Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Holidays

Why anyone gets upset about being inclusive, I'll never understand. Particularly once the Reason for the Season, wasn't born then, he was born in August. Christmas is like the Jerusalem of holidays, everybody likes to glob on. Celebrating the days now getting longer- now if only we could do something about the bitter cold of the next 3 months. But let's face it, that is what THE SEASON is really all about. It's helping each other (particularly the poor) survive the cold that is to come. And to pat yourself on the back for it. Good Values! Which to the merchants means Good Values to you, but that just puffing!

I thought this would be a very bad Christmas, because of my chemo. But I'm holding out hope that not having two drugs in me this time, will give me only mild symptoms this time, so I can enjoy a good Christmas Dinner too.

Happy Holidays everyone! Survive the cold of Winter, and the darkness of men's imaginations!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Payroll Taxcut, never in doubt

Canter and Teaparty tried to take another hostage, even against the better judgement of the Senate Republicans, who knew this WAS THEIR WEAKEST ISSUE- they could not AGAIN screw the middle class so openly. But Canter can find NO ISSUE, that he's not willing the sink the good faith in the American Government on (both Nationally and Internationally). He the biggest fucking RETARD of all time, and he deserves a good old fashion BLOODY NOSE, and a loss of his seat in the House.

I've had no rant to make on this, because Beohner had no other option but to cave in the last minute. So here we go; Unanimous Consent (so they don't have to put their names on it). And there the thing with John Beohner that just doesn't make any sense either? Why is he protecting HIS TROUBLE MAKERS? Make the Silver Spoon Babies go on the record, voting only for tax breaks for the 1%, and against other 70%. They are nothing but TROUBLE to Congress (for all the wrong reasons). Why would you give them an out, and protect them?

Anyway, I knew they would cave, so why even beat that drum?

Monday, November 28, 2011

Meet the new front runner?

Disgraced Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, really?

Megan McCain falls for Bachmann. It has always been clear to me, that Michelle Bachmann is a smart politician. Granted she is STUPID about history, rewriting it to fit her own means and ideals all the time. But she actually is a very SAVVY politician, who should not be undersold as an idiot. She is socially brilliant, when she not being freelance combative. Frankly, I have NO TRUST in these whores at all (and that not sexist comment, any MAN in Congress is a whore too). That our problem, to many are on Wall Streets payroll, and not enough serving the interests of ALL AMERICANS! It's why only a fool, would vote Republican at this time.

Look, facts are no matter who is in power, THINGS ARE GOING TO GET WORSE over the next decade for us all. The Euro is floundering, and most likely will fail. We are dealing with a GLOBAL ECONOMY, where bankers have been irresponsible EVERYWHERE, even more so than the Governments who are taking the blame. I feel betrayed by Obama on the Globalization issues, but would I want anyone ELSE to be in charge in these difficult times, the answer is NO! The man is smart and a rock solid. He is the right man for the right time, even though, it's going to be a difficult and bad time. For us, it will be difficult, for Europe however, I think it's going to be really bad.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Republican nomination is a two man race

...but it most likely is not the two men that you've been told, you should favor!
Buddy Roemer and Jon Huntsman are the only two genuine candidates for president. The rest are clowns, that don't have single issue they aren't willing to flip flop on. They spend so much time upside down, it really is a circus! Except Roemer and Huntsman. Who appear to not have a ghost of a chance in hell, because of it.

This party is in total moral decay, and it's just sad to watch.
These are the kind of good men, I could cross the aisle and vote for. So you know there is no chance in hell the Republicans will nominate either of these guys.

On my side, I would have liked to have seen Dr. Dean rise up and challenge Obama. But we're unified behind our administration that will not prosecute bankers, and war criminals! Yay!

Monday, October 17, 2011


I do have to admit that all morning I've been laughing that with Cain's 999 tax plan there will be no sales tax on my Rembrandt painting, but you will pay 9% on a loaf of bread.
New goods only?

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Little is said, because the issue is so simple

Some of you may have wondered if cancer finally did me in or something?
Actually, I'm totally dumbfounded by the Occupy Wall Street protests.
Any time anybody says anything about tax the rich... Out comes the "CLASS WARFARE" club, only this time we're calling your bluff! You want class warfare, you got it jackass!
There are 3 issues:
1 Repeal Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act
2 Reinstate Glass–Steagall Act
3 Get money out of politics. It's one man, one vote! Each Dollar should not be another constituent. Only people talk!

Constitutional Amendments don't have to start in or with congress, the States can hold a convention, and put forward a demand/bill. The founding fathers were smart enough to realized that congress could go so corrupted, that the people themselves would need a way to force reform into the constitution.

We are the 99%!
We want peace/piece.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Who are these mental midgets?

Well, good luck telling the Huffington Post, Dailykos, Think Progress, or Fact Check, that blogging is dead.

Social Media now rules the day. And produces nothing. My Facebook friends are boring, and stupid, and unwilling to rock the boat like they would in person. Why, because printed words are too POWERFUL. We get that mindset from Newspapers. The only thing they do is wave the flag, and embrace conservative talking points. While nearly EVERYONE of my generation is a closet progressive.

Google saw the problem with Facebook, and answered with Google+. A self promotion, personal grouping, more natural way to communicate to your friends. Having used both, I like G+ better, but my friends have yet to find it.

Now let's talk Jobs (Steve Jobs).
Last night you would have thought that the GREATEST VISIONARY / REVOLUTIONARY of the computer industry died. Jobs holds his place, as a great marketeer, but really nothing more.
Apple II was Johny Come Lately to compete with Commodore for the home computer market.
Macintosh was a box built on software pioneered by Xerox.
He did not invent the Internet, he didn't even event a Web Browser.
He did not invent MP3 files, Oggs, or anything else, he built and expensive player and pioneered the self-service downloading.
Next natural step was the celphone. A protected monopoly market, where all he had to do was beat Gates to smart phones, so he teamed up with AT&T. But he did not invent the smart phone.
Next, iPad. Repeat the success of the iPod (an MP3 player) with a new style PC, that requires the purchase of lots of software goodies.
He figured out how to make computers into money pits.
Apple computer is a designer label. And it still holds to that practice and pricing. Was Jobs wrong then? He must not have been, because Apple is still here, while all other brands of computers (except HP) have faded away into history.
No, I'm not a big fan of Steve Jobs, but he gave Apple staying power.

I scream my favorite Chicago Song at people all the time;
I---- just want to be FREE!
I'm an open source kind of guy, and Jobs was never EVER open source.
We are the true bohemians, who lost a great marketeer yesterday.
I hope Apple can continue to survive, I don't know why it wouldn't?
RIP Steve Jobs, your leaching of our wallets is done.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Blogging is dead?

For too many years I have been dependent on Yahoo News. And just this morning I read a headline about ABC News and Yahoo teaming up. Today Yahoo infuriated me with all it's "SHARE reading the news with your friends on Facebook" pop-up ads. My friends on Facebook are mostly my old classmates from High School, not really a group of people that I really value the opinions of- sorry! So I'm not interested in SHARING there, in the brain-pap mill.

Meanwhile, today I can't get away from Conrad Murray, or Amanda Knox. Neither of these people have any impact to my world. They are not even a little interesting to me, but they are being shoved down my throat.

Meanwhile, there are wars and misjustice in the world going unreported. We've become such an Oligarchy that news pablum is all we are allowed to digest. Which is kind of where the blogger begins! Where's the beef? The world is turning, but there are not unbias reporters on the ground, because our rich people just don't care!

Arianna Huffington decided to share a video of her and Ted Koppel talking about reporting and blogging. In which Koppel kept complaining that it was chaos with no editors. And I admit that even this is mostly noise! That's exactly right Ted! But the point is, that I do this for my own amusement not for your enlightenment, as an exorcise of my 1st Amendment Rights. It is a public journal of me being me, and what most irritates me!

I blog, not to be a reporter. I walk with a clear conscience because I express myself freely. No, I don't try to be fair. Life is not fair! We are raised to play fair and by the rules, but life will have none of that shit. Life is not fair.

I was just laughing that someone at Huffpost thinks the same Carlin clip I posted some months ago predicted the whole Wall Street protests. I'm not claiming either! Little people are getting screwed, and lied to! Carlin knew he was going to die soon, when he did that show. Why do you think the set is a grave yard? He went out punching at the establishment, right on his plan!

The trouble is Trickle Down Economics is totally false. Wealth floats, so all the money collects at the top, and NEVER gets redistributed back to the bottom without the power of the Government being behind it. Ironically, without the Bush Tax Cuts, we wouldn't be BROKE and we'd be able to bail ourselves out with a powerful stimulus plan. Now we're looking at something nearly impossible. But with all American Optimism that we're known for, we can do it! Where the world would fail, we can do it! WE left footprints on the moon, Germany nor China did.

So, I'm under impressed with the Wall Street Protests. When you start swarming limousines and turning them over, and burning down trading floors, you'll have their attentions. Otherwise they are Tommy; Deaf, Dumb, and Blind. Good Luck with that!

"See me! Feel me! Touch me! Heal me!"

Friday, September 23, 2011

Poor boy

Mitch Daniels; "Obama grew up so far from wealth, and business..."
I guess in Hawaii they still make their own grass skirts, and grass huts. They're cute, but not worth anything. And a Harvard Law Degree isn't what it use to be!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


We have become such a JOKE in the world for our ease in manipulation and political spin, that the Israelis have taken it one step too far! I never thought I would turn on Israel, but the charges they have made against the Obama Administration ARE WAY OVER THE TOP!!! Clearly their extremists are trying to BUY our extremists! DON'T YOU DARE FUCK IN OUR INTERNAL DOMESTIC POLITICS UNLESS YOU ARE READY TO BE "THROWN UNDER THE BUS!" Like the shithead sewer rats that you are! I had better start hearing some sane voices from within the Jewish community, or it's over: Israel is on it own to solve ALL it's problems! How dare you turn on the only thing that secures your existence at all? It is not smart to bite the ALPHA dog, it's down right stupid, you tiny pimple on the butt of nature! Old racist jews are not the people to use as your spokesmen, we are not THAT STUPID!

Footnote: I am not out to change any opinions. I am but a reflection of popular opinions in the USA. Understand that when you loose the message to me, you loose thinking men all across the country, not because of any of my influence, but by your own actions! During a time of great polarization, don't mess with our fight, both sides will turn on you, little sister!

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Boy who cried 'Wolf'

We all remember the story, of the boy who thought it was funny to work up the village by crying wolf. And after a few times, people stopped listening to him, and he was eaten by a wolf.

That's bullshit tale we tell. Facts are, that those responders have to respond every time the boy cries wolf, even when they know it's a hoax! You absolutely must respond every single time, or more than the boy might get eaten. And that the truth in life.

I see President Obama has gotten tired of the mantra "Class warfare", when ever taxes are mentioned. And like the boy crying wolf too many times, he decided to come out and respond by kicking some ass! Thank You, Mr President.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A New Republican Anthem

Everybody sing along;
I HATE everybody and everything!
I HATE everybody and everything!

But Jesus loves you!

Listen to the audience of the Republican debates; When they gasp, and when they hoot. It's all about hatred. Not just for Obama, that would be politics. They hate science, they hate reason, they hate logic, they hate everyone that doesn't look like them or sound like them, they are not over their BLOODLUST, and desire for revenge. They are servants of the Devil, just agents of destruction and hate. And these spineless creatures (debaters) are their champions.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

For Cancer

Michelle Bachmann decided to attack Rick Perry based on mandating a cancer vaccine for girls. Are you kidding me? That the same as saying "I'm PRO-CANCER, because Jesus has a plan for these sinners!" Oh yes, it is! Don't you argue with me about it, because this TRUE! We're talking Cervical Cancer. And anything involved with a cervix has got to be sin. God wouldn't infect good girls! (Well, in your dreams). I believe that it's immoral (a sin) not to take dominion over all health issues, it's all part of man's mandate. But some people like to start the Bible with curse, rather than a promise/mandate, to take dominion over all things that creepth upon the earth.

My worry is that whenever Religion moves into Politics, a whole bunch of people aways get killed. And here we go again. People are going to suffer CANCER because a few anti-science airheads are afraid of God's wrath for doing the right thing?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Flippy Flopperism

No this is not about A candidate. It's about them ALL! Even Obama!
You wonder why EVERY Politicians has to change his views to the most radical on climate? COAL!
It's all about boiling water the most polluting way you can, to make electrons to drive your refrigerators and PCs.
It's all about COAL!
Coal is a special interest. If politicians couldn't take handouts and favors from special interests, we would already have Cap-n-trade. Both parties were in favor of Cap-n-trade, so what happened? CITIZENS UNITED happened.
Get money out of politics NOW- flat out BANNED!

Obama is expected to run with a billion dollars. There are only 300 million people in America today, so where do you think that BILLION really comes from? Remember Mr 'I don't see why we can't build clean coal.', last election? I do! So, it's not me giving Obama money that going to give him that MUCH to spend.

There is nothing GREEN about coal, and we don't have the technology to build CLEAN plants. But coal is cheap, and abundant, so we use it for one basic thing, to make electricity with. Suddenly, you can't put solar cells on your roof to help, unless you pay for it all yourself. Why do you think that is?

Now think about this: How many people could be employed for a whole year on a billion dollars? It's a math assignment, go hog wild! $1,000,000,000 / ?

There is no question that money corrupts the process at every level. Campaign finance reform means candidates would get money only from the government to run for office, and all other money would be illegal.

Look at who can't talk about global warming and Cap-n-trade anymore! In either party! Even though they both know it's the right thing to do- you get what you pay for. Let's make it harder to buy!!!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Glob of gue

No I don't need a lesson on GDP and Global Markets. I only feel that there is too much emphasis on globals. Global is a great thing for Caterpillar, but not for me! My reach is only about 25 miles, and I see nothing wrong with that.

The black community is totally up in arms over the LOSS OF WEALTH issues in America, and I sure don't blame them for being angry. Understand this is a different issue than UNEMPLOYMENT/UNDER EMPLOYMENT, this is about loosing private enterprise (real small businesses). And the point is, that it's not just minorities, it's EVERYONE EVERYWHERE! Groups like the Walton family have completely dismantled the wholesale market. Can you imagine today owning a restaurant, and not shopping at Costco or Sams Club? Chain fast food all comes from the brand distribution centers, not the local markets, so they really don't help out local economies at all.

Point is that EVERYBODY was told that equity was a waste of capital, leverage and LIVE, leverage and LIVE! And the balloon popped. Business has dried up, as people have pull back, and save, rather than spend and spend and spend on cheap credit. Ratigan is absolutely right when he says "they're coving up the looses, rather than just admitting to them!" Which is done at the cost of the middle class (and that might be a quote of his too, I'm not sure).

Every time the Republicans right now want to reform Entitlements, its means continuing the cover-up at the expense of the middle class. Why? Because they're clueless that you've already been totally screwed out of all your WEALTH (equity in anything)! Your now dragging knuckles to make an extra $200 a month at 70 years old, and because of government ENTITLEMENTS only, you're doing better than any of your kids! They see retirement as romps on the golf coarse, and sailing, and not what it really is for any REAL PEOPLE in America today.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

You can lead a horse to water...

... but you can't make them drink think!


Are you kidding? Just what planet did you grow up on?

Mr. Beohner, are you ready to start work this afternoon in Washington DC? Where's the plan? I think you will find it on your desk on your return, but maybe they should post it on a tree on your favorite golf coarse, if they really want you to read it?

Think about this, a happy little freshman class of Congress, euphoric from election couldn't get a damn thing done but rename a post office, and you want them back for a special session so they can obsess and obsess over the misuse of uterus's rather than fixing the world market has that has just figured out that it's all phony, and fucked up? And there is no way to fix it without realizing that people are important to EVERYTHING, instead of to NOTHING! The American People in particular, because they'll buy ANYTHING!

There is PLENTY for everyone, so what is driving prices so high, ask yourself that? Eat SHIT and DIE GLOBAL markets! And join us all here on the bottom.

The President still has his Black Berry in his pocket, and there is no magic fairy wand to make it all better. Why don't you all run out in the street and stop the angry BEARS yourself? You keep asking me why we need government to do EVERYTHING, here's your chance! The only thing this dumbass congress could do is make it all 1000x worse! So let's call them all back, just to FUCK WITH THEM!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Hardened Goals (words from fools)

Small Government
Lower Taxes
Restore the Free Enterprise System

Funny, I only hear this kind of crap (rhetoric) from millionaires.
Fact #1:
Taxes are currently lower than they have been since 1954.

Fact #2:
Smaller Government means weak government, that his pathetic and useless. Let BP get away with murder rather than FORCING them to pay reparations on their pollution. Or any body else for that matter.

Fact #3:
Last time I checked we've allowed merger after merger, and free trade treaties, that have destroyed free enterprise in order to stay superior globally. Both Republicans and Democrats have fallen for these lies! Competition is for suckers without lobbyists.

The unspoken:
Tort reform, so you can't sue for them giving you cancer!

Here's my problem with the Republican party: When does it stop being fault of the greedy middle class (our fault)?

Here's my problem with the Democratic party: Why do you let those idiots drive the debate, and define the issues?

There is more than enough money in the world to take care of everyone in it, well! But never in the history of man, has so much of it been owned by so few.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Religion gone bad

Conservatives hold religion up as their standard against all change. But when religion goes bad, really really bad things happen to large groups of people (normally Jews). The Spanish Inquisition for example, then Nazi Germany. But Crusaders weren't any better, killing both Muslims and Jews alike. Today, we have witnessed what the Taliban have done. But don't believe for even a moment that darkness is just in the hearts of foreigners, it's alive and well in the Americas too.

I'm going to sound like one of them for a minute, because they are putting up a false front of being Christian. There are agents working today to prepare the way of the Lord, by setting the stage for their belief in an Antichrist. They have lost their way, in order to fornicate with Jesus in the streets! And don't be fooled by their fake mercy. And we must be firm, and keep our wits, and resist them with passive resistance and our strength at the polls.

Last night Rachel Maddow was examining Rich Perry's cast of evangelicals, and their strange belief that they must make the Way of Lord, so he can come down, settle the chaos, and rule over us all. This is a foundation of faith, and not the problem itself. Evil is when you act on it and create the chaos, to bring Jesus in. So let's look at the WEIRD and STUPID Republican agenda again from a Religious viewpoint.

Why would anyone be STUPID ENOUGH to destroy the Social Safety Net? Why would anyone be STUPID ENOUGH to destroy Public Education? Why would anyone be STUPID ENOUGH to want to kill the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)? Put these things together and realize that they want CHAOS, and they want Mayhem, they want RIOTS! So the Antichrist can settle things down, and then JESUS can CUM! (Yes, I said that obscene and profane thing on purpose!) Because this is all spiritual masturbation, and should be viewed by all thinking and concerned social beings as worse than porn, or even child porn.

Most of you know of 10 Commandments. And I get in fights with Christians all the time over putting them up in school isn't going to stop even one bully, or hoodlum from being bad. And most of you know there are 7 Deadly Sins, and you assume they are parts of the commandments. They are not, and you should know THEM even more than the big 10.

Prov 6:16-19
These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
A proud look,
a lying tongue,
and hands that shed innocent blood.
An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations,
feet that be swift in running to mischief.
A false witness speaking lies,
and he that soweth discord among brethren.

I think the first one should say an Arrogant Look, rather than Proud, meaning snooty in modern English, but I could be wrong, maybe it means what it says?

My point is that if any of these are your goals, you have to reexamine your faith, and your standing before the God that you claim to serve. Each is a sin unto itself, all 7 an abomination. This is not Moses's Law, it came well after. And for 2000 years we've had people trying to Prepare the Way of the Lord, by setting the stage for the Antichrist, because they have NO LOVE for their fellow human beings. They are metal, and dysfunctional. They feel only they are the blessed of God.

And if you belong to a Church or group that thinks like this; RUN don't walk to get away from them! We must RESIST THEM. May there be 10,000 years before Jesus needs to come again, anything viewpoint less, is a heresy, if you believe that his second coming is the end.

I admit that I for one, believe that 'The Revelation' is a bogus book of the Bible. Church fathers like the idea of the Bible starting with curse, and ending with a curse, so they choose it's Apocalyptic vision of the end over any of the others. However, it is not fitting within the message of the Gospel. 666 was none other than Nero. The fear of horsemen was fear of Mongol invasion, which never managed to take over all of Europe, or the Middle East as some had feared they would. So where is Jesus the King of Kings, then?

The Apostle Paul does speak of the Spirit of the Antichrist at work, in speaking of the Mystery Religions, which are long since dead and gone, something he could not even imagine in his day. Many of the concepts you might think are unique to Christianity did start in the Mysteries, the issue of Jesus is the pivot point.

I admit that I am a heretic, and you should understand my bias. I am a naturist, and not a spiritualist. The spiritualists have ruled the Church for 2000 years, and just how many times can they be wrong? We are not the Center the Universe. The only thing orbiting around us is the Moon, and it wont be there forever. The world is not flat like a coin (just because things fall down). But we can't break the idea that Heaven is someplace above us in the blue? That BLUE is hydrogen, not God's arm pits. You don't even want to get me talking about studies about prayer! We NEED to become pragmatic and practical and scientific or we are fools just playing children's game of pretend.

There are very good things to all world religions, and we need promote a world of love and respect for each other. All the positive aspect of the Gospel. I'm not against the spiritual ideal, I'm just saying YOU ARE CARNAL, BE CARNAL and stop feeling guilty for answering nature's calls.

There is no bad love. Only bad hate. Correction, tough love is just abuse that I rail against. We are rational beings, be rational in your judgements.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

It's an internnected world, why can't you get that?

The Euro has serious problems, which suddenly local governments (like Greece) find they are helpless to fix. Recession is unavoidable there. You have slow down in China, and we have no idea if they even a plan to deal with it? Disaster in Japan. And American Businesses have done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, to bring manufacturing home to the United States, then they fucking wonder where the major market went?

HEY SHITHEADS ON WALL STREET: If you had invested in America, and the American workers instead of Chinese slaves, you wouldn't have this problem now. It's that FUCKING SIMPLE! Instead YOU created a DOUBLE DIP. What a bunch of retards.

This has little to do with a credit downgrade, which is an important inditement of the Tea Party folly, and the piss poor (partisan) leadership of John Beohner. But once we're heading into election season, fingers are pointing to everything but WALL STREET- who WE should be giving the middle finger to!

It as everything to do with 10% unemployment, or higher, here! You killed the American Dream, again- by not investing in American workers! It's biting you in the balls, and you can't figure it out? Here's a clue; You can get things from a foreign government that you can't get from a trade union, BUT you can also get screwed 1000x worse out of your patents, which a trade union here can't do. YOU'RE STUPID!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Senator YOU LIE!

Is that the way it's going to be this week;
"George Bush only added a tiny $400 billion to the budget every year during his Presidency."
No Senator he did not! The wars were kept out of the budget (which is fare and legal), but he spent over a Trillion Dollars a year over anybody before him, and didn't even try to pay for any of it. Don't try this shit! We're watching, and we're pissed! YOU ARE A GOD DAMNED LIAR! I was so pissed off, I missed your name, but I'll remember the face!

John McCain, you FUCKING LIAR! YOU GOD DAMN WELL KNOW THAT ANY SENATOR CAN PUT A SECRET HOLD ON ANY BILL IN THE SENATE, AND THERE IS NOTHING ANYONE CAN DO ABOUT IT! WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT THE REPUBLICANS DID TO EVERY BILL WHILE IN THE MINORITY! 400 and how many Filibusters? And now you have the majority in the house of masturbation, that is totally obsessed with destroying women's rights over their own bodies, than helping this economy in any way. YOU HAVE MADE GOVERNMENT TOTALLY DYSFUNCTIONAL NOW WANT TO CLAIM IT'S A LACK OF LEADERSHIP??? A LACK OF GROWN UP REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP, YES! WE WERE WATCHING, SHIT HEAD!!! WE KNOW THE TRUTH, ASK FOR FORGIVENESS, DON'T YOU FUCKING LIE ANYMORE! John McCain is at his best is when he's above party, and acting with the full dignity of a senator, rather than a politician. Clearly it's a role that doesn't fit him well.

And that is why I can't watch Sunday Morning Politics anymore, in 30 seconds my blood boils and cooks my organs, faster than a microwave. I can't believe the MEDIA let's you get away with this shit, which is why I can't watch. When I know the BEST follow up question to ask, and they wont do it, there's something horribly wrong with the whole thing. It's propaganda not news.

So who is really responsible for the credit downgrade? It seemed to be the House of masturbation to me, not the President. "He moved the goal posts at the last second." Yeah, you wanted him to act like a Republican, but you can't take it! But he's suppose to?

Friday, August 5, 2011

The daily spin

Jesus is back in Canada. I think because he approves of Socialized Medical Treatment Plans, enough to come and pee in some guy's pool. Meanwhile, this other article might explain why humans see God in the clouds in the first place. It's been an interesting morning; Amen!

I see the theme today is hire a vet. Cause they have such super high-tech skills. They are master of the mouse, and are commandos of point and click, unlike the college boy. Nobody anywhere in America is trained to press buttons with such resolve and pride. Nobody! Of coarse you may get emails that read like this; "Hey, hey, you old dumbfuck! How the shit have you been? God Damn, you need our fuckin super auto policy upgrade? Their really riding my balls on this, I hope you can help out an old buddy that would NEVER leave you behind."

Ah fuck, do we really have to talk about Rick Perry's prayers? I DON'T CARE WHO OR WHAT HE HANGS WITH, I'd never vote for him anyway. I want smart people to run for president, I could careless even if they were Shinto.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Wow, this will open some eyes

...and not the ones you might think.

UPDATE: 8/5 Well, I guess they unplugged that video. What Arianna's comment was; 'Obama seems to need therapy, to realize what's he's done. This is just crazy, he's not going to get the youth vote like he did. He's not going to get the independents like he did before, so who did he do this deal for? All he did was play into the Republican's hands.'

The question is still; So what did Obama gain? And A.Huff might be right on the money, nothing at all, but a loss of sanity. There are several ways to look at our problem, but one thing is clear; The WHOLE WORLD is upset that WE (Republicans) can't get reasonable. (I don't like the words we and Republicans against each other, but I'm speaking as a Nation not as a person.) UPDATE: 8/5 AA+ down grade for politics from S&P.

Recovery for the Middle Class (which is suppose to be the largest growing group) is dependent on CASH FLOW. Government shrinkage is what is killing SMALL BUSINESS in State after State. The Republicans only think that the Koch Brothers are a small business. Belt tightening is really around all OUR throats, so you don't want that squeezed too tight in your zeal.

I am so disheartened, I totally believe the Republicans won. We are doomed just so they can win the White House! And I'm not sure, I hope America is smarter than that, but I have my doubts. We might even be headed for nuclear war with these fools in charge. It's just proof there is no God that such stupidity should be rewarded, at so many's expense.

On big business, you know Caterpillar can change it's mind, and build tractors here in the USA again. But the Chinese, India, and Russians will not being buying them ever again. Just knockoffs you gave them, putting your plants there. Stupid! Good luck competing with your own products, you know how they feel about ownership!

We have just witnessed the Great Obama Blunder, that made DC totally dysfunctional forever, and it's being reflected in the global markets. Mind you, the markets are fluid, and so is their thinking, so when things look to be awesome bargains again, it will reverse just as suddenly. But we bottom feeders, just might go extinct.

Good Bye Small Independent Business, RIP. (This is not just dramatic rhetoric, I mean it!)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Americans for Prosp???

Many of you swear by Americans for Prosperity even knowing it's so partisan. Now they too are engage in dirty tricks to steal elections from the will of the people. Still proud of your sThinkers? (It's a pity that some twit got the story wrong the first time. The idea was to screw people out of absentee ballets, not fake ballets - still fraud, still wrong).

Oberman On Dept Ceiling:
The Four Great Hypocrisies of the Debt Deal

Why is MSNBC hiring so god damn many Republicans to smell up the airwaves? Scrub them down and baptize the soulless bastards. Oh, I forgot that Cenk spilled the beans; They ARE the insiders, the establishment.

In trouble again

I get the feeling that both myself and Obama might be in the dog house for this last week? I'm being quite outspoken on things that are personal choices like faith issues. And some of my friends get upset when I do that (you know who you are). I don't understand why you need to live in such superstitious FEAR of God, not allowing certain thoughts at all? But if it makes you feel better to think I have cancer because I piss God off, that's ok with me! Believe what you want, and pray for my salvation, if you're so concerned?

I've run into people who support the idea that there should be drug testing for welfare, it's a popular notion. And I have one thing to point out; Do you want to make desperate men, EVEN MORE DESPERATE? Nobody is getting rich on welfare, and you really can't make some people smarter! They are always going to self-medicate even though they aren't aware that's what they are doing. Make them desperate too, I warn that you might get killed for a Big Mac in the drive thru. Is that the kind of world you want to live in? It's never what you want to do, but you have to drop some seed for the birds (and the birdbrains)!

There is train in India that everyday, makes a trip up a mountain. It's about a mile trip, but it's takes the little steam engine hours to do, seesawing it's way up the mountain. But it's not trip that is so difficult, it's how it's done. There are 3 men for every wheel on the engine. One man hands off sand, another man then hangs onto the third man who dangles off the engine, pouring sand onto the track to give it more traction. We in the west would just build a tramway, and be done with it. Or we would, for safety automate the job of the man that pour sand, or even use rubber tires to improve grip. But then a friend (wiser than me), pointed out, they are in a very poor nation of 2 billion people. Each of those three men per wheel is a job, and a good job.

I told you that, to tell you this; That's what America needs. People are pointless, we can build machines that can do anything a human use to do. And there's the problem, MORE THAN anything else. But is making things the CHEAPEST way possible the right way to run the world? It's just something we have to morally chew on, and decide? Where is patriotism in business?

This is not the blog I want to be spending all my time on! I need to get back to writing fiction, and a lot of fiction too. But there are so many important issues to work out today, that making these rants is easier. It helps me to think out-loud, I hope it doesn't cause you too much distress in hearing it all?

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Basic Soul 101

What is the ghost?
There is a simple answer, but it's gross and disgusting.
The modern woman (emancipated) is normally shocked to learn that she hasn't got a soul, only her husband does. It sounds so very sexist and it is, that is why it's something we no longer teach it, but every rabbi and clergyman knows it.

Before the age of special effects and idea of photo-realism, ghosts were formless translucent clouds. And once clouds rise high up into the sky of blue, that was heaven. And from heaven falls the rain and the snow and the ultimate judgments of lightning and hail! And the gods and ghosts became temperamental, doing things to excess, and turning blessing to curses. On the other side, was the season of souls, it was snowy and white, and all was dead but a few, but soon the whiteness would be soiled by the earth, loose it grip and corrupted it would fall, and would be washed away. So now you know about the afterlife ghost, and the time of the ancestors. Let's move to progenitor ghosts.

What is soul, the spark of life?
There you are ahead of me already, aren't you?
Only man has soul, and it's white and it's translucent, the GIFT of the God, a symbol of his purity as is the snow.

In Genesis, you will find many descriptions of soul. One boy claims of his rape victim; that she has taken his soul hostage. But to really rewind back to the beginning, you might be shocked on how it all began 2:7:
And the Lord God formed the man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

There is clearly a rewrite here, he blew snot into his head? The rewrite to support the homophobic view against the Greek armies. The Progenitor BREATHED into him, and made him a living soul? I'm afraid the Bible starts off with a homosexual encounter, anyway you want to slice it, from a French Kiss or Sodomy, it's all starts male on male! And God wasn't interested in making woman that way, that was a mistake wasn't it?

No I didn't write this to piss you off, these are the facts about SOUL from a Biblical perspective. But none of it's right to begin with. The EARTH is not 7000 years old, it's 500,000,000 years old, not even man is 7000 years old, we have cities that 12,000 years old. Man appeared about 128,000 years ago. The story of creation is not science, it's an allegory at best, get over it!

The point is that even the Biblical writers got caught up in an allegory from Plato who lived 350 years before Jesus. It's called the Myth of Er. And it speaks of afterlife judgment based upon your life actions, where your rewarded with bliss in heaven, or punished with a term in hell (to put it in modern terms). (Yes, yes, I know there is an even older myth in the Egyptian Book of the Dead, but the foundational philosophy is not the same, as it is with Plato.) You thought that was all Christian didn't you? Jesus took that and made it more than just a term in hell, he added no redemption at all, except through him. The Myth of Er also allowed for reincarnation, souls could try again as anything they would like. Do you suppose there could be an ant who is Plato?

In 1962 man managed to do the impossible, that God would not allow in Genesis. Man escaped the earth into the heavens, and still God did not come tumbling down, now did he? Everyday, people still pray to the Father in Heaven, Jesus or Mother Mary. Everyday, sportsmen point to sky to celebrate victory with God and their lost loved ones. Even though we know it's 3D space, and they aren't just over head all the time.

My point here is not offend you. But to make you smarter, and to make you rethink these juvenile and silly hard lines, that many think you MUST EMBRACE. Would God suffer fools who know better? Some say Yes, that's FAITH! That's foolishness, plain and simple. Faith is the belief that you through being the better, will overcome in the end, even if you die in defeat. It's a matter of principle. (and very very Plato).

I only want you to know what your talking about, rather than just making it up all the time.

Recently a man in Yellowstone was mauled to death by a bear. Men in there judgment decided that the mother bear was only protecting her cubs, and therefore not a threat humans, and therefore was acquitted of any crime. Their judgment was that MAN needed more training in wild life, and they setup a Bear Safety Lecture, which was not only a little late for the dead man, but was interrupted by a black bear. Still think God made man in his image, I'm beginning to think that God looks like a bear!


Friday, July 29, 2011

Once a week, at least

If there was something I wish I could do, it would be to get YOU ALL to watch Dylan Ratigan once a week. No he's not leftist nutjob, or tighty righty. He's a guy that knows exactly who's to blame, and it's BOTH SIDES! He's an analyst for Bloomburg, who just got totally fed up with the crap being peddled by Wall Street and the Bankers, who decided to create a show that would take them to task. He hits both the left and the right as hard as they can be hit. And no, I don't think anybody can take him daily, but what he has to say is worth it in understanding why it's going to take maybe generations to fix what's wrong with America. It will take that long to unspin and settle down.

Frankly, I want to stream the whole show from today (7/29/11) to you. The important thing was where it all started, with deregulating the banks under Clinton. How that got more screwed up under Bush (adding Prescription Drugs, Wars, and Tax breaks), and how now, they've totally corrupted Obama with this bad bad burrito of bad ideas, that he can't seem to end, but is finding a way to stomach. I'll embedded it as soon as I can find it.

The point is, that yes I'm angry with Obama. More so, that those who just hate him because he's a Democrat (and black). I'm annoyed, angry, but I have to vote for him again. See 'Best o' if you don't know why! He's too much Wall Street's president, and less so mine! I have all the influence that I'm afraid I have. But getting Democrats back in power is our nation's best HOPE to effect true reforms to set this country back on a solid footing.

Dear Mr and Mrs America; Please stop voting for D students, who will not simply and routinely raise the credit ceiling, like it has always been done before. There is a point where you have to stop politicking and have to start governing. 25 people have this fucked up for Republicans. 25 people can fix it by crossing the aisle.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

to fight the unbeatable foe

Yes, Don Quixote has come to mind. In the World of Imagination today, nobody prays or goes to church, they are pulled and prodded into perdition, doomed! Worthless bastards!

This is nonsense. I've never seen a generation that is MORE CHRISTIAN! But because you don't have 1000% compliance to YOUR WILL... There have never been so many true believers.

Why, because everything else in life has been a lie!!! You are in quicksand praying that the neighbor goes under first so you can stand one his head for a while. Yes, we are now that desperate, and it show in EVERY MEGA CHURCH that is built.

However, while they profess Christ, do they actually serve him? Jesus of the gospels is a rebel, a progressive, a reformer, and a hater of hypocrites. Instead of condemnation he brought redemption to even the worsted of sinners. But once they are kind to each other, so they think they are to all men. As long as their not a Democrat.


Mega Churches will come, and they will decline and go. It is an ebb and flow, same as the tides, and business, and politics, and ...

What I don't understand is; Why the paranoia?

Facts are that we are at a turning point in human history. The science is in, and it dispels the myth of creation (so what?). It dispels the myth of Noah (so what?). It dispels the myth Tower of Babble (so what?). I can go on and on. Faith doesn't need these things as FACTS, only fundamentalist do, and they've already lost that fight to science! Church leadership has never been more stupid, and less educated, which might be why some churches are empty. Smart Churches know that none of that is important to the message of the Gospel. Jesus doesn't need to ever really walk on water. The older I get, the more I become convinced that maybe Romans are right, in that God's Law shouldn't come from a book, but be as living as the times we live in, and even as diverse (which is something they don't embrace). Christianity can not survive in it's current state of hardheadedness and denial. Eventually it will adapt to the new reality, as much as realizing that the world is round like the ball, so there is no underworld. We do not live in a giant snow globe on God's knee, get over it. Your building your house on sand. Jesus wouldn't, he would be progressive, a reformer, he would embrace truth first.

If Churches are failing it's not Christ that has failed...

To dream the impossible dream.
Crazy people, why am I so surrounded by crazy people? What annoys me most is, they all know better, but crazy is acceptable.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Under Review

Imagine that, I deleted a post!
Why?  I'm no fan of Amy Winehouse, and I while I would like to make a positive point from her, I honestly feel for her parents.  And I feel deeply for her parents.  So, I'm eating what I had to say.  Never mind.  I was totally wrong.  She's gone, RIP.  Not my place to judge.  Forgive me? 

I don't spend a lot of time on the Debt Ceiling crisis.  Other than to say get it done!  The reason is that I'm not economist.  Frankly I haven't a clue what it's about?  I do know that this is about money we already spent, and not money we're going to spend, which is how it's being presented by the Republicans.  But what I understand in this; is Politics.

Bush failed.  There is no spin that can be made for that, it crashed because of his policies, and at the end of his watch.  He wanted to be the President that put more people in a home, than any other in history, and he did.  Even if they didn't have a way to pay for it.

Politics at it's worsted acts exactly like a spoiled brat.  Our guy failed, no way, you failed, YOU failed!!  Then they start engineering failures.  So far, President Obama always lands on his feet.  And there's still the 14 Amendment, which he can invoke the privilege of, so the Republicans in the House really can't win, except on one issue; Taxes.  All Taxes must start in the House.  Which is a fight for another day.

Republicans, YOU CAN'T WIN!!!  Stop being stupid, and hurting any chance you have in 2012, and get THE PEOPLES WORK DONE!  Breaking unions, is not in the public interest- cut it out!  Get the debt limit done, and start a jobs bill!  Or just be LOOSERS!  I SMELL LOOSERS!  There's loosers in the House!  Loosers in the House!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Outreach and Rehabilitation

Hey BRICK WALL, get out of the way of my HEAD!!!

A lot of this blog is just PURE HATE and RAGE, coming from me. Things are just so outrageous. Fact #1: Mitch McConnell has said, and so has John Beohner; "When it comes to a Democrat President, we just wont let him be a Democrat." That wouldn't be a bad strategy if that's what they were doing, but it's not. They taken gridlock to a whole new level, to total irresponsibility with their partisan ideology.

When Democrats had the majority in the House, there was nothing they could do there to disrupt. So we got to learn that ANY senator can stop everything with a "secret hold". So the senate was totally dysfunctional during that time, which lead to voter outrage. Which the republicans did a SUPER job of misdirecting.

The midterms came, only old Republican voters were motivated (by lies) went to the poles, so Republicans won the House, at the worsted possible time. Now that we're over the tough stuff, it's time to wind down the wars, and pay for the dept. Which means raising taxes revenues. It an issue that by the Constitution has to start in the House. So we have not only Tea Party Zealots but Grover Norquist's Anti-Tax Pledge standing in the way. You want AMERICA to pay it's bills off, but you don't want them to 'take away private jets tax breaks'? Yes, I hate to be such a parrot about this, but it's the perfect example, because we weren't offering new taxes on anyone, just doing away with breaks for second homes, planes, ...

I woke up this morning realizing that my dreams all night were trying to tell me one thing about this stupid BUSINESS FIRST philosophy embraced by the Republicans. Rich people think that money outweighs voters. They don't want a system of One Man One Vote, because voters can say NO to them, and NO is never acceptable. Human decency says that "No means NO!" But these are truly spoiled children, misbehaving. 'I have a billion dollars, how dare you tell me what I can and can not do?' is their attitude. So they picked one party, and used it to nearly totally take over Federal Courts, and the Supreme Court, with rules that favor Business over Citizens. Which has ruled that Corporations are People too, and who can now give as much money as they want to a political campaign. Their last crazy ruling was that some law suits are too big to sue. Which is the craziest ruling of all time!!! So nobody can have a class action against a multinational? What about People vs... (such as criminal cases)? To many plaintiffs? We are already over the slippery slope.

Yeah, yeah, yeah! I've lost my point here, because this is a full rant unto itself.

We're already over the slope, and holding onto each other by the ankles. Yet the Republicans are continuing their war on unions. Now not just Kindergarten teachers, but also anybody who works for an airline. Are you kidding me? What's it going to take to get the message out, and understood?

I am exasperated. We are still ruled by One Man, One Vote. How do we stop the shouting back, and get good people to understand they've been had? " a system that sold them down the river 30 years ago."- George Carlin.


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Self indulgence


Yes, it's just a stupid Bangles song! But there's just something about Susanna Hoffs. That girl's gaze could start wars and light spot fires. Looking at them as an old man now, their all awesome to look at. So it's here as candy, must be nice to be twenty something forever? Not that the giant smile of Michael Steele was something you could ignore. Thankfully, in my early 20's they were a "Chick band", and easy to ignore, or I'd have been scarred for life!

Rock on Susanna!
(SOB she's older than me? Whatever she's pickled in, get me a vat of it!)


Burning Down the HOUSE

Times up!
This is no longer a crisis, it's on fire.
How long will you let it burn out of control? And TAINT the Faith and Credit of your country, over BULLSHIT?

Not one of you deserves another term. You deserve your rope for treason!
Dear America; Why did you send so many D students to Congress in the last election?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Where's the President's Plan

I woke this morning to this rhetoric?
Ok, where did we start? President Obama wanted a strait vote on raising the Dept Ceiling. But THE REPUBLICANS again try to take it hostage, saying; "NO CUTS, NO RAISE".
Which started a hostage negotiation.
The only agreement was; Unless EVERYTHING was AGREED TO, NOTHING WAS AGREED TO.
The REPUBLICANS said we want 2 Trillion Dollars in cuts, the President said; Let's make it 4. We'll even cut MEDICARE in exchange for some TAX REFORMS.
Everything dealing with TAXES has to start in the HOUSE, which is under Republican control, who refuse to even close Tax Loopholes (not create new taxes)!
So it's true; The President has no plan!
But who's fault is that?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Smart ALEC

You knew these wingnuts weren't using their own ideas to destroy America, because they're just not that bright. It's too universal (globally), there has to be a cheat-sheet, a script, a secret organization behind it. And guess what, there is! The Nation (were we get that liberal media bias you can't get anywhere else) has exposed the world to the very secret American Legislative Exchange Council(ALEC). Yes, they're cheating on the final, with a script of SUPER BAD IDEA's TO DESTROY YOUR DEMOCRACY, civil rights, and roll back American to the stone age.

These idiots have names (other generic Republicans). And you need to get involved exposing them! This is not a joke, these guys intend to corrupt the whole rule of law in this country using your fears as their leverage.

Are you ready for President Rick Perry to steal the next election away from your vote?


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Keep it moving

I found this thanks to and if it wasn't so damn true... Prepare to be big time offended Right Guys!


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

College students need to get smarter

College tuitions are being raised all over the place, and it's the same old useless failed war plan students are trying to pull off against it. Which is about as effective as 'praying away the gay', it doesn't work!

College students need to organize, and let California Colleges know, they aren't the only game in the world. It is laziness that locks people into the current location. And to counter such raises, you have to raise the stakes, with boycotts, not just screaming and shouting and carrying signs. Let them know, you will leave, and get your education elsewhere! And not only that, but you will have personal grudge against them and their graduates all of your life for it. You are the future, you have to leverage THAT! Rather than; "Please don't pee on me, tuition should be free!" - Big Whoop, peon!

You need to let them know, you can cause them greater financial pain, than what they are solving by hurting you. Let them know, your grouping up and applying elsewhere. If they are loosing chunks of students, they will notice, and trim the fat, rather than screw the students.


Republicans not true anarchist

The Republican Party use to believe in the power of government. Today however, they have completely lost their way, to the cult of Ronald Reagan; "Government is not the solution. Government is the problem." And so they are fumbling around in the realm of anarchy. Anarchy is never the true goal, when what they really need and want is Oligarchy (now I sound like Glen Beck, but hang in there with me):

The trouble with Democracy from the very beginning is the lowest common denominator wins most of the time. Which make for really stupid government. Which is why everyone hates mud slinging, but yet, it's effective at getting the smarter guy elected. So your rarely ever going to see an election based on ISSUES! Name calling works!

Socrates was put to death for basically arguing that Might does not make Right! A mob is not right, simply because they have numbers to force their will upon others.

Plato however found a solution in democracy of the elect, for the elect, and by the elect. Basically Oligarchy. Today we have both; where we elect people into the oligarchy to run the government.

After 2500 years of flailing around in democracy, today we have a elected government that only pays attention to interests of Wall Street and Billionaires. Corporations are grinding clear air and water standards into the ground for what purpose? And both parties are on the payroll. Democrats want to fix what's been broken, by growing government to do it. And Republicans are just out for Anarchy. Let the mob think they have the rule, while we do it in our secret Star Chambers.

The reason Democrats act as they do, is because while those responsible for destroying our health should be held accountable, you can win judgments against them. But they never pay out or make it right, until the (now purchased and useless) Supreme Court rules in their favor, overturning justice for everybody. So if you can't get the bastards to do what's right (protecting everyone's health), then you have to do it: Super Fund, etc. THAT WHY THE GOVERNMENT HAS TO DO IT ALL!

Todays Republicans believe totally and completely that there is no reason to save the planet. God has already promised a new heaven and new earth. So waste this one! Never mind the fact that man's first divine job was taking care of the environment around him- and that which was before 'the Law' is not nullified by 'the Law', from their own religious edicts.

That is your choice, so choose wisely. The good news is that it's still One Man, One Vote! If you can win elections with this bullshit agenda, then you can laugh at me!


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

All Tea Parties = Delusional Minority

Enough said!

UPDATE: Today a dear (misguided) friend joined a group; "One million people against Obama". Which is hilariously delusional. 1/300 of the population, big whoop! It just shows how informed they are.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Human Right to Employment

Article 23 of United Nation's Universal Declaration of Human Rights deals with your employment:

Article 23.
(1) Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.

(2) Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work.

(3) Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection.

(4) Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.

Why am I bringing this up?
We are dealing with Multinational Corporations today. Knowing your rights under your state is nice, but I see clear violation of International Human Rights Law in everything Wall Street and the Capitalists are doing (to us).

Where is justice?
Workers in China and India and Mexico, who stole our jobs, should have OUR PAY SCALE (#2 & 3) and be able to join the VERY SAME UNIONS (#4) as not only their right to employment, but also as our right to protect ourselves from unemployment (#1-4).

Who knew we had a RIGHT to protect our employment this way internationally?
See, you need to know ALL YOUR RIGHTS!


Without a crisis nothing gets done

Isn't the title of this article, a description of a broken system and dysfunction?
Thank you Republicans.

Yet another crisis?
You must be kidding?


Friday, July 8, 2011

The Unemployment Culture

Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again?
Some facts you need to know about unemployment.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

The gist of this video is, that once your unemployed your earning are retarded for the rest of your life, you really don't ever fully recover. But why would you? Are you going to continue to bank on a loosing horse? So unemployment is a system fail, one that there should be more compassion and understanding about.

That they are going to have to give back all that PROFIT they've stolen out of this economy. They are going to have to create jobs, beyond those job's ability to pay for themselves, to prop this WHOLE Economy back up, to spread prosperity to all. Yes BANKERS fucked this up again. We can't do without them, so they are getting away with it again, but it's everybody's problem. Everybody has to work to fix it. Or we are over as a super power.

What I just said is true, but is unrealistically idealistic. I still have faith that truth will win out in the end.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Broken Markets, and Loonitics

I am not economist. But I am convinced that the whole FREE MARKET is broken, on every level. Supply and Demand are no longer driving laws of the market, it's all based on Futures, and nothing more than Magic, Spin, Smoke and Mirrors, Pink Flying Unicorns, and Blind Optimism. Yes, I'm saying there is NOTHING REAL about it.

The magic solution according to Washington DC is Education.
How much sense does it make, that a 4 year degree should cost $120,000? Starting your life and career $120-180k in debt? So let's add in a modest 3 bedroom home, at $400k. Now your looking at $520k? Oh, but you need 2 cars too, for another $80k. The ROCK SOLID FOUNDATION TO START A LIFE (the American Dream): $600,000? That is a broken market! Yeah, a small percentage of people will make that, but not many. You are doomed!

Corporate America has the capital investment, but isn't making jobs because of Tax Instability? Or crooked cooked books? More and bigger and better Enrons?

I am seeing the same war plan (spin) from Conservatives Around the World! It's not just America that has gone insane. What is this new global economy based on? Really, what drives it? Where is it going? It seems that people at all levels, have no value anymore, and we haven't even been taken over by robots, just idiots. That are making TONS of money, that isn't really worth anything?

I am trying to survive this. But that's really hard to do, when it's all based on lies.
I'm scared.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Smoke and mirrors

We're all shocked that Bachmann's husband would be The Gay Curer. Are you kidding me, it is my option that guy is fruiter than kid's breakfast cereal. Clearly another one of those that hates himself for his sinful nature. But what does that have to do with anything? I wonder why anyone would focus in on him, when she's such a wingnut.

Bachmann came on the scene claiming that "Obama was Anti-American, and so was the Congress." Which I disagree with her about. Her and her party are only against 90% of us. How dare the mother fucking government ever find investment in good health, honorable and worthwhile? How dare you anti-Americans demand CLEAR AIR AND WATER! And how dare you want health care to fix you afterwards?

Still Bachmann is nothing. And I do mean nothing at all. She wants power, but is too stupid to ever get it, or know how to control it.

More importantly is the Anti-Americanism that is running ramped in the Republican party. Now, I don't think I've ever brought this up before? I could be wrong, but I really don't think so. Because it was meaningless rhetoric, until we got to the Debt Ceiling; Mitch McConnell has said, "It is the Republican party's soul goal to see to it that Barrack Obama is a one term president." Even to the point of crashing this country into a GREAT DEPRESSION? That man should be arrested and thrown in jail for the rest of his life for treason, along with anyone that would follow him.

Never have I seen a generation so out of control with selfishness and greed, and dogmatic partisanism. I know your better than this, but what's been sent to Washington is retarded.

The Republicans and congress had no problem at all raising the Debt Ceiling something like 37 times for 'W', but now have a problem doing it? This is the same as raising your Credit Line Limit, it has nothing to do with what you borrow, but how much is available to borrow. You need to stop being so cynical. We're all on the same side here, and crashing down is not the best way to bring things down. Just Republicans want to hurt poor people in the process for some unimaginable vulgar reason?

Do you realize that we live in peace in this country, because we create peace through the hope of prosperity, and through social programs (including public school) and taking care of one another. The darkest thing in my imagination is OUR need for FOOD BANKS!

As my brother rightfully says; "When the votes are taken away, the only other option is bullets."
I've never been more scared for my nation. Light that candle this weekend, and say a prayer to restore sanity.
Senators trying to be heard over the noise:

Yes, I heard Chuck say "very inefficiently", stop splitting hairs, you know what he really meant. Costs for Medicare have gone up about 400% since the 1970's. However, Health Care overhead for private insurance is up over 700%. We know he meant 'efficiently'!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Senators are trying to take the fight to Republicans

Democratic Senators want you to know that Republicans in both houses, are out to screw you and your families this year, to win political points by secretly engineering a bad economy, so you'll electing a Republican President.

I have one question to ask? Where is Joe Biden? Senators are only going to get coverage on cable. You need your message out network morning shows to be noticed by the masses. That is the job the VP! Taking the battle to the other side, is the job of the VP. Not playing let's make a deal. That is the job of the President. Where is Joe Biden to dish this shit back at the Republicans?

Once he will not do it I will:
Republicans want you to eat shit for the two year (starting the one we're in) so you will vote for a Republican President. Are you really going to vote for a guy that strips good business apart for profit, like Mr. Romney does? Does that really sound like the best road to recovery?

A vote Republican is against Medicare. (We decided two generations ago that good health care was too expensive for seniors, why would we change our minds now?).
A vote Republican is against YOUR Social Security. (Did you not notice that we HAD TO BAIL OUT AIG?)
A vote Republican is against ALL public education.
A vote Republican is against all science, except engineering (particularly social engineering).
A vote Republican is against fair labor practices and good paying jobs.
A vote Republican is against job security, and keeping jobs here.
A vote Republican is against collective bargaining, and for weakening unions.
A vote Republican is against (YOUR RIGHT) to joining or forming labor unions in the first place.
A vote Republican is against not only abortion but birth control. (They are declaring HUMAN LIFE to begin when the sperm enters the egg- that makes all birth control methods illegal, but we don't give certificates of conception for a good reason-ew!).
A vote Republican is in favor of the Government deciding the best medical treatments for you.
A vote Republican is against the American Dream for anyone under a million dollars a year.
A vote Republican is in favor of raising your taxes while giving even bigger breaks to Billionaires (the so called Job Creators)!
A vote Republican is in favor of endless war.
A vote Republican is against nearly all Veteran Benefits (you patriotic suckers).
A vote Republican is against Nurses in all places they are employed including your kid's school.
A vote Republican is against having enough Cops and Firemen.
A vote Republican is for not knowing UP from DOWN in trickle down.
A vote Republican is for high prices in food and energy from Derivative Trading rather than Supply and Demand.
A vote Republican is for NO REGULATION for Wall Street, and EVEN MORE BANK BAIL OUTS!
A vote Republican is for Selfishness Doctrine of Ayn Rand, and against Christian Charity, and the Protestant Work Ethic.
A vote Republican is for lower wages by abolishing the minimum wage.
A vote Republican is in favor abusive child labor (right here in your country).
A vote Republican is FOR FULL EMPLOYMENT, in China.
A vote Republican is for defunding the EPA, so there will be no safe drinking water in America (not even in a bottle).
A vote Republican is to kiss Grampa good bye- no more Meals on Wheels, he have to beg strangers at the market like they did in the old days.
A vote Republican is in favor of turning us into a Third World Nation, so we can be sweatshop workers, with no social safety net.
A vote Republican is for defaulting on our debit, which will cost you thousands of dollars in your mortgage, and on your next car, even your credit cards.
A vote Republican is in favor of voter repression (anti-democracy cheating, which is all they got in ideas).
Why the f**k aren't I the Vice President?

Now you want proof? Read the HEADLINES in a REAL NEWSPAPER! Etrade is already running TV ads telling you to invest in Chinese Bullet Train, rather than in new rail HERE!


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Countdown is back

Countdown with Keith Oberman is back on cable. Where are you?
If you can't get Current TV, Daily Kos has our backs! They have a petition to put Current TV into EVERYBODY'S lowest cost basic package.
Nice to see you again Keith!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Get in your poll position

This article should be a poll.
The question is, does the Netroots have any pull in the upcoming election?
I sure hope nobody will look to me for advice- I think we're all FUCKED no matter what!
However, should Republicans STEAL another election and then call it mandate, we're all TRIPLE FUCKED, seeing what they've done to the whole Rust Belt and New England (this year), with ginned up crisis after crisis.
Back to question at hand though; I believe that Blogs (such as this one) are only a reflection of the public, and not a persuader. There are very few people I'm going to stir to anything other than anger. I'm just launching my opinions from the darkest spot of my soul; yeah it really kind of sunny down there, but angry. Keeps my blood pressure up so I don't freeze.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Hot Dog, NO meat!

Another fine male has been castrated today.
Mr Weiner committed no crimes, didn't even have SEX, and yet is forced to resign for flashing his wiener at some strippers, that were willing to play with him online. I just don't get it? It's still called FLIRTING.

I think that it was good that Mr Weiner's compulsions were exposed (pun intended), before he did get in REAL trouble. But the nonexistent crime does not fit any prescribe punishment. The embarrassment has always been enough. But today we have to go TOO FAR, and demand his balls too!

Once this is nothing but politics at it's most stupid level, I say: One Hot Dog please, hold the wiener.

There is another footnote here to be added:
My brother was 100% right, when he said; "The kiss of death to a politician is to become the joke." And that's all we've got here.

PS: I don't like the war on women, anymore than the war on men! We have got to stop being so stupid about trivial things.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

GOP debate?

I didn't bother to watch the GOP debate, and I sure hope you didn't bother either.
I mean the GOP dog and pony show.
And it's still the same old, same old... What year is this again?

All these guys seem to think they're already running against Obama already. Their not! They are running against EACH OTHER first. Those guys last night gathered to have a large group hug, and cry. There wasn't a single NEW IDEA thrown out there by anyone of them.

Which is why, I didn't bother.

Footnote: Bachmann can't seem the figure out that the GOP war on women; Does include her as the enemy. Personally, I'm not so sure God told her to run. You'd think he could find somebody smarter, who is just as loyal.


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Enough is enough?

MSNBC today reports that people are so tired of politicians behaving badly.
Are you kidding? This is GOOD SHIT! They all NEED to be taken down a notch by something, and sEx is the most trivial something there is, with PEOPLE this powerful.
Some say the answer is MORE WOMEN in Congress- SURE!
You mean more ugly middle age/senior women, with repress lesbian feelings, don't you?

Understand the social nature of men.
Understand the excitable nature of men.
Understand the extrovert.
Understand the emotion addiction and compulsion control (or lack thereof).
Understand the new tool (social networking) which lets like-minded people connect- almost privately.
Understand this is only the beginning of Sexting Scandals.

Enough? I want details with lots of "Ah!" and "Ew!" which I expect to get from Professional Politicians. Anthony Weiner is the first of a new generation of LIVE WIRES, that are eSocially connected. In a few years, this scandal will be as common as mud; and you will wonder why a man's flirting drew so much attention and scorn.

PS: When any man gets away with something, he normally either feels guilty or escalates the THING farther, sometimes both. Hopefully AW will learn from this, and be a better person, rather than a sneakier person. We hold out hope. Still though, Sexting is got to be the biggest bunch of fuss over flirting, I've ever seen. Resign? For needing a little play time, they can't be serious? This is bullshit politics of making mountains out of mole hills. I just don't understand how the Heat on his Bone, makes any difference, when he's chatting with a woman 3,000 miles away?


Tuesday, June 7, 2011


GOP demands "Off with his Weiner!"
Dems confused; "We've seen the photos. Clearly he is circumcised?"

I still think this is the smallest thing I've ever SEEN! (Sorry Anthony).

If the Elephant does it; "Oh naughty, don't do it again!"
If the Ass; "BOW DOWN BEFORE US AND CONFESS, AND RESIGN!..(and while your down there...)"

Facts are the Kochs are going to launch Drill Baby Drill 3. Blaming their oil and gas speculation price pain, as being Obama's problem for not Drilling enough. Hoping that none of you know that they are only drilling about 10% of what is currently available to them on leases. What happened to supply and demand based pricing? Speculation, selling FUTURES has advanced the curve, fucking the whole system up. But blame it all on Democrats, if you're a total retard, go ahead!

I do agree that it is Obama's Fault. But for not REregulating the FUTURES markets.
Think Progress- Kock Oil Speculation


Monday, June 6, 2011

Weiner owns his Wiener

Mr Brightbart,
well? He guilty of flirting, that's not a crime, no matter what kind of picture of his winky are in your position.

Anyone who think they can silence these men, by catching them being MEN had better think again. Prudish old ladies is a bigger con-job than dirty old men. Two and Half Men is a popular TV show, because it exposes men being MEN! We are no longer shocked, and honestly never were.

Most women have sex with men out of pity. Men respond; "Whatever!"

I'm glad to see Anthony come clean, and own his online (game) flirting. I do expect an extrovert like Anthony to do these dirty little things in secret. It's men being men. Which is why I wanted him to own it. I'm even more proud of him now. It's embarrassing, but it's human and it's not illegal.

I still like Anthony Weiner, and I think we should be understanding and forgive. This is a good man.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Palin Tour

Who cares?
A: Mass Media.
A: Cause it beats doing REAL WORK of digging into and trying to understand issues.
Will she run?
A: Who cares?

Weiner's Wiener
He doesn't know if it's his wiener? ??? What about the underwear?
I don't really care if he did it or not, or if it is as he claims, a prank. But come clean, and own the situation. Frankly, I'm a highly sexually charged guy, but I really don't want any picture of my wiener. We have pretty faces for a reason, which is why the media is chasing a bus around, with a quitter inside.

So that's what Palin is up to!
She out to steal Romney's thunder, and clearly the Koch bros are paying her a lot for it too, to drive through killer tornadoes to do it! I don't know if that's greed, craziness, or both- but man, that is devotion! Didn't zackly work though, local news says; "Romney continued to call Obama a failure, while declaring that he's running for President." No mention of Palin at all. Nice try Kockys!

So now we know who's behind the big bus (what is with them and the buses?). I joking said; "I might have support Romney for a while!" Lmao.

Friday, May 27, 2011

No longer feeling Lucky

A friend died today. He was about 20 pounds, and 14" tall. He had the most amazing big brown eyes, like 2 buttons, and white hair. He liked to nip, and have his k9s pulled, and most of all he liked his deep butt massage! If I didn't bring his girlfriend around, he would scream at me- with the highest pitched voice you've ever heard. Any higher and you couldn't have heard it at all. I didn't like to visit with him unless I brought his girlfriend, I got the message. He thought the TV was a window into his yard, and the front house window was TV. He thought that Donkey in Shrek, was a dog, because of it's short legs and over-sized head. Lora (his owner) says he was 15 years old, which is remarkably old for a small dog, and sadly her first dog. Mostly, Lucky lived up to his name well, though Happy would have been an even better named for him. While he was just a lap rat, and pizza beggar, and not a wonder dog, he goes down on the list of pets to be remembered fondly. You were a good friend, and it was an honor to have known you, Lucky Monster.

Monday, May 23, 2011

And they call me cynical?

This was clearly 4 years ago, when George Bush thought he had political capital to spend on Privatizing Social Security. Besides what they want to do to Medicare, now! George Carlin was just a bit too cynical in this one, but he wasn't exactly wrong, either.

How ironic that George delivers this message from the grave yard? He was a better prophet that radio man, and his Rapture (5/21/11).

You might be wondering who is behind this stuff of destroying education? That's a link to Think Progress, by the way, to tell you who's behind the destruction of public education. They don't have to remain nameless!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Common Man Pac

That's right you ordinary people. We need a voice! Our trouble is that there are just too god damn many of us, which leads to too many opinions from being the stupid tools of Wall Street, pissing in the pure stream of righteousness. And too many of us that believe in Common Sense! When Common Sense just becomes actually Common, then there something clearly wrong with it! We need to reduce our numbers greatly, before we become a cancer to the nation.

Now the good news is that 20% are going to commit suicide, so it's the other 80% that are still the problem- we appreciate your sacrifice, not enough of you are taking this option seriously. Enough with the optimism, it's unproductive.

I think we can shed off another 40% of you dumbfucks just with better education, so that will become a primary objective. Better education from grade to graduate school. If you choose to be a bartender with an advanced degree, well we appreciate the moral support, but we really think you should move on to doing better things.

Smoking will help reduce these number farther, as well accidental death. So we will want a lot less safe work space, and more and more cigarette breaks, and less tobacco taxes. This should help reduce the Federal defecate too.

We are opposed to drunkenness, because drinker do live longer, and we're out to reduce the number of common men by other means than murder, so we do not want to make the highway system less safe. The highways are dangerous enough without our help.

That should take our numbers down a good 72% from their current highs. And restore Common Sense to being the rare (belittling) commodity it should be, for the uneducated to scoff with.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Getting it together

Still not a single jobs bill idea from Republican's in Congress.
Obama produces real birth certificate, "Now we need to get onto serious business."
Obama made funny video for the Nerd Ball.
Obama unleashes Justice Department to investigate market manipulation particularly in gasoline.
Obama puts a bullet in Osama's head.
Suddenly Gas prices start to fall.
He might actually turn into the hard nose president we elected him to be.
Stealth Helicopters; oh so cool!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Instant Karma

There is knee jerk chatter from both liberals and conservatives this morning about the meaning of the death of Bin Laden. All of which is just chatter and speculation, nobody really knows what will happen next. In the short term, the fact are that these threats have not gone away, there are still those who HATE America (meaning the USA), who still have plans to do us harm. The question is, can they actually carry out those plans?

Head of the snake.
Here the liberals have a point about the power of just one man. No organization can stand on it's own without a strong leader. And when we say strong, we actually mean very RICH leader. Wealth attacks wealth. Bin Laden being cut off, could starve the rest of the beast over time. There will be a time in which giving will increase to compensate for the loss out of anger. However, anger passes, and with it so do donations. And no organization can survive a lack of capital.

Battle for leadership.
One of the mistakes of Al Qaeda, is the belief that small CELLS can keep the movement going, regardless of what happens. But now, you do have a power vacuum, which any number of empty headed egomaniacs are going to try and fill. When they discover they are not the only ones, they will try and kill as many competitors has possible, and turn organization with a purpose into cancer. (This is chaos, so there no telling what it will bring.)

The Atomic bomb.
This revenge claim is very doubtful. Maybe a dirty bomb, but atomic? We spent 15 years after Bin Laden (many of you forget the USS Kole). How far across the earth can you run, if you go atomic?

We must be vigilant for a while. But for the most part, I will sleep well at night in a world without that monster in it.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pain at the pump

Think the answer is still DRILL BABY, DRILL?
Do you know that there is a surplus of GASOLINE in the United States of America, and yet pump prises continue to rise?
Where is your supply and demand nonsense in that?
There is plenty of oil in world, that's not going anywhere, it's safe.
So where are your simplistic supply and demand rules on that?
Wars on the surface have nothing to do with oil in ground.
You can drill every spot of North American you can fit a pump on, and you will still only produce 1% of the world's need for oil. But the better question is where does that oil go? Here's a clue, there is no USA market for oil, only a global market for oil. You are competing will India and China for every drop of that oil, regardless of where the oil well is producing the product.
FACT: Drill EVERYWHERE in the USA, and it will only lower the price $0.10 in the over the next 20 years. But in 40 years, you will no longer have an oil reserve.
FACT: The taxes on gasoline are about $0.38 per gallon.

Personally, I don't understand this politics? I'm a smart guy, but using 100% of brain on this, I can't figure it out? If you have it all figured out, I'll bet your WRONG, and will eat your underwear sooner or later, as a wish sandwich.

Oil, I'm not a fan of it. It pollutes the ground, it pollutes the air. It will give you cancer, and it will kill you. Yet we burn it in cars, which puts far more Co2, and other very bad gases into the air, than what should not be there, and creates global warming... but everybody wants it. Because they know of no other CHEAP source of energy. Oil is the magic bullet to the energy problem. I want my leaf blower, not a rake or a broom! I want to lift a ton instead of pound. I want to go WAY TOO FAST! I want to zap my dinner in 3 minutes.

I know, I know, I know! I want that to. But I really feel that I'm being had.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Freedom isn't free

Republicans are truly anarchists. They believe in self correction of the markets, which is why you don't need government regulation. What they completely ignore at the same time, is monopoly state of those markets. Competition, is for chumps! How many men have gotten rich, buying solid companies for their assets, only to take them apart for reduced completion, and for profit? So instead of heading for a small market self correction, you end up with a global catastrophe. THAT'S WHY THEY ARE WRONG!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The F(inal) word

Yesterday, a friend told me I was being; "particularly bad, lately!" in a very scolding manner. And that is true! I'm very angry which I'm taking out on my readers, even though I'm trying to talk PAST THEM, to the people who really count (oops, didn't mean it that way). To say simply; "Oh no you don't: We are not that stupid!"

So I'm talking a lot like a thug, just a common thug. And that is stupid on my part.
I'm not exactly asking for your forgiveness in this. Because it's not YOU that I'm addressing with these comments. However, your objections have been noted.

I should try harder, not to be such an in your face jerk. I should be using my talents much more wisely, and being much more articulate, it's true! So I will try harder from now on, again, as I use to, to avoid being vulgar. These just seem as over the top, vulgar times, so I've gotten carried away with myself. (Not that any of you don't know this, about me!)

Mathematically Challenged

Most Republicans in Congress are millionaires. I admit this is a blanket statement, and I really don't like to make blanket statements. This is true, because most of Congressmen are wealthy. And many of them made their own money, instead of inheriting it. However, that does not mean that they started out poor, but they had advantages (education, connections) that made it easier for them to succeed.

So why then, are they so retarded at Math?

They're not. Lawrance O'Donnell recently stole my thunder by bring up this very subject. But I'm betting that none of you watch Larry's show.

To be truthful they are not that bad at math. It's a thing called politics. If you are trying to PROVE your statement that the Government is STUPID, then just fill it with STUPID people, like your useless cousins.

If you want to prove the Government can not be trusted with money, spend it madly, and then just blame the other party or the other house of government. Do the unthinkably stupid, to create a crisis down the road. Once there is a crisis, you can dismantle anything you don't like, "because we have to make tough choices", and "we just can't afford it".

Any of that sound familiar?

NPR and PBS and Planned Parenthood are turning the whole world to abortion as birth control, prostitution, drug addiction, and public universities are teaching Atheism and Darwinism to steal your children's souls too. We're going to hell in a hand-basket because of these damn liberals.

Any of that sound familiar?

The trouble with employment are unions. Just because we don't like people having a livable wage and benefits, they eat too much of OUR enormous PROFITS.

My question is; If these guys are so wise and sound and filled with the Holly Ghost and Common Sense? Why are they so bad at math, and elitist? It doesn't reflect well on God, does it?

Here, learn the TRUTH about the Republican Agenda learn about "Starve the Beast":

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

One man, One vote! You can fix this!