Thursday, January 15, 2009

Falling Apples

Steve Jobs is sick- so what?
Not that wish Mr Jobs any harm (I wish him the best of luck and good health, as I do all), but I really don't know the man! I'm really finding it hard to understand the fall in stock value based on that news?
Now, I could understand a fall in value from thinking that holding your PC to your Ear is a stupid idea, at a best. Or a buck is song, is too damn much! Or that videos on 2 inch screen, aren't any fun. And that closed proprietary systems, are lame. These I can get behind. But a fall in value because Jobs is getting too skinny and could be in poor health- I have a problem with that! Now we're investing in the man, and not his company's ideas? Come on?

Footnote: The picture doesn't make any since once Blogger went and replaced the GIF animation file with a static PNG file. So Newton isn't taking a apple to the head! I'll remember that in the future.

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