Thursday, December 31, 2009
Dick Cheney needs to come home to planet Earth
Why does this make Dick angry? Let's look at the facts. Without George/Dick letting two key men go from Guantanamo, the Christmas Underpants Bomber wouldn't have been trained. Now why did they release them to Saudi's for Arts & Crafts training and therapy? It's because Oilmen take care of each other. So what did Dick do to make this country safer, much less lower prices at the pump?
SHUT UP DICK! You're a looser, who up to his armpits in this shit, and spin will not help!
As a personal note: What I fear here is exactly what men like Dick try to exploit: Because people (mostly white, and not well educated), are angry and polarized. They will believe anything he says against the current administration without any fact checking. And because they read polarized newspapers, magazines, and watch polarized propaganda cable news. They refute all real facts, as being liberal bias conspiracy. They do! This is why Conservatives are waisting your money in Washington, sitting on their hands, not even funding the War they started and like to criticize now, and pretend that it's Obama that abusing our blood and treasure, for his own idealism. And with 30% of you, they will get away with it. I've stop saying; You must be kidding? And have started asking; What planet are you from?
Facts are that Republicans are blocking the confirmation of the TSA chief.
Facts are that Republicans are blocking the image screening devices and sniffers.
Facts are we went to war with Iraq because Saudi's wanted us to.
Facts are that Saudi princes 90% financing of Al Qaeda.
Facts are that there is nobody left in Guantanamo that the Saudi's want.
Facts are that Republicans were in favor of closing Guantanamo before they were against it.
Facts are that it's okay to prosecute terrorists in criminal court under a Republican Administration, but not a Democratic one- for what reason?
Facts are that Republican's have done more to help them, than to stop them, as is evident by the underpants bomber.
Facts are that you're dupes, that have been lied to by oilmen for 9 years! Isn't that right Mr. Koch, Mr. Army, and Mr. Cheney?
Facts are that the British and Dutch have grabbed up the oil fields in Iraq (after all that). So the American Tax Payer is just out of his money on that war?
How about some fact checking before you take everything said by anybody for granted this next year? Even just 10 minutes on the Internet. I'm not expert at anything, but I'm an expert at being lied to, and I've even lost friends to having a spine of my own. I'm not the one that is polarized, I like conservatives. And I'm still worried about YOUR cult like behavior to your brand of politics. There's no great liberal conspiracy to destroy America. But there is elephant brand shit sandwich spread, that you fund at the pump everyday!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Holy crap, you can't make stuff like that up, no one will ever believe it!
I'm sure Tiger has ducked under the radar right now, because of embarrassment. Tiger tries very hard to be a good man, and the world discovered his secret life. I'm sure, he knew it would come out, but I'll bet he never expected it to be so dramatic as putting a car into a tree.
They foreclose on banks on Friday, to prevent runs, that would even worse bust the bank. Doing this on Fridays give another bank a chance, to absorb the balance sheets, and adjust costs, without complete bankruptcy. It's a good idea. It also puts such things out of the news cycle these days- Because shamefully, it's not it's not 24/7/365 a year news cycle anymore! And that's really a budget cutting, lack of professionalism. If you notice, the Jr Reporters read lead-ins on story that were done during the week, at almost every station. There is no politics on the Sabbath.
Congress and the President have noticed this 12/5/207 work schedule, along with the rest of us. So, there is a rush to get bad news out LATE FRIDAY, when all the researchers have gone home or about to! Like just sneaking it in. I noticed that the Senate just did this with all of it's end of the year budget tasks. They played politics all week long, making it look like everybody can't get along on anything, and by EARLY Saturday morning, the fuss is over. We're ready to dead lock on one remaining issue; Health Care Reform for another Sunday Morning Chat-room Cycle. This about politics being politics. The movement for change? What change? Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!
Tiger Woods should have to share his title of "Player of the Year" with John McCain, and Barock Obama, for all this gamesmanship.
To all my cynical friends; You were right, there is no hope of getting real Health Care Reform this session, it's been watered down to nothing to gain conservative votes that aren't even going to happen. And frankly, this is not OVER! Everyone against is going down, to an angry populous- Republicans, find yourself good candidates other than "Incumbent", because we will not forgive or forget, who is on the wrong side of history. This is not Obama's Waterloo, it is yours! This is not a normal political year, all eyes are watching, there will be a price for being stupid- I've focused on you Republicans because you were the most foolish, and have the most to loose, I'm not kidding, Run NEW voices. Conservative Democrats will be very very luckly to retain their seats, if they can at all. This is war with the public, and we're not going to take it!
We now know who the whores are. Tiger's sluts are not important- players!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
A prayer for the season(s)
Now Obama has committed us to 30,000 more troops, and 18 more months of war. And in this season of "Peace on Earth, good will towards men." I look at it, and realize that means two Christmases that miss the mark. Many families living in daily fear. My ego is now beaten, I am dirt. I still believe in the righteousness of this battle/war, to restore world peace. But the cost is almost too much to bare (even the loss of one more).
My prayers are for all the fine men and women in our uniform. In the fight or not, the pray for your safe return, is for you. The prayer that have God's Speed to complete your mission, is with you. For I am so horrified by the number we commit, because of the hatred of so few.
May there be peace on earth, and good will toward men, sooner, not later. Let us all pray that 18 month, need not be required. That is my holiday wish. God bless you all.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Fill in the blank
Dear Senators,
when we come down to a final vote. How do you want that blank filled in, about you?
I just got a note from my insurance company, that they are in a dispute with my hospital over my last bill. I think I know who will eventually loose this dispute, and it more than likely will not be either one of them. This system is totally broken! And this is a great bill as is! Make it better, don't make it worse.
You do want the positive thing filled in on that blank, don't you? Because we the people of the United States of America will have our vote on this in 2010! Oh yes, we will! Oh yes, we will! This is not a normal election cycle, you better think of your future, and be sure of your actions. I'm watching, I'm engaged, and I will give the WHOLE CONGRESS to one party, based on this one issue. Killing reform is killing your own careers, it's not a normal session of congress.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Stupid is as stupid does.
This morning, I just finished reading an email from the Obama camp, in a tizzy over Palin? Are they kidding me? Palin? They seem to think that SHE started the DEATH PANELS, and the nonsense of the August Break. They're trying to stir ME up with fear? When did I grow tusks, and big floppy ears? I don't react to fear. Here's a clue, Palin is not that bright, she sits on someone's knee and does his comedy. Who now?
Once the Democrats seem to living in a rock opera, and are deaf dumb and blind. Let me make it perfectly clear who you're really fighting. She's Dick Army's girl! It's his radicalized brand of conservative values, and resources your fighting. (That's ripping the Republican Party in two) They have been rejected before, and proven wrong more than once. Beat Dick, and his super unpopular extremism, and you beat Sara right into the ground like a tent peg.
Got it now? If I can figure this out, anyone can. It's not like it's a secret. She recites his old worn out platform, right to the letter. And then suddenly can have 1000 people show up for an even. And you think it's not planned 90 days in advance, like it's a Facebook Flash Mob? Come on, use your head! It easier to get people dance in the mall with underwear on their heads, than to get ANYONE to go to a political event, to listen to blow-hards. You know as well as I do, Palin is just a wooden head, a nutcracker. Ignore that man behind the curtain! Dick Army is playing a game of hide the weeny, behind a nice a rack of boobs. (I'm talking about you, not her)
PS: See Daily Show Video, about who the real suckers are (below).
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Dumb Mass Media Fears
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Law & Order: KSM | |||| | ||||
I'm busy with other projects right now, as you know. So I'm just going to stuff this full of videos and hope to hell, something is correct, educational, and informative? Yeah right! This one, once you stop laughing, this isn't that funny. You can skip halfway, and still get the good stuff, on this one.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Celebrity Endorsements (how could that go wrong?)
Yes, I've been to Funny or Die! recently. But I don't understand why Insurance Companies need protecting from Will Ferrell, isn't he ... oh...
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Today Paper Rage
Just another crazy day here in Wonderland.
I hope Dobbs can get his new deal up and running full steam, before 2010 elections. Just what we love- splitters! I'm sure Sara can be their bigoted entertainment reporter, ranting against evil Hollywood interracial and gay marriage leftist machine, however kinda almost liking the new Transformers movie- it's a doozy!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Golden Rules of Republicans
Rule 2: No need for Taxes, when the world will let you charge it for free!
Rule 3: Solidarity. Never attack your own, what are we, Democrats? Always listen to your leaders, they would only lie if it was for your own good, in the end.
Rule 4: God is good, and by making him the center of all authority in your work and praise makes him even BETTER! Evil comes from other parties; Democrats in particular, and then Godless Communists, and then the devil (if you believe in her). Evil is not thinking within Party Lines! TRUE Christians need only worry about Democrats.
Rule 5: There is no difference Publicly Own Corporations, and the Public at large (they are after all PUBLICLY OWNED). They have all the solutions to run away spending, and personal responsibility. They're BIG THINKERS AND PROBLEM SALVERS all of the pioneer spirit! Otherwise we're stifling innovation with regulation, and therefore making us broke (dah)!
Rule 6: Individuals rule! Without the rugged individualist, the trash would just pile up. If you pass the hat you can get all the pot holes on your block fixed without government, so don't be a moocher!
Rule 7: All business is a SMALL BUSINESS, because there is always somebody larger somewhere. Don't get eaten without making a huge profit, by selling out. (See rule 4 & 5)
Rule 8: Trickle down DOES WORK, you just didn't give it enough time! Look at how much money we're rolling in? (See rule 4)
Rule 9: There is only ONE REAL AMERICA, and one pure stream of thought from Jesus (the WHITE GUY in charge, heretic). (See New Testament and rule 4)
Rule 10: Nobody dares steal my America as long as I'm well armed. It is my RIGHT to protect my own from Taxes and Democrats. (See rule 4)
Rule 11: Crime and perversion can be prevented with 10 Commandments in every Court House, and lots of prayer in school. (See rule 4 and the Old Testament)
Rule 12: Republicans are not Anti-minority or Anti-gay... We'd love to see a fight between Liz Chaney, and Rachel Maddow, particularly in jello. (Ok, us wicked Democrats too) ...Only Jesus is! (See rule 9 & 4).
There are many other rules like: All the good people around the world, already speak English, so Canada is teetering on the brink. Too big to fail is a very good thing for management. Abortion is baby killing, and hell is not bad enough for you. Thomas Jefferson was only right about the Tree of Liberty, and certainly not about his Bible. But those are not Golden Rules, just personal beliefs, that can be stirred frequently but mostly ignored and allowed to simmer.
Why is Joe Liberman a Democrat? He doesn't agree with Rule 9, and can't sign off on it. And only has a tiny problem with rule 4, in that Christians should be replaced with Citizens.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Tell congress this is a bill we can't afford to pay?
Tell stupid OLD misinformed shits, WE CAN'T AFFORD NOT TO!!! We can't compete with the rest of the world when we are going broke on HEALTH CARE! It will create more jobs than it costs, too.
Fuck off, old gland elephant, and all your Wall Street handout lies!
From what I hear, you're not going anywhere this weekend; Get'r Done!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Crazy like a Fox?
In New York, the conservative candidate backed by Palin and friends, lost BIG TIME. Why? Not a local, no grasp of local issue, an amateur seat poacher, a carpetbagger. It was not him being a follower of Glenn Beck that is an issue- it's him having no grasp of LOCAL ISSUES that pissed the citizens off. Yet, both sides on this news cycle are making too much of too little!
This is an UNIMPORTANT election cycle, except for you States that had Governors races. I had one seat on a water board to decide, from a pool of people I don't know from Adam. I'm not bothering with that, all I can do is make trouble for some random person on that, so I'll stay out of it.
Still liberal politics of California loves Republican Govenors. Why, I'll never figure out, but they do. There's my point. The big chair flops back and forth between parties, and what people want when. They do it, by promising to get the budget under control, which our Governor has no autority to do, but most citizens have no idea about that, so the hook works. But it's a different animal than the NATIONAL picture there MSNBC! Don't read too much or too little into LOCAL races- for the most part they are none of YOUR business.
How could the NEWS of the day, not be any of their business? Reporting the NEWS is their business, true enough, so you report the outcome. Yippy! But over thinking and annalizing the WILL and MOOD of the voters is stupid, silly, waste of time, on purely local issue races were party is almost never an issue, that most voters don't even bother with. Which means the older voters are the only voters, and that means normally the Republican wins.
Clue #1, 18% of 18 year olds vote! 80% of 80 year olds vote! This is on a Presidential election cycle. The rest tapper off. Not for a lack of interest, but for a lack of knowedge, over what most of these guys are even running for. Water Board??? Let's not get too crazy here! A couple of new Governors does not make a political wave or movement, is my point. Two new Republican Governors, wow, that's 4% change. Better put your life jackets on, I sense trickle down!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Frankenstien's Moster Lives!
I still suspect that Dick Army is the pupet master for Sara. But not only breaking the rules, but breaking the party- well, we're reaching whole new lows. It's a concern for both parties now, if this one is going to hold up?
Be afraid, be very afraid! That Socialist Obama has engineered a SINGLE PARTY SYSTEM!
Boo, hoo, hoo, who? You people are crazy!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Infuriating LIARS!
Some of you may be looking for a link to my politics blog, but for most of you, I doubt it. Once Elephants seem to be thinned skinned these days (cry babies and bleeders), and Tea Baggers are totally misinformed and nuts. Government has never been this responsive to your will, be vocal, SUPPORT THE PUBLIC OPTION! If it goes down in flames, it all goes down in flames, and it will never happen again for this generation. If your anger right now at Wall Street is not enough, then it will never be enough- so maybe you deserve bail out too! We are not talking a free ride, you BUY in, that’s how it’s paid for! SUPPORT THE PUBLIC OPTION! I’ve given you two links here, one for the House of Representatives, and one for the Senate. It’s painless, you give them your name, email address, and zipcode. That simple- I haven’t got any junk mail yet, either!
Snowe is all wet in her opposition to government’s UNFAIR advantage, even in Brittan there are still insurance policies for health care- DON’T BE A FOOL! And don’t let the WALL STREET JOURNAL mislead you. Who do they SERVE again, hint it’s their name (they are a Murdoch company, that serves Wall Street and big business- exclusively)- THEY’RE LYING! And totally on the WRONG God Damn side of history. That’s not good Journalism- it’s making news, not reporting it.
I have one message; TRUST YOURSELF, do not rethink, and end up on the WRONG SIDE OF HISTORY, out of fear for things that aren’t even real, only imagined! This is not partisan, it’s right and wrong, that has been made partisan, to protect the FEW from the many. Be firm, be strong, don’t be lied to! If not now, when? This is it, it is time! Do you trust AIG and all the other Insurance companies, or do you want CHOICE? Their are real DEATH PANELS, and they protect PROFITS, not people!
Yeah, I haven't changed much, even on the new NON-Political site??? I'm such a wussy, caving to political pressure. ;)
What pisses me off, is that Wall Street Journal still considers itself a News Paper. Then it's job is to REPORT the news, not spin it! This is an opinion blog- big difference. It's why I can use any four letter word that would get you suspended from school. I'm a Blogger, not a Journalist! I can spin it, not that I would.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
It's a sad day in Dodger Town!
Today's LA Times features a Jones political cartoon, that has a Louisiana Judge saying; "I will not marry interracial couples because their children don't have good lives." You know what's in the next frame, don't you? (Hint: It's the subject of this posting). Hail to the Chief! Unless your Glen Beck, who seems to think he hates his mother and her parents, along with the rest of us?
I've been bad mouthing the Dodgers all day, it's my way of dealing with a big loss! Sure can't root for the Yankees, and the Angels just pick a horrible time to forget how to play this game. A-roid still looks juiced to me, which I'll bet they don't announce it until March of NEXT YEAR! After all the season tickets are sold for the NEW YANKEE STADIUM! Not that I'm jaded or anything? World Champion Cheats perhaps?
I'm mad about Dodgers organization, not the team per say. The SHOW is on the field, it's not the Stadium! Stop with the booming drums, flashing lights, fireworks, etc. The men on the field are the show! A point with the Laker organization understands. Laker Girls are pretty and fun, but they only support the show, they aren't THE SHOW! Let's never have a mascot, because that is loosing track of where the show is, too. Although, I do enjoy those wiener races in Milwaukee, but let's keep that quirky stuff Back East!
Basketball season is at the door, I can't wait!
Meanwhile, my money is always on the Kielbasa- Go to the poles!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
If you need health care in America, and have no insurance, or a job that supplies it to you, I advise that you rob a bank. No I'm not kidding! Here's why: First off, you'll have money to pay your doctor. Secondly, when they do catch you, you'll get FREE MEDICAL TREATMENT in prison. Why? Because it's considered cruelty to not provide medical treatment, by international law. So we do provide it to every prisoner.
Told you it was outrageous! What's even more outrageous is that they will NOT treat your mental illness, unless you are a danger to yourself or others. Even then, it's prison! Recognizing and acceptance, and treatment of Mental Health is the BIGGEST FAILURE of capitalism. Want to win the War on Drugs- can't do it without metal health treatment.
Poor George Will is still irrelevant! Flailing around trying to call Public Option a boom for our evil Chinese Bankers, and a burden to our children. Which is just NOT TRUE George, and you know it! What insurance company is paying you to lobby, anyway? We will pay for the policy, we who use it! Free would be awesome (single payer), but not practical, very few will qualify for that, but there will be some.
The Republicans want you to remain confused between Single Payer, and Public Option. Public Option means that the government will provide INSURANCE (Medicare), as an Option to Private Insurance. Private Insurance will remain the THING you will want, for better and faster service. But it will help cap costs, and force Private Insurance to actually compete, rather than just collect money for doing absolutely nothing. And it will work as a safety net, for those the Private Insurance will shed off. Which more than likely will be ME!
To me, this is still a MORAL ISSUE! Good Health should be a HUMAN RIGHT, and not just for the elite. Trust me, even in Great Britain, with the most socialized medicine in the world, the Insurance Industry has still found ways to thrive, on health care. These guys are like an earthquake, you just can't stop them, no matter how radical you get!
Get involved: Count Down to Health Care
I don't care if you are a Tea Bagger, this is not FREE, it's something you BUY into! Support the Public Option!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Recipes for Elephant Cannibalism
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Republican Rule #1 (this is not new): Never Turn On YOUR OWN! Defend, defend, defend, and blame the liberal media or Hollywood! Nice job breaking that rule guys! Phil enjoyed it greatly, I'm sure.
I told you they would turn on themselves first, but Graham and Boehner, never saw that coming!
Now onto important stuff: Back in day, which was back in day, back in the day, the Allman Bros just always seem to have been there, like Old School. So lets kick up some shit, from back in the day:
We are a lucky generation, with the Best GD music ever made!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Again, again, and again
Let's talk Stim:
Distinguished Gentleman Boehner, where are your proposals to make and save jobs, anyway? Why did YOU let it get this bad? You voted 'NO' on everything, remember? That will save the Nation from RECOVERY. You didn't propose a single thing to simulate job growth at all, much less to save any! How and why, once you are doing nothing for you state, do you get the right to criticize the unemployment rate? I welcome a FAIR FIGHT, and I'm sure the President does too. Sneak attacks are for whoosies! Yorkshire Terrier Politics now; yip, yip, yip, yip, yip? Maybe Barack doesn't deserve a Peace Prise, but you also, don't deserve an Oscar for a performance like that, but here's hoping...
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Berry gets a Peace Prize, and you can't be happy?
Here's a clue for you: There will never ever be a Republican Peace Prize! A prize given by American Conservatives to anyone. Not as long as you feed on a culture of hate and fear. Any such award you give away, will be the laughing stock of the WHOLE WORLD! Go ahead, give one to John Bolton, and see what the international reaction will be? I double dog dare you!
Once it's Playoff Season, I thought you should revisit this rant. Go Angels and Dodgers, neither one can hit shit now, so we know they're all clean! ARod, I'm not so sure of, still?
Sunday, October 4, 2009
It's in the can!
Cousin, I like to writ like this, many of you get the wrong idea that I'm a Righter, twitch I taint! Yeh, you might want to turn off dat lyin' breath Fux News, and meet us out here in the middle of the road? Don'tcha worry, taint no traffic on this street no more, it's a place called Main Street! With all these Republican potholes, even the garbage trucks would rather take the dirt, than the road. Taint safe to be out standing in your field, but perfectly fine here in the middle of the road.
I saw a Wall Street Banker here the otter day. He seemed quite puzzled why I didn't owe him a rent check? I explained that I twasn't a rentler, and he fussed and farted, and said; “You sure? I own everything else on your street? Well, me and Uncle Sam, and the Chinese that is. And I don't want no Shaolin kicking my butt, if your behind on your rent? So don't you lie to me!” It seems very odd to me, that a banker can walk the streets freely, but a census worker???
Census workers, got my full permission to listen to Glenn Dreck, and carry arms- not against the government, against the citizens watchin Fux News all day! They got some crazy ideas, there deep in the back woods of Manhattan. Themmins seem to think we're all billionaires, getting taxed without???
Ifn I twer a billionaire, I might be as mad as a tea bagger! Taxes back up to the Clinton days, imagine that? But I taint, so I kinda like a government that's friendly to me for a change. Call me crazy and all, but it kinda helps when someone trying to make jobs here? Maybe if we can get these gasoline prices under control, I can even afford my mornin 1000 calorie mocha java again?
Deedja here about dis guy? Seem his cat been eaten his beans. Green coffee beans they be, and they was far too expensive to waste on a cat, so he starts following the cat around pickin up droppings, and roastin them? Now, I'm cheap but, there's a limit! However, seems these billionaires, are willing to part with $20 a poop? You know, I taint goin to get nothing but pissed off about dis! Dis kinda crap never works for me!? You know, I'm grown, I'm all usta eating shat by the bucket, but I'm not zackly ready tah drink it. What was that, about a fool and his money?
As much as I liked that punched line; some of you might be getting the wrong idea, that I be Ebonising this, in a mocking whitey kind of way. Not so fast, dis be more Cali-country than Ebonics, in case you never notice, thar be more cows in California than dare be people. And with just a little exazeratin'... we all sound like idiots!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Conservative memory is short
Clue #1, they are only Good Will Games!
Clue #2, your in a recession, you spend your way out of recessions!
Clue #3, Olympics are a money pit of infrastructure, that provides jobs for years before the Olympics ever happen. And venues for reuse, over and over.
Clue #4, we got Iran to give a little (on the same trip).
Clue #5, things look better for Cuba.
Clue #6, we're making progress at getting Middle East Peace restarted.
A great victory against Obama?
That's just stupid, it's been a great month for Obama, other than the Olympics!
What we don't understand is why Independents and Democrats are singing God Bless America. And Conservatives are singing God Damn America, just because they lost the last two elections? Are you kidding? I HATE PAYING a belligerent Congressman that doesn't even try to do anything for ME, because he's the minority party! Your going to loose even more that way, idiots!
"No, no, I just mean Obama's America!" Obama's America, is all of America! It's the UNITED States of America. I need to make this perfectly clear, if you Japanese, or Brazilian, or Spanish, this is not about rooting for YOUR home land. It's about American's against America. Dreams of a bloodless coup are totally treason! Your stance against your country and it's recovery is idiotic and deplorable, at best. You love status quo, really? You want to be privatized, and sold to the lowest bidder on EVERYTHING; That will drink vodka out of each other's butts, and randomly kill civilians with illegal exploding bullets? (These are jobs once done (honorably) by the Marines, without any scandals, murder trials, or extra fees and costs) Where health insurance companies that make better profits than God, can cancel you for being stupid enough to get sick in America? And we aren't even talking about the bastards yet, that in a recession, when wages are flat, and jobs are being lost, raise the price of Gasoline $1 a gallon over last year's price, just to have RECORD PROFITS again! That's your beloved Status Quo America! And you blame US for your not being able to WIN a fucking election anymore? YOU ARE FUCKING STUPID! Now look what you made me do, I've gone and said too much of what's on my mind!
And I'm accused of outraging and pissing people off? Are you kidding me? It was your lawlessness that caused all these problems, and you think Obama and ME, are the trouble makers? How did WE sink this economy, when WE weren't in power? I'm ready to throw that brick at your head, because I couldn't do any damage to it, that wasn't already there!
I had promised that after Health Care (MY ISSUE), I would back off. But when you go and party against America, it's true voice, it's fair election. I doubt that I can keep that promise, and not for my own will. Jesus Christ, Fox News has made you stupid! STUPID, you fucking embarrassments to all humanity! If you ever root against America; Rap those stars and stripes so tight around your neck, that you do us all a favor.
Rush Limbaugh makes $37 million dollars a year, from just his radio show, and you think he speaks for you? Glenn Beck, makes about $20 million dollars a year, but he's just the common average man, right? Get a clue! You deserve to stand in a soup kitchen line, I don't! Their outrage over taxes, I understand- but I can't understand, your outrage over your stimulus middle class tax break, and extended unemployment benefits, and extended Cobra, and people trying to make jobs for you and your family? Unlike you, these two got nothing but a stable economy. Are those things YOU should be mad about? Them, I understand! They have a great job ranting about taxes all day. You dumbass poor tea baggers, not so much, once you got these benefits, even if you didn't vote for him. And you can't prove yourself more fucking stupid than that, but next week, watching only Fox News, you will!
Why is it so HARD to remember that GM and Chrysler came to the government with their hands out, begging for bailouts? Obama should have put conditions on it, to keep this from being a pattern that they would repeat, and he made it painful for them, and less likely to happen again. While you screamed; Fail, fail, fail, not even thinking about them being the nation's largest employers- your stupid!
Next, while the Federal Government is expanding spending to pump money into the economy. Your State governments are doing the counter move, of limiting hours, lay offs, etc. shrinking the economy even more? They aren't getting it! Keep people working, foreclosures don't happen, and the tax base doesn't shrink. The more you push people into the spin, the faster the spin is! Must have a long term plan right now, not short term.
You want culture war, I'm going sell Tshirts now;
Fox News is for IDIOTS!
Rush Limbaugh, good handle for a druggy
Glenn Beck, stop crying- it wont make you smart!
Fox News, tell me more lies; I love White Lies!
Hannedy Schmanidy!
O'Riley, against himself again? Ambush that!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Olympian David Letterman playboy?
Was he doing the Polanski or something, is his staff filled of 13 year old girls?
Do I have to be
Do I have to be the first
Do I have to be the first to say this?
Why should I care?
This was the LEAD STORY? REALLY? That's stupid!
You go player! There's hope for us all at an advanced age, I guess?
A paycheck and a rub from the boss- ewwwew! What a girl wont do to be in show biz, I guess?
What's next, are you going to shock us by exposing that Jesus was secretly a Jew?
Big mouth extrovert, that didn't marry until his 60's, really Playboy boinking staff! Who'da ever guessed?
annoyed that you wasted my time on this!!! Go chase an ambulance or something!
Sorry, public message to my friends in the REAL MEDIA- find a real story, and lead off with that, rather than crap from the Gossip Reporter.
Will we be surprised now, when Madrid steals the Olympics, again? Remember last time, the traffic, the hordes, the heat, the gridlock? Oh, that will improve? Clearly Chicago, didn't give this one the old Chicago try, because if there is anything we know about the Olympic committee from Utah, is that they CAN be bought. Isn't that right Mr Romney? You don't get it with Star Power, you get with cash and bribes, and other things less than legal that I'm not going to talk about. I suggest that all Chicagoans boycott Mayonnaise in 2016 for this insult!
Rio? Ok, I'm surprised. Spoilers of a good joke, but it will not be thong before I think of another! I say, let's not the get the cart in front of the horse- cheerio! Long way to go before those street thugs have the games, don't you know?
I can see Playboy Magazine now; The Girls of David Letterman.
Buying HEALTH over state lines?
Second mantra of a Republican; "State's RIGHTS!"
So what wrong with shopping for Health Insurance across state lines?
How about Taxes, and States Rights both getting trampled on, by your bonus plan for Insurance companies?
Here's how that would work.
Everybody in the insurance industry would rush to be headquartered in Arkansas or Texas. You just increased unemployment in your own state (unless you live there)!
Second, all policies would be watered down to the minimum product they can provide, for the CHEAPEST STATE IN THE UNION! Why Texas then? It the worsted for consumer protection- dead last! Taxas, last in Insured to begin with. And those that are insured, are paying the highest rates in the Union, for the worsted coverage. Everybody is under-insured in Texas!
Third, if you think fraud and complaint resolution are a problem now, imagine erasing all State's Licensing Rights, to regulate insurance companies! That what YOU'RE talking about, to just open the market, and shop over state lines!
I understand people's outrage over government control. There are a lot of people, that give them an inch of authority, and they become a RULER! This is human nature at work. It will always effect you, small or large government, government or privatized. It's who gets those jobs, and how they manage their responsibility. It much harder to remove these problem people when it privatized as when it's government. Why, think about the three extra layer of bureaucracy you have to go through, including the government, for conflict resolution.
Buying over state lines, requires EVERYBODY has to buy in! Meaning they will be paid by the IRS, and you know where the $15,000 a year will come from! Still want this, fools? This is a plan proposed by the Insurance Industry against you and your current state rights, as consumers! There is NO GREATER PRISE THAT THIS for the Insurance Industry, that will make EVERYTHING 1000 times worse! Because you will NOT have any choice in paying it, it will be taken from your paycheck, or bank accounts. NO CHOICE, is not REFORM!
Now Baucus wants to throw you in jail, for noncompliance. Good going Buttkiss! Montana's you know what to do. It's time to try somebody new, and maybe in touch with reality?
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Business, Good and Evil
Business is business, as they say.
A good deal often means someone was taken advantage of, that's business! That's the art of the deal. However, there are things that so go over the line of decency, they are considered crimes. The point being that some people are driven by the deal. They are inventive, and always looking for ways to improve the deal, to the point of not being a crime, but what should be a crime! And REGULATION doesn't come about because some bureaucrat sitting in an office, figured out a new and inventive way to stop people from making good deals. Regulation has to do with ethics, and government driving business in a particular direction, setting incentives to play by the rules, that it may or may not want to go in with.
Good governance has to do with who is in control of the rudder.
The for profit, best deal of century guys?
Or we the people, the government, who have no profit motive?
Republicans feel, that deep down inside, we're all good, we all understand the rules, so get government out of the way! The market is SELF CORRECTING on it's own! Bad people will do bad thing, they will be exposed and punished.
Democrats feel, people are good, but greed blinds good decisions, and then everything collapses, and therefore we need to regulate, not to prevent collapse, but to minimize the impact of self correction! Those who play by the rules, may still fail, but will not take the nation and the world with them.
These are major philosophical differences. What we (so called) on the left, reject- is the idea that we are anti-business. We're actually a little bolder, and PRO-COMPETITION. Which means monopoly busting.
Teddy Roosevelt, a fine Republican, was called "the Trust Buster". Corporations were called Trusts in his day, so he was being called the big business buster, because he felt they were out of control in pursuit of the BEST DEAL (taking advantage of someone). He felt there had to be rules, that made sure that the highest ethics were followed; which assure citizens that food was safe to eat, for example.
Ronald Reagan undid most of that, feeling that; "Government was the problem, not the solution!" And on it goes, until 'W' nearly did away with any teeth the government had left over Wall Street. You were already the judge of how well that worked, by voting in the nation's first Black President, of the OTHER party. Some did this grudgingly, but did it!
Trickle Down is again, a total and complete failure, that it's aways been. Because of the FEW, that amass the most, then collapse under their own weight and schemes, rather than trickle down! It's more like they capsize. They got deal they deserved, (self correction) but they nearly SUNK the whole world with them, (lack of regulation).
Religion, I'm sorry to tell you Christians, Judges People! It has to, or it would be taken advantage of time and time again by charlatans. Religion today, has no teeth to punish, not legally. Peoples good nature, and desire to build solid communities, still is not enough. Government is the only entity that can create and enforce rules of proper behavior, and can be totally blind, in not wieghing the merits of a man, against his needs. It's sets a minimum standard, and any falling below may APPLY for assistance. Only GOVERNMENT can do this, with our constitutional authority.
Unless you want to push through beggars, to get in or out of the supermarket like every other country, wouldn't you rather have it this way? That's why I remain a LIBERAL! I don't need a gun to safely get in and out of the supermarket! I will not apologize for it!
You can't tell heart disease from a glance at a man, which is why so many die so young (even in high school). But it can be diagnosed, and it can be treated. A man can look totally healthy, and be unable to work at all, without fear of sudden death. It's another reason that Faith Based Philanthropy, does not work. Only Government can dip into your medical file, and determine if you are fit to work or not, much to sneers the gears of those who are fit, and think these others are all freeloaders!
Does Arnold Schwarzenegger need Medicare? It doesn't matter, as a senior citizen, he is entitled to it! Churches would not feel that way. And big business would not feel that way. But Government does!
Here are just a few of the reasons, I'm a PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL. However, I am a PL as in the image of TR! I hope you'll wise up, and join me? We can build a better and safer GREAT sociality, but it just can not be done from minimalistic and weaker government. We all agree, that Government must be part of the solution. So stop hoping the President FAILS, your idiocy is showing, and it's not much to be proud of!
The Right of the People to Rule, a speech from our Republican President in 1912. It's a Thomas Edison recording, it's not very long (4min), but worth it in it's warnings, not to be so damn French!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Who is this man?
Maybe one of the MOST influential men of all time! The Quintessential American!
However, if you asked Mark Twain, he'd have said that he was nothing but an Imperialist! They didn't like each other.
Who he be?
I'm not all about shooting elephants! But I have never seen a picture of my favorite one so young. One more clue before you hit that link? He was THE youngest President of the United States, however not the youngest ELECTED President.
How did he get here? To give you one more example of how Republicans lost their way then, and now! America is strong because of Americans, not in spite of them.
Is going paperless actually going green?
What about laptops? What are they good for? Every time I turn around, people are plugging in external mouse, keyboard, and screen. So what are they good for? If your running a business, your biggest security leak is your employee's laptop, and unsupervised operations! One good drop, and 18 months of data is GONE! The batteries are time bombs, and nearly as expensive as the CPU inside, what are they good for? They are good for bigger profits for the big box retailer, and that's about it. And now you have to have special disposal of everything, because of mercury and alike.
Data that needs to be shared, is data that needs to be networked. Data that is networked, might as well run on your browser, and be on a cloud system, so everything from your Mac to PC to Phone can access and use it. But we're back to electron guzzling high speed servers again.
Downloading and printing it yourself. There is the next question. A color laser printer takes about 1000 watts to warm up, and 400 watts to bake your page, which is nearly as slow as the slowest inkjet. The inkjet cost more than the real estate under it, because of the $1000 per gallon price of ink, but there's nothing wrong here? Move along! So I don't know which is worse, the coal burnt for a laser diode to do it's thing, or the astronomical price of fluid ink? Meanwhile your paper is made more from sand dust than wood fibers, and the less sand in the paper these days to closer you are Zigzag rolling papers, so it takes a lot of energy to make paper that white. (I'm talking about titanium for those of you who are a little slow). Yeah, that box is so heavy, because it's mostly rock! But basically, it just shifts to costs to the consumer, rather than banks. Making it even easier than before, to engineer overdrafts, for extra fees.
Every time I see a 2ghz CPU with a 600 watt power supply, in a mini tower case, I realize we are loosing the war. You pop the monster box open and there's three sets of fans inside. Your TV went from 300 watts CRT to being a 1000 watt big screen jelly fish, and we wonder what wrong? Your house is now sucking down more power than an aerospace plant of the 70's, is what's wrong. And it's all good for the bottom line of Wallmart and Best Buy, not you!
So, you can go out and put $14,000 worth of solar panels on your roof, which power the next door neighbors big screen to watch Fox News all day, while your at work paying for it. Which will run out umph about a month before pay back comes. However, how much energy did it take to make that solar panel that helping the neighborhood more than you, is one of my questions?
So is going paperless actually greener? I doubt it! Green is more a gimmick than anything else, I'm afraid. And disappointed to point out.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Let's talk John McCain (today)
Well, here's a clue. TV and Birth Control are not BIG in these undeveloped countries. Women don't work, they just make babies, act as nurses, and feed the men. Hello, there are 2 billion Muslims in the world, and only 350 million Americans TOTAL! We're handing out RADIOS mainly to get them listening to our propaganda, and entertainment, AND maybe to keep them from screwing for one hour a week?
John McCain thinks you can throw more and more manpower at everything. Anything else is CUT AND RUN. This wouldn't be the first time he was WRONG! Maybe you need to see it long hand to understand:
2,000,000,000 (Muslims)
0,300,000,000 (everyone alive in America right now).
This is why, you can't just throw more and more manpower at the problem, forever! There has to be another plan.
Look, I'm in favor of never giving Afghanistan back. That controls as best you can, a rogue state. It is the argument that I'd rather fight them over there! Gives us a foothold deep in Asia, up against Iran, Russia, and Pakistan. I see why Russia thought that to be a valuable enough jewel, to have a war over. But it's the wild wild EAST, of crazy warlords and gangs, and people that just make shit up, about why they hate you. (See Classic Movie; Man who would be King) We are going to loose a few people, holding it. We need to decide if it's worth it?
Back to McCain, and why I can't even listen to him. I couldn't listen to Bush either, but that was because his language skills drove (even dyslexic me) NUTS! Has there ever been a more inarticulate man in the White House? Who always smirks, when he thinks he scored a bullet point. Anyway, McCain ran the worsted campaign for the President of anyone EVER! EVER! Why, because McCain flies by the seat of his pants. Lies and mud splashing is all he's got, even still! He has no plans for ANYTHING! Even Bush had plans, bad ones, but none the less plans of where he wanted things to go.
McCain is always going to say THROW MORE MEN AT THE PROBLEM! That is his only plan, and it's not always a good one, it's just a reaction. Do you want to throw YOUR SON into the fire, even if it's wrong? Which is why he's not Commander and Chief today! Why are you listening to him? Why would anyone think him an expert in all things military? His dad maybe, but not John the joker! (And I don't mean the Batman Joker- so cut that out, you know what I mean!).
To me, McCain has become a smiling puppet, empty headedly saying over and over again; Throw men at it! Without any thought about expending of "Blood and Treasure", for control of a garbage dump. We need to decided what we want, and if it's worth it. John I don't think, even understands that question? Meanwhile, Bill Clinton can tell what went wrong in Vietnam, and why Afghanistan is not Vietnam. Which is why I ended up on the other channel watching Meet the Press, instead. Some of you need to be reminded that Clinton, won his little war in the Balkans (Oh yeah? We were there, stopping Ethic Cleansing, remember?).
I'm not saying more troupes aren't needed! I'm saying, we can't trust McCain, when he says that.
One party is not better than the other at all things war. That's the silliest political spin ever! Unlike mine vs. your's when it comes to handling the economy: Where proof is in the deficit! I wouldn't make that your new war cry, if I were you. THE WAY, we pay YOUR BILL (for the last 8 no-limit years of charge it, charge it, charge it), is with jobs, jobs, and more jobs- you know, those things you like to send overseas? Look for the union label, because we're all knuckle draggers now! Working HARD is the only way to restore the middle class, and pay off EVERYONE'S bills.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Playing the race card!
I knew, you KNEW, how to beat the bitch!
I KNEW, your shadow war, against all minorities would become a major issue with Obama. I had no idea, that both sides would find so many Black Pundits, and Leaders though, to take forefront on the cable-debates, and politics shows. However, that said, I'm enjoying most of them as a breath of fresh air- even though, the righties are generally reading the talking points only.
When you find Lilly white women wearing Tea Party T-shirts, complaining that; THEY WANT THEIR COUNTRY BACK. Come on, we know what they really mean.
Comparing Obama to Hitler is over the line.
Or to the Joker from Batman!
Or comparing him to a chimpanzee. Well over that racist line!
NOT ALL CONSERVATIVES ARE RACISTS! To those of you who aren't, you need to speak up, and straiten your party out. IT TIME TO CLEAN HOUSE! If your going to win elections ever again, you must get your house in order. Which means casting off the Becks and Dittos!
It just funny that two years later, you finally figured out the race card we played. When I've been very very clear about it the whole time. You played the card in a shadow game to win votes, and we played it back with a great candidate. And someone we hope will be quite successful. Welcome to politics!
I don't mind conservatives picking a fight, but pick the right ones. Emissions caps for example. I don't see how you can do it? We don't have the technology to do away with all the coal we burn for electricity, it's not there. PICK THE RIGHT (pun intended) FIGHTS!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Were are we going?
Here's the plan: You as an individual tax payer must pick a health care plan, or be fined by the government for opting out (half the value). They will take 13% of your current salary, and give it directly to the Health Insurance companies. With no regulation, or price control, or real reform! Exactly the kind of cookie (no candy bar) we expect from a Republican only plan- this is bipartisan? Baucus is a Democrat. And one that's going to find reelection a hard fight now, and rightly so! You are going to force me to buy health insurance through the IRS? I think we all see what wrong with that!
Don't get ahead here, one bad bill doesn't poison them all! This is only one of 6 bills, and clearly the one committee that didn't get the idea that the Bush Administration is over. 4 of the other 6 bills understand the need for REAL REFORM and the public option, so this is not over!
Facts: Public Option is like public school. You're not required to go to public school, you can go to private school if you want and can afford it. Why is this hard to understand?
Second: Exclusion by preexisting condition becomes illegal.
Third: No caps on benefits. Lifetime expense caps become illegal.
These two things, make sure that insurance is doing it's job, and not just a free money for Wall Street.
Forth: Will not add to the deficit, it's paid for.
What problems do we face down the road, in a year or two?
Too few doctors, with HIGH liability insurance problems.
Part of the purpose in establishing standards of practice are to reduce Tort lawsuits. Ironically, it's your doctor paying for the malfeasance of the insurance companies and HMO's, with; you guessed it, higher malpractice insurance. We have failures on several levels. Including Doctors deciding how much competition they will face, from new blood. Drugs being made overseas with mostly just a promise and a prayer to do it right.
There is still a lot to deal with! But keep the pressure on for the President's plan! Be brave, you going to hear lots of disinformation in the days ahead. Be vocal, be vigilant. Be strong. Don't Panic! We are in a revolution that is fought with words, not bullets. We will change America for the better. One issue at a time. One voice at a time. Nobody wants to make life worse, except for those with a (partisan) political ax to grind. There's an election coming up, you can fix that too.
We have 4 good bills, and President that is very clear where we need to go. Let's get this done!
Meanwhile, Max Baucus vs. Max Buttkiss- I don't see any difference?
Saturday, September 12, 2009
We're fired, We Quit
I wanted to break things up here, now that most of you are on the right side of history, and see the need to have health care reform, and that nobody will be tattooing 666 to your foreheads, or anything, we just want you to have a free flu shot, and treatment for cancer that doesn't bankrupt you.
I wanted to post a little Janis. And while I could find one good song on YouTube, it wasn't exactly what I wanted. And the next thing you know, I'm chasing White Rabbits, which lead to Smothers Brothers. Which exposes HOW they got fired by CBS, once they weren't being subtle enough, about being hip! And then Along Comes Mary- the most vulgar song of the new enlightenment- I blush! Perfect for here:
That song is just a little _______ up.
...and what did we get? We got Devo!
Let's follow this a little farther:
Yeah, it's Tom & Dick's act, but guess who wrote it? My guess would be, there still a little resentment in the air (or off it)?
Just exactly how many times did the NETWORKS fire Tom & Dick? Is my last cynical question.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Can't afford what?
I was going to talk about how to pay for it all. But, some things are self-explanatory! This is a GDP chart from Wikipedia. Look at us, look at everybody else. Reform means making us more competitive with the rest of world, while catching up, which means PAY RAISES, as well as better stability. Status Quo on health care means wage freeze, less small business, while costs continue to sky rocket. We can aford this, we must do this! Or we are a joke.
Monday, September 7, 2009
George Will
We "Progressives" (I remember the good old days when I was just a liberal fondly), have had enough of Great White Anger! It's not becoming, and it sure as hell isn't productive, or in any way good for the country. And it's based totally on lies! If your going to be a raciest, put the hood on already, and don't try and fake us out- we're not fooled, when your argument has no logic behind it! According to you now, Reagan was a flaming LIBERAL SOCIALIST?
Party - is stupid, and ignorant, and pretty smelly with racism!
Tax Enough Already, that's good, it means you don't have a clue what was in the stimulus (Recovery) act! Did you know 85% of all Americans workers have less income tax this year, because of it! The first third of the money, bought you a tax-break! YOU! So you would have more to spend, to get economy running again. Your government is saving money by not printing Sim-checks, they are having it put directly back into your pay check! Saving money, while giving people more money, it's smart! If you didn't get it, you might want to ask your boss where it went?
This President is angry about bailing out Banks, and Insurance Companies, and Car makers, as you are! This brought him no joy at all. So he's trying to re-regulate these businesses so the government will NEVER do this again! So we can get out of boom and bust cycle, and get back to steady (reasonable) growth. You can't make the system recession proof, but you can limit it's impact, and that's what we mean by reasonable!
We have a unity of cause here! We want to make life better for EVERY American! We want the rich to get richer, but not at the expense of everybody else. We've done it that way for 20 years, and trickle-down doesn't work! We want American worker to have a good job, (rather than several of them), that gives him/her a slice of the American Dream Pie, that he can count on. Not only in his working years, but afterwards too! How is that un-American? How is that being a Nazi? How is that being fascist? Giving workers back their rights and privileges, and rewarding a career well done?
American you are as dumb as Jay Leno's Jay Walking exposes you to be! And you wonder why you can't compete in the world? It's not lower wages offshore that is your problem! It's greed! You can't pass sensible laws to punish that greed, take the big step of educating yourself to compete, so you deserve what your going through, you really do! Look, I'm not the brightest guy around, I'm knuckle dragger, and dirt eater, if there ever was one. But we've been sold down the river, to a stupid philosophy, that frankly is counting on China to bail us out, and be the new GREAT CONSUMER NATION- not you! Why, because they're smarter than you! Wall Street is getting rich, while you loose your small business to Walmart. And you don't get it? Death of the local bicycle shop, is death of 10 jobs, which is the death of doughnut shop, and the coffee shop, and the small second run movie theatre, small business now teeters on the edge of extinction in America, for the bottom line of Disney and Walmart. And you don't get it?
I'm actually ashamed of us all.
Happy Labor Day, idiots! Once it's every man for himself, you deserve your bulk box of corn-dogs from Walmart, made in Mexico, this holiday.
If my words have made you mad, prove me wrong, by supporting American Labor and Small Business like you should, it's only your life at stake! Assuming you can find a small business to give your business to?
(Next we talk about how we pay for it all).
Let me prove a point here: Who here wants a Cadillac, and who would rather have a Bentley? Be honest! That's your fault, not Korea, or China, or Mexico. Now what are YOU going to do to get that market back? Here's a clue; Getting Better GRADES is true patriotism! But you don't want the president to brainwash your babies at school- Idiots! I am so fucking embarrassed by you. I'm just so afraid your going to break George Will, and then there will be no voices worth listening to, on that side any more- I tried, but he's just not making any sense- it's like he's now a reporter reading the news, not being able to take sides in it, because of how retarded it is. Give George some meat to chew on, would you?
Saturday, September 5, 2009
A Republican Plan = Give the Insurance Companies complete and total control over your life and business, and hope they never, ever, would screw you, like they have in the past. And if they do, oh well, you had it coming for being so demanding in a world of uncertainty. Bonuses all around guys- yeah! AIG IS AWESOME! Do you want another Doughnut Hole in health care? Something like, when you hit $25,000, the bill is now 100% yours, until it reaches $50,000, then we cover 35% again. Which is to say, the policy is "Don't get sick!" Health Insurance is only for the healthy.
WHY EVERYONE? Ever hear of TB? How about AIDS? How about the FLU? Cover EVERYONE!!! This is all worse than waiting to see a doctor.
Unless you want to go completely SINGLE PAYER FOR EVERYONE, which is same outlawing private insurance, as it currently is. The Public Option is your only other choice, that is TRUE REFORM! The Government is only one player, among many private insurance choices then. This gives them the leverage to control costs (WHICH MEANS SAVE YOU MONEY!), without mandating regulations into the market place on price control.
Should this fail, I think we consumers should be able to opt out of ALL Health Insurance, and go with something more like Credit Unions (non-profit collectives). Local Health Banks were we are all members (are owners) of the insurance company, where we can have accounts that actually build EQUITY, and can negotiate pricing for health care from doctors and hospitals and pharmacies, gym membership, and even weight control services. All in one package, and forget the failed PPO and HMO systems all together, and their private death panels!
I'm thinking something where membership is instant with paying your dues, with no one turned away- even retroactive to bills that occurred within the last 90 days- would help all be insured, and would help prevent most bankruptcies. Who cares if it takes 20 years to pay off your bills, if your going to live another 20 years- trust me, that would stop most bankruptcy! Which would save states and counties millions, annually.
Minimum accounts are like $100k lifetime, but you can pick up to a million dollars lifetime coverage if you can pay that kind of dues. This idea is more like Banking for health care than it is insurance. It's not a handout, it's a hand up. You buy in, and hopefully build equity, and have a good health advisor that assists you in keeping costs down, by having a healthier lifestyle with plenty of preventive coverage. The difference between this and a bank through, is that while you can quit, you can't really can't cash out, except maybe a much lower rate- the whole idea is buying 'personal health building', not 'personal wealth building'. So your equity is not really liquid and portable. But you can pay off your policy and have free health care to end of life, with just dues payment each year, with no copays. Like Auto Club, for health!
There my dream system, for all it's worth. I just don't see that happening anymore than Single Payer, because of the trouble it would caused the insurance industry. However, banks seem to find ways to complete with Credit Unions every day? That why I think that would be a good plan. It allows us socialist to sit in our own little pools sharing expenses, while watching you suckers get screwed, because you refuse to pay dues, and have collective bargaining.
Dr. Howard Dean thinks this kind of idea is just a target for takeover, same as Blue Cross was. So the Public Option, was the only option for true health care reform and he may be right.
I have one thing to say, to all of you who stood in the way of reform. I'm the angry voter. I'm not going to sit quietly. And God Damn your opposition! May God Damn you personally for it, racist mother fuckers! I'm not joking, this is WAR if we fail this time! I'm that fed up with greed and politics and the racism!
Look there are problems with Medicare, nobody disputes that! But there are far bigger problems caused by a system that require insurance, (get sick without it), then has no safe guards for consumers, or price controls. We all pay for my (and many other's) bankruptcy, and it's stupid! It's not what I wanted, and I just don't understand how you can support a system with no equity being given. Since that time, I've paid $100,000 to insurance companies, and you think I've drawn that much in services, really? You are trusting someone to have your back, that not required to cover your illness at all. Are you kidding me? This is working for you? Really? It seems to me, to be money just flushed down the drain- and that's why I have such passion for this. Without insurance I'd be dead. With it, I'm in the poor house, at least- I want my life back, my dignity back, and to rejoin the American Dream! God damn you that stand in my way! God Damn your greed! God Damn your racism! God Damn your elitism! Get the fuck out of the way of progress, because there is a price to pay for being an idiot. You deserve it, I don't, so I'm fighting mad!
Now, let's get to a smarter guy than me, who can get elected just because he's a much smarter guy than me! (I'm not embedding the video, because this is getting much too slow to begin with with all the videos.) Look out, Tea Party-er's, Al's Got Answers, Logic, Politeness, and far more of the right stuff than me, who would rather meet your violence with my violence! If you don't agree, maybe you should meet my...erhf!
Damn it Al, I'm really, really mad, why can't you be too? This clown is making me look bad. Yeah, that's it, it's his fault, all his fault! See, I can think like a Republican, too!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Sucker Punches
Yesterday, before this even, we were talking about a guy who (admittedly) through a punch at a protester, and in the process got his finger bit off! He's parading around like he's the great victim here. When first of all, he was out to disrupt a rally. And secondly, he started throwing punches? And who's the victim here, again? And oh by the way, it was Medicare that is picking up this guy's hospital bill, who happens to be against government run entitlements? He said he wasn't there to protest anything, so how then how did he get in a fight?
Then we get to the protests of Obama addressing school kids. Which qualifies as a low blow!
Have low-life's really taken over politics this much?
Where are you decent people? Why aren't you outraged?
We all getting bitch slapped, and sucker punched, by idiots for having our own opinions, that don't agree with THEIR HATE SPEECH and SPIN! Point is, chill out! Most of this is started by shock jocks, and pundits, are you kidding me? Nobody is fooled, it's all started by racists!
I remind everyone to take a deep breath, and step back, and look around the room. Is this the way you want your children to act, to a debate? This is insane! Now, throw me the Jello would you?
Thursday, September 3, 2009
The President of United States
I remember LBJ portrait being on the walls of my school.
I remember Nixon.
I remember a picture of Ford being there.
I remember Carter's big grin.
After that, I was a voter!
Man, that was short, did I miss something?
The current President of the United States of America, wants to give your kids a school pep-talk. Challenge them to set goals, and do well, in starting this new school year.
We didn't have live satellite feeds, or I'm sure this would have been common.
Remember where George W. Bush was on 9/11/01?
Remember him trying not to scare the kids, as heard the news?
And somehow, a TV pep-talk, is spell binding indoctrination into evil, and let's face it, it's because he doesn't look the Presidents on our Money!
You've reached a new low, when we thought you couldn't get any deeper?
Do not support a sick outs, GROW UP!
It's one thing not to trust or even like the guy, it's another not to have respect for the office. I didn't like W. But he was my President. I have respect for him, even now, for being in that elite club. And you guys should too. Teach your children were politics is appropriate, by your own good behaviour.
What I don't get, is that kids are not partisan, until they're in their teens. So most of this is just crazy talk! Paranoid crazy talk!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Time for the big come back?
This loosing ground, loosing ground, loosing ground, we can't take it any more, where is he, big come back is getting to be kind of an annoying habit! I honestly didn't think I'd turn on him this quick, but I'm getting annoyed, very annoyed! YOU OWN CONGRESS- if Republican's don't want to play, they are irrelevant.
It's not NO we're afraid of, it's irrelevancy. Somebody had better get a better game plan. The public does get it, but does the electorate? We are the party of NO recovery, No Health Care, NO everything, is not going to play well. Not for long?
I like real conservatives. Maybe it's because I grew up with so many catholic friends? But when you've turned Nixon, and Reagan into Leftest, you've gone over the deep end! It's time again, to stop pandering, and kick some butts out of your party. Crazy people are not welcome, in either party! They drag us all down with them. Time for some house cleaning.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Time Traveler
While time traveling back to 1969, I found something that haunts me so: I always knew this was a Fleetwood Mac song (one of my favourites), but I really didn't know the groups history that well. Who'da known that Mick Fleetwood was not the founder of the band for example- unless you are real hardcore! Well, he wasn't, it was Peter Green that founded the band and named it after his rhythm section, but it is one of Green's songs that is one of the bands very best songs, that is so rarely, rarely played. But when it is, it's like a HARD STOP- so profound.
That kind of says it all, for us that carry the torch into the future.
Enjoy, this is extraordinary! I really have to thank whoever posted it, from the bottom of my heart, for sharing this treasure.
And pass health care reform, not for a dead man, but because it's the right thing to do. His legacy needs no polish, or enhancements. However, it is us, that need to continue to do that which is right, and that which is noble.
Maybe some of you need a little help on why I like this so much?
The answer is that it is before the days of lip-sync, and air guitar performances. And clearly the director actually went to the rehearsal, and learned the highlights of the performance. The sound is balanced, you can hear and see everything. It's even quite clear where they screwed up (they dropped the chorus; "oh well, oh well, oh well"). This is so much better than a Today Show Concert, today! And for an audience of what, maybe 30 teenagers?
That's why I love this... PROFESSIONALISM!
Now, watch the 1987 performance for an example of the Glam-Rock style. How did we loose the moose? At least Mick is just as creepy as ever. But gimme the thin kids of 1969, every time!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Tom Ridge tells sorta?
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You think you know the topic by now? Let it run! I've got to admit, I laughed, and I cried, like all good stories should do to you. Even the scariest monster was kept to the very end on this one. This is not a liberal bashing Bush, when you get into it, which is what makes it so very scary! We hope things have changed...
UPDATE (9/2/09):
Tom Ridge is out selling his book this week, and setting the record strait, that; he meant the system was designed as such, that you couldn't play politics with the threat level. That not why I posted this piece to begin with, so I have nothing to change here!
It is a good point Tom makes about the Madrid train bombing, and how it shaped politics post 9/11. Something very much on their minds.
He is one of the conservatives, that I really, really like, and wish we had a whole bunch more of. But this is about the executive administration, which is why I will not change it! It wasn't his actions I was attacking- Hint: It's Homeland Security that worries me most, particularly FEMA- and having seen how FEMA acts in a disaster up close when Running Springs Burnt a few years ago, I hope you NEVER have to deal with them! REALLY!
Col. Wilkerson is also one of my very favourite conservatives. I posted this because of his comment: "One wonder's if there is enough shame to go around?"- was my point, and why this posting will not be changed! If I can get yesterday's Maddow interview, I'll post it too- it's very important- Ah, and I can still, so here goes...
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Insurance business models
There is this thing in all insurance all over the world, called RE-INSURANCE! Where risks are spread across many companies. So that local catastrophes don't bankrupt the whole system, and cause a domino collapse. That's the whole reason we bailed out AIG. And you think Government Insurance is going to be a GO IT ALONE proposition, using DEATH PANELS to control costs? Hardly!
Nobody is talking about Socializing Medicine!! Your doctor and hospital and pharmacies will remain independent contractors. Oh, they are going to have tantrums over cost controls, you can count on that. But we're not trying to dive into the deep end, and socializing the whole thing. We are talking about your options, and letting you shop for what is best for you! While Insurance companies figure out their new business model, and the most profitable cherry things to offer to keep you private and not public.
How can having more options for you, be bad for America?
The trouble with insurance to begin with, is that it has no quality assurance, or cost control. Have you seen REAL INSURANCE BILLS and profit statements? They are making more and more money, willing to pay 1/2 a billion dollar fines, and judgements, because they are still making huge profits, at your personal expense!!! They have found the way to being Untouchable. You pay $400 out of your pay check, and your employer pays $1200, and you wonder where your pay raise went, and why your employer is cutting back benefits?
This system is broken! The Public Option is the cure. Nothing less will do. And your insurance company is not going to suffer, most likely they will be your Re-insurer, instead.
The people I'm pissed off with in this fight are the Democrats, not the Republicans. I expect the Republican's to whore themselves for the Insurance Industry, particularly being the minority party. They are irrelevant, and they know it! But backlash from the Democrats on this issue is in tolerable. You got your jobs because we sick of the Wall Street First influence! We DEMAND OUR HUMAN RIGHTS! And as the RICHEST NATION on earth, WE CAN DO BETTER! And you had better step up to the plate, face your fears, because we are watching and taking names of who is not going to be there in two years!
I am as pissed off as I can be with a President that claims he's our change candidate, that is showing signs of being a total pushover with no spine! If you have no heart for the battle, you have no business in that office. You better learn what to have a blood lust about, and what to draw a hard line about. Your mandate is clear, and we expect you to preform on your promises, and not be more of the same Bull SHIT we've been wading through, generation after generation.
Slavery is not dead in America! What do think the whole illegal immigration issue really is? What do you think Off-shoring is all about? Your being bought and sold, Black, White, Asian, or Hispanic. Union busting is about nothing more than that. You'd better wake up, and be ready to defend all that is yours! Your at war with extremists on Wall Street as well as those other guys over seas. How can you stay on top, when you produce nothing of value, and treat humans as expendable?
It is a morality issue!
Monday, August 17, 2009
We're loosing it!
-Gov.Dr. Howard Dean.
It's slipping from us. And it's really really not easy to loose this time around. Particularly to such bullshit and lies. But I can promise you that we will be back! Our next Democratic President will have the balls to shove it down your throats, and threaten your bureaucratic empires! How do such ideologues get so fucking much money? But this was most likely our last shot in my lifetime. I doubt with my medical history, that I will even be here for another President, with or without it. It's a legacy issue, about leaving the world better off behind us. And now it's an issue of being a sell out, and a coward.
If I'm going down in flames, than my position of compromise has to change too; Nothing BUT Single Payer is acceptable now! The total socialization of all health insurance- what the hell?
There are only two groups making record profits in this recession; Big Oil, and Health Insurance! But there's nothing wrong? Wait until you get your September Insurance Bill, before you say that! Your Government is bought and paid for, and you going to pay for it, with almost instant rewards from your insurance companies. Next month I pay $35 more a month, for no good reason at all, other than they want more!
There is a law of the jungle at work here. Whenever someone or some thing, fails, there is a kick a man while he's down effect. Which means in this case, expect your health insurance to triple, because you just gave them a free ride! Betcha it's your reward, for a job well done in beating the Nazi Socialist Death Panel Bastards. If you work for any company with less than 200 employees, I'll bet your employer based health insurance will be canceled within a year, and don't you think about crying to me! The stars are all lined up, we're going to get FUCKED by big business again.
What I really don't understand is; Why do you believe so much in corporate welfare, and not social welfare? People with money don't need hand-outs! Creating Pools of customers doesn't fix anything, it will only make it all worse for each of us. I hope your in very deep pool, with a very benevolent insurer, I honestly do. Bye bye small businesses, and welcome to Wallmart!
A side note: I heard a Republican complain that Medicare is full of fraud and waste, and a failed system. Ah, isn't that the fault of those who choose to downsize government oversight and prosecutions, over the last 8 years for such white collar crimes? It's all very puzzling to me, this disconnect between cause and effect?
I would like to add one thing: Calling Moderates, Nazis is uncalled for, and actually unforgivable! I did so, only mocking you, and your stupidity. It's called sarcasm, it wasn't intended to embrace your platform and rhetoric.