow all pride, and put the pressure on them, to support you. Yeah, it sucks! Welcome to professional blogging!
There are click-pay services, such as Google Ads. Don't cheat, they're not stupid! And another thing they're not, is their not all that lucrative either. Getting paid for clicks, isn't much easier than getting a commission on sales. You still have to be working at it.
Now, making sales is not always enough either. You normally don't get paid for EVERY SALE! You get paid for making your minimum commission! WHAT? That's right. I've made sales for Amazon, and CJ clients, but I've never gotten a penny from either. CJ even did the lowest thing I've seen done; they raised the minimum on me. Of them all, the only one I can recommend is Linkshare, because they do pay without a lot of games about minimums.
Driving traffic to your website is another issue all together. Ironically, the same pinup girl posters that drives some marketeers away, also brings a lots of new clients to my site, thanks to them being found by Google Images. They come, they read, they laugh, they buy a poster for their boyfriend/husband. It's my hook, now go get your own!!!
There is PayPerPost, which I've not explored at all. However, it sounds too good to be true... So, I'll get back to you on that sometime. Any blog with more than 10 hits per month, almost always ends up with a Spammer, and I'm sure PayPerPost has a lot to do with that. Which is why you can't post any comments here without my approval.
Are you in a hurry to get paid? Affiliate Marketing has got to be about a slow as it gets. Some only play quarterly. Most it's 60 days after the month is over, because your going to loose commissions on returns and canceled orders- like somehow it's your fault!
The very best way to blog for money though, is to have a product of your own to sell, such as crafts, photos, or artwork. Here's a hint, talk to your friends and family, because there are a bunch of people with no tech savvy out there, that have a lot of talent, that could use a good copywriter, and salesman.
Blog on (for profit?)!
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