Conservatives hold religion up as their standard against all change. But when religion goes bad, really really bad things happen to large groups of people (normally Jews). The Spanish Inquisition for example, then Nazi Germany. But Crusaders weren't any better, killing both Muslims and Jews alike. Today, we have witnessed what the Taliban have done. But don't believe for even a moment that darkness is just in the hearts of foreigners, it's alive and well in the Americas too.
I'm going to sound like one of them for a minute, because they are putting up a false front of being Christian. There are agents working today to prepare the way of the Lord, by setting the stage for their belief in an Antichrist. They have lost their way, in order to fornicate with Jesus in the streets! And don't be fooled by their fake mercy. And we must be firm, and keep our wits, and resist them with passive resistance and our strength at the polls.
Last night Rachel Maddow was examining Rich Perry's cast of evangelicals, and their strange belief that they must make the Way of Lord, so he can come down, settle the chaos, and rule over us all. This is a foundation of faith, and not the problem itself. Evil is when you act on it and create the chaos, to bring Jesus in. So let's look at the WEIRD and STUPID Republican agenda again from a Religious viewpoint.
Why would anyone be STUPID ENOUGH to destroy the Social Safety Net? Why would anyone be STUPID ENOUGH to destroy Public Education? Why would anyone be STUPID ENOUGH to want to kill the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)? Put these things together and realize that they want CHAOS, and they want Mayhem, they want RIOTS! So the Antichrist can settle things down, and then JESUS can CUM! (Yes, I said that obscene and profane thing on purpose!) Because this is all spiritual masturbation, and should be viewed by all thinking and concerned social beings as worse than porn, or even child porn.
Most of you know of 10 Commandments. And I get in fights with Christians all the time over putting them up in school isn't going to stop even one bully, or hoodlum from being bad. And most of you know there are 7 Deadly Sins, and you assume they are parts of the commandments. They are not, and you should know THEM even more than the big 10.
Prov 6:16-19
These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
A proud look,
a lying tongue,
and hands that shed innocent blood.
An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations,
feet that be swift in running to mischief.
A false witness speaking lies,
and he that soweth discord among brethren.
I think the first one should say an Arrogant Look, rather than Proud, meaning snooty in modern English, but I could be wrong, maybe it means what it says?
My point is that if any of these are your goals, you have to reexamine your faith, and your standing before the God that you claim to serve. Each is a sin unto itself, all 7 an abomination. This is not Moses's Law, it came well after. And for 2000 years we've had people trying to Prepare the Way of the Lord, by setting the stage for the Antichrist, because they have NO LOVE for their fellow human beings. They are metal, and dysfunctional. They feel only they are the blessed of God.
And if you belong to a Church or group that thinks like this; RUN don't walk to get away from them! We must RESIST THEM. May there be 10,000 years before Jesus needs to come again, anything viewpoint less, is a heresy, if you believe that his second coming is the end.
I admit that I for one, believe that 'The Revelation' is a bogus book of the Bible. Church fathers like the idea of the Bible starting with curse, and ending with a curse, so they choose it's Apocalyptic vision of the end over any of the others. However, it is not fitting within the message of the Gospel. 666 was none other than Nero. The fear of horsemen was fear of Mongol invasion, which never managed to take over all of Europe, or the Middle East as some had feared they would. So where is Jesus the King of Kings, then?
The Apostle Paul does speak of the Spirit of the Antichrist at work, in speaking of the Mystery Religions, which are long since dead and gone, something he could not even imagine in his day. Many of the concepts you might think are unique to Christianity did start in the Mysteries, the issue of Jesus is the pivot point.
I admit that I am a heretic, and you should understand my bias. I am a naturist, and not a spiritualist. The spiritualists have ruled the Church for 2000 years, and just how many times can they be wrong? We are not the Center the Universe. The only thing orbiting around us is the Moon, and it wont be there forever. The world is not flat like a coin (just because things fall down). But we can't break the idea that Heaven is someplace above us in the blue? That BLUE is hydrogen, not God's arm pits. You don't even want to get me talking about studies about prayer! We NEED to become pragmatic and practical and scientific or we are fools just playing children's game of pretend.
There are very good things to all world religions, and we need promote a world of love and respect for each other. All the positive aspect of the Gospel. I'm not against the spiritual ideal, I'm just saying YOU ARE CARNAL, BE CARNAL and stop feeling guilty for answering nature's calls.
There is no bad love. Only bad hate. Correction, tough love is just abuse that I rail against. We are rational beings, be rational in your judgements.