Thursday, January 15, 2009

Take me to the river

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Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger III, (No not a character from a P.G. Wodehouse Novel), pilot of Flight 1549, and our hero! Good work, and good call, Sully! Two thumbs up! I'd give you more, but that's all I got!

For those of you who don't know of Sully's deed, and I don't know why you wouldn't? His flight hit a gaggle of goose, about 2 minutes off the runway of LaGuardia airport. Without power, Sully wisely decided to ditch the plane into the Hudson River, on Jan 15, 2009, around 3 PME. Making a perfect water landing, saving the lives of all of his 155 passengers, with only one major injury- remarkable! And who knows how many other lives, if he had hit the City instead?

I'm sure there are 150 newly baptized in the river Christians in the world, for at least a day! So Jesus will give you a gold crown too, I'm sure! ;)

Keep flying Sully, we need more men of good judgment in the air like you! And your fabulous crew too. I'm sure your sick of hearing it, but THANKS again! Awesome job.

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